Monday, November 30, 2009

Ein Job den keiner will?

Es ist manchmal schon echt komisch. Nach ein paar Jahren macht man eigentlich kaum noch das, was man ursprünglich mal gelernt hat. Man wird in anderen Sachen gut. Manchmal so gut, dass ein Job bei rausspringen könnte. Und? Man nimmt ihn nicht.

Lieber unterbezahlt woandershin?

Da bietet man Leuten einen gut bezahlten Job. Von zu Hause aus zu festen Konditionen. Gutes Einkommen. Kein MLM. Festanstellung, Agenturarbeit im SocialNetwork mit Profilen via Internet. Einrichten, Löschen, Kontakte knüpfen, für Kunden Profilhilfe geben, ein paar Screenshots hier und da machen usw. etc. Und ab und an ein kleiner “Spezialauftrag”?

Pustekuchen. Will keiner. Oder habe ich einfach nur die falsche (n Person)  Leute gefragt?
Hier würden sich die Leute drum reissen. Aber woanders hat man es wohl nicht so nötig. Lieber weiter schön zu Hause, unterbezahlt irgendwo putzen gehen.
So ganz versteh ich’s nicht. Egal.
Ich schreib die Stelle jetzt mal offiziell über aus. Der Job muss schließlich gemacht werden und ich bin mir fast sicher, dass sich hier mehr dafür begeistern werden.


...And Played The Occasional Chord


It’s been a slow and relaxed day here in rhino manor.  This is a list of most of the stuff I did today.

Drank coffee

Fed the cats

Had a 1/2 gallon of coffee

Ran 7.6 miles in 1:00:25

 Worked out

 Took a shower (after all the sweating i did, the wife would’ve kicked me the hell out if I hadn’t)

 Cleaned out the cat boxes

 Cleaned cat food off of the kitchen floor

 Watched some not very good football

 Read some political news on

 Went to and to look for work (the looking for work portion of the day isn’t done and is never done until i get a job)

 Signed up for a work at home thing, a rare reputable one, to fill time and make a few bucks while I’m home and not working full time.

 Plugged in the Christmas lights and enjoyed the subdued lighting for a minute.

 Made dinner (Beef stroganoff)

 Washed the dishes

 Fed the cats

 Cleaned the bathroom sink. (it needed it)

 Watched some more not very good football

 Checked my fantasy football team 

Checked my fantasy hockey team

 Wrote some small things here on the “rhino nugget” and “running commentary” pages

Was astounded by the amount of hits I’ve gotten over the last few days (over 2,800 the last 2 days, thanks in large part to Christmas pics and posts and whatnot)

 Made sure that my paypal account is still active  

 Fed the cats

Signed up for quantcast

 Looked for work on craigslist, got annoyed that there are no new job listings this week, then found a new one when I gave the system a final look through, and responded to it. (fingers crossed)

 Played canasta and keno on Pogo, and vampire wars on facebook (VW is starting to get old)

 Listened to Christmas carols on XM on the computer,

 Wrote this…

 And played the occasional odd chord. 

Like I said, a slow day.  No wonder I’m getting fat. 


Gonna go do a Lil more looking for work, just in case I missed something,  play a bit more guitar, and finish this blog.

Have a good one.  Later!

Today’s nuggets, via wikiquote: Many people when they fall in love look for a little haven of refuge from the world, where they can be sure of being admired when they are not admirable, and praised when they are not praiseworthy.   Bertrand Russell

It is one of the strange ironies of this strange life — those who work the hardest, who subject themselves to the strictest discipline, who give up certain pleasurable things in order to achieve a goal, are the happiest people.  Brutus Hamilton

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.  Robert A. Heinlein


We Don't Lie to Google

Earlier in November, writer Ben Casnocha wrote this on his blog:

Someone once told me that there is nowhere we are more honest than the search box. We don’t lie to Google. Period. We type in what we’re thinking — good, bad, and ugly. There’s probably no piece of information that would better show what’s on someone’s mind than their stream of searches.

We don’t lie to Google. Nowhere is this more evident than in a handy feature Google uses in its search box called auto-complete. You start typing, and Google begins making suggestions on how to complete your search. If you’re like me, maybe you ignore these suggestions, but paying attention to them yields some interesting results.

Google simply makes suggestions based on the most popular search terms to follow the words you or I enter. Sometimes, the feature is useful, but, other times, we get a peek into the collective minds of others using Google. We see the brazen bluntness with which we search. Sometimes we see the ridiculous questions on our collective minds. Other times, we’re left scratching our heads, asking, “Wait, those are the most popular search terms for those words?”

Why Do We Trust Google More Than God?

We are always honest with Google. It may be the anonymity. It may be the literal nature of search engines. Regardless the reason, we are more forthright with a search engine than we often are with others, with ourselves, and with God. However much we try, though, while we may be able to fool others and ourselves, we cannot fool God. Let’s look at a couple examples of people doing this in the Bible.

  • Adam & Eve. In Genesis 3, God doesn’t give Adam and Even the answer they want regarding the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, so Eve allows herself to be persuaded by the serpent. Adam allows himself to be persuaded by Eve, and, in the end, they seek to blame God for their own error by verses 11-13.
  • King David. In II Samuel 11, David commits adultery with Bathsheba, but that’s just a couple verses of the story. The rest of chapter 11 deals with David trying to cover his tracks, to the point, in verses 16-17, of conspiring to murder Bathsheba’s husband Uriah. He sinks deeper into sin to avoid others learning of his initial sin.
  • Ananias & Sapphira. In Acts 5, this pair seek to look as impressive as the Christians in Acts 2:44-45 and 4:32-37 who give up much, if not all, to share with the brethren. Ananias and Sapphira try to make themselves look more generous than they really are, but their lies find them out.

We can turn to the anonymity of Google to find justification or vindication for almost anything we want. Anything we want to believe, justify, or desire – there’s a site for it. We may be afraid that God won’t give us the answer we want to hear. We may feel like others will judge us if they know about our struggles or sins. We may try to feel better about ourselves by making ourselves look better to others. We wear these façades and shroud ourselves in subtle deceptions to make ourselves more tolerable to ourselves and to others. In the end, though, the only ones we end up fooling are ourselves.

Honesty with Ourselves, Others, and God

This is not a lesson about the dangers of the Internet or the evils of Google. Google is a collection of algorithms, and the Internet is composed of writings, images, and other media created by people. They are what they are. Rather, this is a lesson about trust. It’s about being honest with ourselves and the challenges we face, relying on our brothers and sisters to carry us through difficult times, and ultimately trusting in God to deliver us from temptation and forgive us for our transgressions.

  • King David. Psalms 3, 6, 11, 12, 19, 23, 25, 39, 51 – these and many more illustrates David’s complete trust in God’s word, His protection, and His forgiveness. Psalms 19 celebrates God’s word. Psalm 51 is a prayer for forgiveness after that sin with Bathsheba, and he demonstrates total submission and vulnerability before God. For this trust, God calls David a man after His own heart.
  • Job. Throughout his book, Job is very honest with God and with himself. Job stays true to himself regardless of his wife’s or friend’s opinions. They judge him, but he knows his heart, and Job 31 stands as an example of self-accountability. He knows his heart. He knows how he treats others. Therefore, he can stand before God unspotted.
  • Jesus. Where Adam and Eve reject God’s answer, Jesus submits in Matthew 26:36-42 when He says, “not as I will, but as You will.” His life of service culminates in an ultimate act of trust in God in His willing sacrifice on the cross. He knows God will deliver Him from death.

I Peter 5:6-7 exhorts us to humble ourselves and open up to our God. He cares for us more than any search engine ever can. Hebrews 4:15-16 assures us that our Lord relates to our challenges and shortcomings, and He is willing to lift us up if we only come to Him. Furthermore, Romans 15:1 encourages us to bear each other’s burdens. Galatians 6:1-2 reiterates this and tells us to be gentle with one another during these trials. We have a God willing to help us. We have brothers and sisters willing to help us, but we have to be honest with them and ourselves before we can heal.


God’s word will not always have the answers we want. We can find those answers all around us. It does, however, give us the answers we need. We all have faults. We all have challenges. We need to be honest with ourselves about those shortcomings so we can be honest with our brothers and sisters about them. We may fear judgmental attitudes. We may fear harsh treatment, but, if we love each other the way our God loves us, then we will bear each other up in patience and kindness. We should feel as open with each other and with God as we do with Google. Only then, can we truly begin to build the type of spiritual relationships we should have with one another.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Business Objects Developer with BO XI experience including Designer including WEBI - 30-35K - East midlands

Business Objects Developer with BO XI experience including Designer including WEBI – 30-35K – East midlands

My market leading client is seeking a Businessobjects/Business Objects Developer with Report development, Web Intelligence, Business Objects Security Admin experience and Kimball/Star Schema exposure.

The ideal candidate should have experience of:

  • Business Objects XI R2 or R3 inc Webi
  • Kimball/Star-schema modelling exposure

Any experience of ETL, Deski or SQL Server would benefit but by no means essensial.

Please send me your CV and I will contact you with more details.


Adam Sparey

Head of Business Intelligence, ETL and Data Warehousing

0117 922 7000



After four days of zero views, and many more of zero updates I thought I’d FINALLY do something about it.


So, Here we are.

Happy Turkey Day, unless you aren’t eating turkey– I understand that a lot of people are weirdo vegetarians or happen to like meats besides gobble-gobbles.  I get that.  I love veggies, but I feel that becoming a vegetarian would be awfully mean to all of those veggies out there.  I read an icon, once, it said:

“I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals, I’m a vegetarian because I hate vegetables.”

Ah ha.  That’s hilarious, I love it.  I wish I was a vegetarian so that I could wear a pin that says that.

Speaking, though, of icons.  I think they’re the bumper stickers of our generation.  I mean, you used to look for bumper stickers to get your fill of witty quotes, but now you go to icons.  Truthfully, I like the change– because icons are easier to find a cheaper to use, while you actually have to buy bumper stickers.

I think everyone thanks whatever for the same stuff, generally.  Food, a job, money, a house, and especially friends and family.  But we stood around the table, held hands, and said: “over the lips, past the gums, look out stomach, here it comes.”  That was our blessing, told by my grandfather it was absolutely beautiful.

Reminds me of a scene in Gran Torino, in fact, the first scene.  ”Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch.”  I don’t know about you guys, but I thought that was a fabulous movie.  I also should’ve been thankful for all of the fantastic movies out there, I don’t know what the world would be like without people like Chuck Palahniuk and Will Smith.

By the way, has anyone seen the movie Choke?  I read the book, but I have heard next to nothing about the movie, and yet if it was written by Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club) it has to be good, no?  I heard it won something, or something, but I’m not entirely sure what.  Gimme a second, I’ll look it up.

Well, it got a 6.7/10 on IMBD, but is that good?  Truthfully, I don’t really know. D=  I thought it came out a while ago, but it actually came out last year (2008), which is kind of shocking.  That I can see, it didn’t win anything too notable.

“A sex-addicted con-man pays for his mother’s hospital bills by playing on the sympathies of those who rescue him from choking to death.” That about sums it up, doesn’t it?  Great book thought, if you have a chance– read it, before you watch the movie.

I’ll check out the movie and write up one of those lame little reviews I like so much.

Oh, lemme do what I came here to do: Happy Thanksgiving.


Counting blessings

It is Thanksgiving today, and I would like to join quite a few people in writing about what I am thankful for. I hought I did this sort of entry every year, but when I looked back through my old blog’s archives I realized that the last time was right before Dorkface flew off to Spain, three years ago. This is a bit ridiculous, but perhaps there are some years where I feel the holiday spirit a bit more than others. In any case, said list is as follows:

 1. I am so incredibly thankful for my family. Without Mom and Dad…well, I wouldn’t be here, but besides that, I would never have gotten this far. More recently, I probably woud have self destructed post-graduation if it hadn’t been for their open arms and constant support. I also just happen to have  the most awesome brother in the world, and finally got the sister I always wanted little over a year ago. I wish that I got to see the two of them a bit more, especially on   days like today, but I am so glad to have them.





 2. I am thankful for all of my friends, most especially Jessica and Angela. Even though they’re several miles away, rather than just a few feet, our friendship is just as strong as ever. I’m lucky that many of my other friends are a bit closer, and I’ve gotten to see people more than I thought I would. It’s been hard not being able to find new connections since coming home, but these bonds have been enough for me to rely on, and I cherish every moment I get to see or talk to them.

More wonderful friends:

3. Well, I don’t have pictues for this one, but I’m very thankful for my cars. Even though Maggie is long gone at this point, I will always love her as my loyal first car. It was a little rough at the beginning, but Janet and I (yes, I finally named her!) are starting to get along just fine. She is a lovely car, and has been very nice to have for the job and all my little excursions. Leading me to…

4. My job. Some days it drives me crazy, some days it drives me to tears, but then there are some days where I can’t stop smiling. It’s given me a purpose, money in my bank account again, and has allowed me to meet some wonderful new people. I am grateful for it, even on the awful days, because I have it, and it is getting me through.

5. Technology. I spend way too much time online, but it’s still so nice to have it. Similarly, I am thankful for all things that keep me occupied, such as knitting, embroidery, books, television, and ipods. I know I often find it hard to find things to do with my free time, but that list has helped to keep me sane these past few months, even if it does feel a bit repetitive after awhile.

6. Tea. It is delicious and healing and I am off to go make some now.

I hope you all had a wonderfully relaxing and fun-filled day. Be well, readers.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ziua de miercuri!

M-am trezit greu, a sunat alarma de vreo trei ori pana am reusit sa o inchid si sa fac ochi. Cu greu m-am dat jos din pat, si la 7.30 inca ma invarteam in jurul dulapului, si ma chinuiam sa ma imbrac. Am iesit tarziu din casa, cand sa ies din scara blocului, femeia de servici era la usa cu doua galeti goale. Galeata goala e ghinion, iti spune din start ca nu “umbli bine” . Totusi trebuia sa ajung la job si eram si in mare intarziere, asa ca fara superstitii ca-i miercuri.

Maresc  pasul si  uit sa ma opresc la chioscul de ziare sa-mi cumpar cartea de la jurnalul national. Fac cativa pasi inapoi, cumpar cartea si merg sa-mi iau si un corn. Platesc cornul, pun restul in portmoneu sapoi inchid geanta si plec. Fara corn evident. Noroc cu vanzatoarea care a urlat dupa mine. M-am intors cu  capul in pamant, am luat cornul, mi-am cerut scuze si am plecat mai departe.

Conserva verde (autobuzul) a trecut pe langa mine, eu eram la trecerea de pietoni, am ratat-o. Intr-un final pe la 8.15 eram si eu la job.

Am inceput munca, si am pus o livrare la un furnizor pe data de 1.12.2009 cand suntem liberi, noroc ca am vazut la timp si am remediat situatia.

Intr-un final m-am trezit si restul zilei a decurs cat de cat bine, o dezamagire a mai fost in seara asta ca n-am gasit nici un cadou potrivit pentru cineva drag.

E vremea cadourilor si eu sunt lipsita de inspiratie dar o sa perseverez.

O melodie ca sa ma mai destind si eu :

Kip in taci!


Trying for Employment

Ok, yes I am looking for a permanent role again – contracting is too unreliable at the moment.

Amongst other options, I am also chasing the job adverts.  Being as pedantic as I can be,  I record what I write and to whom, and their response.  You would think that after hearing so much about providing good customer service over the years that all industries will have assimilated some of the rhetoric.

Today was one of those days were you come away thinking that was a good interview (irrespective of whether I am the one for the job or not).  The interviewer was personable, pleasant, knowledgeable, courteous and above all respectful.  He gave me, what I felt, was honest information, he did not pull any punches and he did not give platitudes (he was not nice because he could not be honest).  This told me that there are some agencies that really are working for their money.

At least 50%, on first instance, do not responed all if you are not suitable for the role.  Some make the disclaimer when the register your application, that there will be a nil response unless they do want to interview you  “but we would still like to keep your record on file if something proves more inline with your resume”.   In fact that as happened ONCE – and I did get a job through it (although I was satisfacturaly employed at the time).  About 25% will come back and state if you were unsuccessful.

What surprised me, was the interview I went to with the company itself  (they did not use agencies at all).  I ticked all the right boxes got the impression that I was in the running and told I would hear something within the week, by did wntt move qqickly.  One week lateeI followed up.  An excuse was given that “we had trouble coordinating the times, mainly due to the employing Manager not being around ???? really.  How can they move quickly if they cannot schedule interviews appropriately.   Iwas told they should have an answer the following Tuesday (5 days hence).

And the winner was – who knows, no call, no email, no text.  Completely irresponsible and disrespectful.

And the reelly crazy thnig about all this – my normal role is “Manager”.  Yes I employee staff and I use recruitment agencies AND the feeling is similar from the other side – although you do have a little more clout.

I suppose my gripe with this is due to the fact that part of my portfolio includes Customer Service – my normal title is Customer Service and Supply Chain Manager -  and seeing how bad companies still treat their customers astounds me, especially as the customers keep coming back until something really big changes their mind.  The crazy thing is that honest, respectful customer service is not that hard to do – to set it up is, as there is often a cultural barrier that needs to be removed.

Think about it, good customer service equals good customers, ie they are easier to deal with AND they stay customers.  What  I should do is start a rating register on recruitment gencies, I wonder if that would prompt any form of improvement ??  Also begs the question, are they putting forward the right candidate for the role, are they too lazy (or inept) to do the job right.  Is the potential employer getting what they paid for?

I really do hope it works out for the employer and the new incumbant, and that the recruitment agency did do their job.  Me, I am patiently waiting for the employer that needs my set of skills/experience – just a numbers game I keep reminding myself, so if you are an employer or potential employee, keep asking questions and following up.





I bet you'll keep laughing!

Top 10 most stupid questions people usually ask in obvious situations

1. At the Movies:

When you meet acquaintances/ friends.. .
Stupid Question:- Hey, what are you doing here?

Answer:- Don’t u know, I sell tickets in black over here…

2. In the bus:

A heavy lady wearing pointed high-heeled shoes steps on your feet…
Stupid Question:- Sorry, did that hurt?

Answer:- No, not at all, I’m on local anesthesia.. …
why don’t you try again.

3. At a funeral:

One of the teary-eyed people ask…
Stupid Question:- Why, why him, of all people.

Answer:- Why? Would it rather have been you?

4. At a restaurant:

When you ask the waiter Stupid Question:-
Is the “Chicken Noodles” good??

Answer:- No, its terrible and made of adulterated cement.
We occasionally also spit in it.

5. At a family get-together:

When some distant aunt meets you after years
Stupid Question:-Munna, Chickoo, you’ve become so big.

Answer:- Well you haven’t particularly shrunk yourself.

6. When a friend announces her wedding, and you ask…
Stupid Question:- Is the guy you’re marrying good?

Answer:- No,he’s a miserable wife-beating ,insensitive lout…it’s just

7. When you get woken up at midnight by a phone call…
Stupid Question:- Sorry. were you sleeping?

Answer:- No. I was doing research on whether the Zulu tribes in
Africa marry or not. You thought I was sleeping…. you dumb witted

8. When you see a friend/colleague with evidently shorter hair…
Stupid Question:- Hey have you had a haircut?

Answer:- No, its autumn and I’m shedding…. ..

9. At the dentist when he’s sticking pointed objects in your mouth…
Stupid Question:- Tell me if it hurts?

Answer:- No it wont. It will just bleed.

10. You are smoking a cigarette and a cute woman in your office asks…
Stupid Question:- Oh, so you smoke.

Answer:- Gosh, it’s a miracle ……… was a piece of chalk and
now   it’s in flames!!!


Monday, November 23, 2009

More Injuries!

            A short story today.  It’s another injury story, because people getting hurt can be funny!

            A PA I was working with in Big Bear got hit by a car.

            On the day he was hit by a car we were stuck in the worst blizzard Big Bear had seen in seven years trying to dig out the grip trucks so we could start our first day of shooting.  We were already over five hours behind, which meant we were already starting to go over budget.  At some point something had broke, and at numerous points people had nearly been injured.  An event like someone getting hit by a car was bound to happen and, frankly, not the worst thing that happened that day.

            Still, getting hit by a car isn’t a great experience.

            He and I had been doing the same job since 7am in the morning; running back and forth helping whoever we could.  I was getting fifty dollars a day (it was yet another Lloyd movie) to run through the snow in jeans to try and get a generator on a trailer out of a snow ditch and was seriously debating on asking for a raise.  We might all have had frost bite, who knows.  By 1pm in the afternoon I was soaked, cold, and tired and yet was still running back and forth across a parking lot trying to dig cars out of snow drifts and bring people warm coffee.

            Anyone who lives in snow knows how tough getting cars out of the snow and ice can be, especially if the car has been stuck there for a long period of time.  Basically, even after clearing away the snow, the car can still be stuck because snow underneath the it has frozen over, fusing the car into the ground.  This means that when the car tries to move its tires spin uselessly while nothing happens.  The main way to solve this problem is with brute force; a few people shove the car as hard as they can while the tires continue to spin.  Eventually the car wins and comes free.  Sometimes this action is especially violent, with the car popping free and flying whatever direction the wheels are spinning until the driver stomps on the breaks.  This is always unexpected.

            The PA was running through the frozen over parking lot when a jeep did just that.

            There was a pop, a revving sound, and the jeep flew backward and rammed right into the PA that just happened to be running behind it at that very moment.  The back of the jeep is tall and flat, meaning instead of falling under or over the car the PA was simply hit head on.  The Driver immediately jammed on the breaks as this happened.  The resulting collision caused the PA to fly back over ten feet and tumble end over end on the ground as the car screeched to a halt.

            The Driver got out of the car at the same time the PA lifted himself off the ground.  “Are you okay?!” the Driver asked, clearly worried for the PA’s health.  The PA, in the meantime, was feeling over his body and shaking out his arm which had taken most the blow.  He finally brushed himself off with a groan and looked around the parking lot.

            “I don’t have time for this!” The PA said.  Then he ran back to the hotel, his original destination.

            The Driver was very confused.

            I later learned a few more things.  The PA had thought he was more important moving and helping the crew than wondering about his arm.  His job was important, and therefore since he could still run his job took precedence.  He seemed fine, and therefore didn’t want to worry about it, especially since the car was undamaged.  He did his job to the letter before sitting down and examining his body for any actual injuries.  His arm, he found out, was bruised up badly and sore but otherwise fine.  The rest of his body had some bruises and scrapes but was otherwise unharmed.  With all the chaos happening that day, he had come away relatively unharmed.  He was lucky and he knew it.  Much much worse could have happened.

            He got a free beer that night for marching on after being hit by a damn car, and then went on with his life with a cool story to tell.


Job 2:5: But stretch out your hand now and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will surely curse you to his face

. Satans tactic is to probe and probe until he finds the fatal flaw in a person’s character that leads to sin. In Jesus’ temptation Satan personalized his probe to appeal to Jesus specific needs at that time and place. So it is always. Most people are selectively strong or weak in character. This time God moves the boundaries closer. He says, “You can touch him.” In fact, when Satan uses the phrase, “touch his bone and his flesh,” he asks for access to the total humanity of Job. We still use that phrase today, flesh and bone, to speak of the totality of our humanity — not only our physical body, but our emotional life as well, our conscious and subconscious thinking and reacting. And not only our soul, but our spirit as well. Satan is asking for access to this man Job, to touch him body, soul and spirit — and he proceeds in that order. That constitutes the argument and basic assault recorded in the rest of the book of Job. Satan knows what he is after. He knows that if he can get at Job in every part of his being, he thinks that he can shake Job’s faith and cause him to turn from his trust and confidence in God, and curse him to his face.


moving along

no zen-like youtube music today.  the music i hear is nii-san playing resident evil 5’s mercenaries.  which btw, resident evil 5 gold, ZOMG!  two new champaigns and mercenaries reunion with 8 new players??!  eek!  needs to come out NYYYAAAOOWWW!!

what’s been up recently?  well, things have been getting better since my little relapse, so that’s good.  i’ve been able to do a little mantra meditation and such to get me back in-tuned and grounded again.  also been reading some “happy books”.  yeah…  counselor recommended a few books for me to pick up, so i thought, eh.  why not give it a shot.  plus i haven’t done any reading in FOREVER, so it’s good to get back into it.  i’m just so glad my stupid episode is over and i can get back to taking care of myself and my family.

speaking of family, so beni moved!  ok.  he kinda did.  he moved to his brother’s old room and it’s AWESOME!  it’s so much bigger than his old room.  hell, it’s even bigger than MY room!  we got pretty much all the furniture in the new room, just gotta finish moving all his clothes and such.  there’s so much space there now we can just sprawl out on the floor and chill..which we do.  x3  and gaming is more enjoyable too.  we aren’t dangerously close to the tv anymore so our eyes can endure even longer gaming sessions.  hahaha…  which is good because a lot of good games just came out.  uncharted 2, assassin’s creed 2, modern warfare 2…just noticed these are all sequels.  funny..  anyway, a lot of good games!  here’s how we celebrated the move:

mmm…we DO enjoy the bubblies!  and check out the totally cute purple micro-plush throw beni got for me for the move.  i LOVE it!!!  it’s so soft!!  <33  i think i’m doing what elliot from scrubs did at the end of the series.  i think i’m secretly moving into beni’s place.  haha.  i think that’s just me hoping that one day beni asks me to move in with him.  maybe one day…  ^^;

on the 17th, i met my nutritionist for the free food program i signed up for.  it was pretty cool talking about my current diet and how i can improve it for my health.  she said that i could keep with my vegitarian diet which rocks!  but i have to drink…*gulps*…milk…  ugh!  i’m serious, that shit is nasty.  i’ve been downing it with chocolate syrup and vanilla extract and i still can’t stand it.  i’m glad i only have to drink it half the time.  man…why can’t soy milk be included in the program??  ;A;  speaking of healthy eating, beni just wowed me recently by hitting up a veggie patty sub at subway recently:
veggie patties!
oh my brave man!  i still find it funny that he chose it out of the blue.  i assumed he would’ve ordered something more…dead.  but he enjoyed it and he even said he’d eat it again.  now if i can get him to eat at least a tomato slice…hmm…  baby steps!  also, i went to tijuana flats for the first time yesterday.  it was actually REALLY good.  i had a veggie soft taco and i wanted MORE.  maybe we can go sometime again soon.  we went to the one on this plaza called village place off montague street.  very nice place.  i wish i can get a flat there!

ooo!  and i just got in a few goodies!  i’m so excited for them!

after my favourite ahnk necklace broke a year or so ago, i’ve been going through so many different necklaces to fill the void.  i’ve had a lot but none stuck it out long enough.  the ones made of metal eventually rusted, my hemp ones broke, and my favourite necklace that tita modie gave me is now scattered all over beni’s floor.  ;A;  i finally just decided to go online and just search.  i looked through so many online stores to find SOMETHING that would just call out to me.  there were a few that were begging me to buy them, and i still just might do that, but i finally came across this lovely om necklace that said, “hey, raven.  you know i’m the one for you!”  it’s a lovely little pewter om that i found in a store on ebay.  my last necklace (the ahnk) was pewter too, so i think this was somehow destined.  ^^  and it was surprisingly really inexpensive!  the ones that i kept looking over that i loved were a bit pricey.  around the 40 and up range which i usually don’t mind considering my favourite ahnk necklace of all time was around 70, but this little guy was under 6 dollars!  EEE!!!  and it looks SOOOO much cuter than it’s picture online!  <33  ॐ

i also just got in the crystal wands i ordered earlier in the week.  they are so beautiful!  i was so afraid the ones the lady would pick out for me would be really pale coloured ones, but these are just..uhhh!!!  i love them!  also, the seller sent a tumbled moonstone and aventurine as a free gift!!  i can’t wait to use them all!




Friday, November 20, 2009

A Job!!

So we have taken the job in Ansan!! Hurrah!!

Got the contract a few days ago, had a good look through and it seems good. Reasonable pay, and all the norms you would expect.

Had a little look on Dave’s ESL Cafe at the contracts up there and there was none of the strange clauses in it such as “This contract is final as well as anything else that is decided outside of the contract”…Hmm…..

So we should get a couple apartment, which is good. My start date is 18th December and Rich is starting on 10th Jan, but we are flying out together. Very exciting but we have alot, and I mean ALOT, of stuff to do.

So today we went through the hassle of posting our documents. After printing and taking copies of everything, we packed it up. We gave FedEx a call and they said yes they would come and collect it. However we needed to take some passport photos so we went into town.

Got the photos done and suprisingly, they looked OK! I rang FedEx back and they said “Sorry you’ve missed the collection time, it was 12.50pm”. It was 12.52. No shit. So we said nuh-uh to them.

We called DHL and they said the same thing, but the nearest office to us was nearby so we drove over there. It was actually OK seeing as on the phone they said it would be £54. It was only £28.99 – bargain. Well NOT a bargain but better than what we expected. Also while we were in the office, we heard the guys in the back office F-ing and blinding, very amusing. The guy at the counter apologised, but we just laughed. Turns out the office manager wasn’t in…ah-ha!

So we sent off our documents and contract and that was it. Bit of an anti-climax really. We were hungry and went to Wetherspoons for a gourmet burger, which was yummy and big. But I am still stuffed now.

Off to Teesside tomorrow for Rich’s graduation, woo. Should be fun and looking to get Lapland Bunting on my lifelist, if we can find one. Should be some good birds about what with the wind so looking forward to that. And wearing my new coat, mmmm!! What an exciting life I lead….

Vic is listening to Abba…Supappa, troopapa! I don’t even need to type what Rich is doing. Oblivion.

Despicable You

What the hell are you thinking? What part do you not understand? Would you like me to spell it out to you?


Really? It’s not that hard to understand. I’ve sent you e-mails and spoke to you in person and yet you still do not have an answer for me. Hello!! You are HR you are supposed to have answers for me.

I understand I have to fill out forms just let me know, so that I could fill them out!


Stop asking me stupid questions!

If I just told you that I do not want INSURANCE what makes you think that when I go part time I still want insurance? You still offer it to me like you didn’t hear anything I just said. Why must I say things over and over? What the fuck?

You are despicable!

Just so that I know HR means:

The number one glossary suggestion and question that people request is: “What is the definition of human resources?” William R. Tracey, in The Human Resources Glossary defines Human Resources as: “The people that staff and operate an organization … as contrasted with the financial and material resources of an organization. The organizational function that deals with the people …” Long a term used sarcastically by individuals in the line organization, because it relegates humans to the same category as financial and material resources, human resources will be replaced by more customer-friendly terms in the future.

You on the other hand is this > 

So Fuck YOU!!


Let's make a toast!

Disclaimer: This photo has been staged in order to make a point.

I’m over the age of 21, which means I’m legal to consume alcoholic beverages. And I take advantage of my legality: I like to kick back with a nice Bell’s microbrew or a glass of Shiraz once in a while.

However, I’m hesitant to leave pictures of me with a drink in my hand on social networking sites, such as Facebook, because “Big Brother” (aka employers) are watching.

This is what I find difficult to swallow: I’ve seen pictures of professors, employers, and professionals with a drink in their hands (I’m facebook friends with many of them and even have enjoyed an adult beverage with a few of them). So, let me get this straight: I’m not supposed have photos of me drinking, but you can (directed at a general “you,” not anyone specific)?

And to what extent does this “censorship” go? Am I allowed to have a photo where I have a drink on the table? Am I allowed to be in a photo with someone who has a solo cup in his or her hand? I think there’s a certain point where you have to draw the line.

Much like my friend Dan Hamilton, who recently wrote on a similar topic in our school newspaper, I drink because I enjoy what I’m drinking; not because I want to get “slammed” and make a fool of myself.

The amount of drinks necessary to be considered “binge drinking” is four or more drinks consumed within two hours for women and five or more drinks for men. Many times, my amount of drinking will not go beyond two or three in a night. And even that isn’t very often, most times I’ll have one beverage after a stressful day of work, classes, homework, job hunting, and other anomalies that are relevant to the life of a college senior.

Though college students typically carry the stigmata of binge drinking, not all college students, such as myself, fit the norm. I’m not going to lie and say I’ve never binged on alcohol before, but then again, not many adults can claim they never have either.

When consumed in moderation, I think drinking adult beverages can prove a sense of responsibility and maturity.

What do you think? Should students of legal drinking age hide or censor the fact that they enjoy drinking in moderation now and again? *Should they have to remove every photo that has an alcoholic beverage within the vicinity?

*This question was initially one that went unanswered at this week’s #PRStudChat.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Building in progress...

Lady Gaga

Got back from 5C36 class chalet yesterday. Was too tired to even on the computer let alone blog. The moment I stepped home, I bathed then slept all the way till 10 before I had dinner. Only woke up today 1230pm. WOAH long time since sleeping like that.

I’m glad to say that my mum’s and my relationship have turned for the better. But I’m still going to take on that Acer/Singtel promoter job. $6.50 per hour. Woohoo MONEY MONEY. Two days only though.

Anyway, chalet was AWESOMEZXZX!

I can totally feel everyone bond together. Yay. In retrospect, we didn’t do much except staying in the chalet and talk all night. Maybe other than the crazy arcade sessions. I swear we spent damn a lot on arcade. Even the $15 that was initially in Z’s Tapz card was gone. Everyone kind of just used Z’s card ‘cos he’s some Nebo member and enjoy member’s rates. SO DOES MY CARD REALLY JUST THAT Z THINKS  HIS IS CHEAPER. Stupid boy. But I think we had like super lots of fun playing Daytona as a class. Haha. 8 people and one card. Must chiong to tap all 8 machines within 15 secs. Always just barely made it on time haha. BUT I WON TWICE OUT OF THE THREE TIMES I PLAYED! Wahaha. Damn pro. I’m happy with myself. Didn’t manage to catch 2012 as planned ‘cos the 12.05am show was always sold out by the time we decide to go for it. =/ but I think that kind of forced us to stay in the chalet and play lame games like Survivor or ten lives. Haha. Or just talked about things like dreams. Or just laugh at Quanhuan’s lame jokes. Or maybe some skill-less bridge playing. We are so mundane but I enjoyed it so much. I felt it was so much better than all the previous chalets I had ‘cos most of the chalets that I can remember are all those in cliques and we didn’t really interact a lot as a class. Both Allypee and me were talking on the way to dance that this chalet was rather successful in bonding the class ‘cos we kind of know each other so much more now. (like for example, who snores like a monster and then the rest awake would sing the lion-jungle song) Hahaha freaking lame stuffs.

BBQ was fun too except that the charcoal were a little wet from the rain and it was damn freaking difficult in starting annd maintaining the fire. The food were taking the longest time ever to cook. And the cheap crabsticks were, well, substandard and they tasted freaking horrible. I swear. They tasted like um, flour. HORRIBLE!

Of course, we all had to laugh at Kokswee’s crazy way of fanning the fire in order for it not to die out. Pardon the poor quality of the pictures hahaa. But I swear it was freaking hilarious. LAWL he looked like some satay man on fast-foward mode.

Okay of course, the interview I spent three hours not being with the class while they went karaoke and pool without me while I’m just stoning on the MRT to Jurong East. *Jealous*

Allypee and people were saying I will be too un-formal if I went in just a bandage skirt and a loose top. SO I decided to wear this instead.

Haha DAMN FORMAL RIGHT WTH All the way to Jurong. RIGHTO~

My interview was surprisingly short. But it’s done all in the real formal way. It was scary~! heh, I got the job though. Training will be tomorrow. Hope I’ll be able to do it. All the tech-y stuffs. FML I really hope I don’t screw up LOL.

I’m happy recently, maybe it’s ‘cos of my recent good mood, I am actually building the bridges I burnt years ago. That, is a good thing right? I hope so? I will be going out for a dinner with them tomorrow night. $15 bucks. Hope it’ll be worth it.

Ending the post off with a pretty picture of moi~!

62. None like God

Meditations in Job : 62. None like God

Job 34:29 But if he remains silent, who can condemn him? If he hides his face, who can see him? Yet he is over man and nation alike

Elihu has just declared that it is unthinkable that God would ever do wrong (34:12). Now he goes on to show God’s greatness and why we can make such an assertion that is true. When he says, “Who appointed him over the earth? Who put him in charge of the whole world?” (v.13) he is saying, let’s face it, God is above all beings and there is no one like Him!  God is all powerful and He sustains life and could withdraw it whenever He wanted: “If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath, all mankind would perish together and man would return to the dust.” (v.14,15) The writer to the Hebrews similarly maintained in respect of Jesus, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.” (Heb 1:3).  God is so mighty and life-giving that without Him nothing would exist.

Elihu calls again for Job to think about this: “If you have understanding, hear this; listen to what I say.” (v.16) and then goes on to challenge the ungodly of the world who would dare to challenge the Lord: “Can he who hates justice govern? Will you condemn the just and mighty One?” (v.17).  Can corrupt leaders rule and can they possibly have any right to challenge the Lord? Look, he says, “Is he not the One who says to kings, `You are worthless,’ and to nobles, `You are wicked,’ who shows no partiality to princes and does not favor the rich over the poor, for they are all the work of his hands?” (v.18,19)  No, it’s the other way round, he says.  It is He who condemns them! Indeed, if He wants to, He can deal with them in an instant: “They die in an instant, in the middle of the night; the people are shaken and they pass away; the mighty are removed without human hand.” (v.20)  It is easy for Him to remove them as He wills.

More than that, He sees everything they do: “His eyes are on the ways of men; he sees their every step. There is no dark place, no deep shadow, where evildoers can hide.” (v.21,22)  Implied here is that His justice is perfect for He sees and knows everything and nothing is hidden from Him. Moreover, “God has no need to examine men further, that they should come before him for judgment. Without inquiry he shatters the mighty and sets up others in their place.” (v.23,24) i.e. He doesn’t need to enquire of them like an earthly judge, to try and find out the truth, for He knows it – always!  Thus, because He knows, He can act accordingly and His action will always be just: “Because he takes note of their deeds, he overthrows them in the night and they are crushed. He punishes them for their wickedness where everyone can see them, because they turned from following him and had no regard for any of his ways.” (v.25-27). He sees and He hears everything: “They caused the cry of the poor to come before him, so that he heard the cry of the needy.” (v.28). He knows when they have been oppressing the poor and the weak. he knows when they are guilty, and what they deserve!

Yes, this is the God with whom we have dealings, and He is utterly just, but suppose He appears to remain silent for a while, who can possibly challenge this God who sees all, knows all, and acts utterly justly? “But if he remains silent, who can condemn him? If he hides his face, who can see him?” (v.29a).  If He does remain silent, if He does appear to hide Himself, who can do anything about that and, in the light of all we’ve just noted, who can possibly criticise Him, for He is always just! He is above all: “Yet he is over man and nation alike,” (v.29b) and He is working, as we’ve seen before, to bring and maintain good on the earth, and so part of that is, “to keep a godless man from ruling, from laying snares for the people.” (v.30)

Elihu then supposes words of repentance (which he has heard from Job): “Suppose a man says to God, `I am guilty but will offend no more. Teach me what I cannot see; if I have done wrong, I will not do so again.” (v.31,32)  That sounds all right but it must be accompanied by real and genuine repentance: “Should God then reward you on your terms, when you refuse to repent?” (v.33a) and by implication, he is saying, I’m not sure I’ve seen that in you Job!  I get the impression, is what I sense him saying, that you want God to come to you on your terms, rather that you go to Him on His – total honesty!  So he concludes: “You must decide, not I; so tell me what you know.” (v.33b)  At the end of the day, Job, you’ve got to decide what is the truth about what is going on inside you.

But he makes his own pronouncement on the basis of what he has heard: “Men of understanding declare, wise men who hear me say to me, `Job speaks without knowledge; his words lack insight.” (v.34,35) i.e. tell me you wise men who have been listening to me, don’t you think that Job has been speaking without knowledge?  Well actually, yes he has, but they don’t know that for they too lacked the knowledge of what had gone on in the courts of heaven. But there is truth here, that Job had spoken without knowledge and in some ways he would have done better to remain silent: “Oh, that Job might be tested to the utmost for answering like a wicked man! To his sin he adds rebellion; scornfully he claps his hands among us and multiplies his words against God.” (v.36,37) Yes it does seem that Job has unwisely spoken out about God.

Very well! Who wants to cast the first stone? Who of us would probably not have done the same as Job? How many of us groan and grumble under the awful pressures of the anguish that comes with extreme suffering? Yes, we can sound spiritual and declare with Paul that ‘God’s grace is sufficient’ (2 Cor 12:9), but sometimes it takes a while for us to appropriate that grace, as it clearly did for Paul (for he had asked three times for his ‘thorn in the flesh’ to be removed!).

The reassurance here is that the Lord understands. He is going to educate Job and that includes rebuking him, but after that when Job responds, He fully restores him. It’s a process and it’s why Jesus died on the Cross for us: we suffer, we groan, we don’t always handle it well, we find the grace eventually, and we say sorry for our earlier grumblings, and we are forgiven.  So, put that stone down, you have no right to judge Job or anyone like him!  Let’s look to the Lord for His mercy, grace and forgiveness.  Us weak people have got to stick together!

Ride the wave...down then up.

I’ve spoken to a lot of real estate insiders in my career and have been humbled by many.  Here are some things I understand:

  • There is no shortcut.
  • Love it or leave it.
  • Have a system and follow it.
  • Smile.
  • Don’t talk shi#!
  • Have fun.
  • Take genuine interest.
  • Find something new.
  • Be inquisitive.
  • Listen closely.
  • Ask for the job.
  • Say no.
  • Be honest.
  • Pass business.
  • Say hi, and introduce yourself.
  • Pay attention to business, all aspects.
  • Have a specialty.
  • Show up.
  • Be honest with yourself.
  • Look up.
  • Look back.
  • Do it right or don’t.
  • Slow down.
  • Be accountable.
  • Make suggestions.
  • Be relentless.
  • Believe.
  • Envision the outcome.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Job Offer Outcome Part 2

Hello again:

Currently, I am in the process of getting an interview with Canon.  It is turning out to be a bit more difficult than I thought.  I am working on an outline that emphasizes my sales experience.  (The job is a sales job.)  I will keep everyone posted on the outcome soon!

Ok, onward with my experience in Columbia and Balitmore.  When I left off, I was on my way to my new future job!  Well, here is how my first few days turned out.

The first day in the office was fine.  I did some training/reading.  Talked to the guy for a bit, and was introduced to the secretary.  The secretary was very nice, and we hit it off quite well.  She was an older lady, maybe in her 60’s.  She was kinda slow on the computer, but she knew what she was doing.  She wasn’t too business savvy.  About halfway through the workday, the boss guy and the secretary got into an argument about some papers that were suppose to be signed and mailed.  I felt a little awkward, being it was my first day.  However, during the day, I worked hard, didn’t take a lunch break, and stayed an extra hour.  I wanted to make a good impression.

The second day was much more interesting.  I got there right on time (a little early), and the secretary was already there.  She was in the boss’s office.  I slipped into my work room and got ready for the day.  Soon, the secretary walked by and saw me there; she proceeded to tell me that she had put in her resignation.  It was not a two week one, but an immediate resignation.  I didn’t really know what to say.  I was thinking, was this because of me? was I “taking” her job? it was a weird situation.  I made some friendly chatter about how I had just gotten to know her, and she was already leaving.  This resignation was a bit of a shock to me because that would mean I would have double the amount of work.  It also threw up a flag concerning the type of leadership the boss would have.  I was concerned, and I think this is part of what helped me make my choice to leave.

After the secretary left (she worked part time), the boss came in and told me about the situation.  He said it was a long time coming that this would happen.  I sorta just listened to him talk, soaking in his body language and attitude.  It seemed like it wasn’t a big deal and that he was glad she was gone.  I asked if this meant I would have to do some of the secretarial work.  He said yes.  I was disappointed.  I was not looking forward to being his personal paper pusher.  I don’t think he could read my body language.  The second day, I also did not take a lunch break.  We had a presentation to go to – lunch was provided.  Again, I worked overtime.

I don’t want to spoil the third day’s activities and the ending, but I guess you already know that it didn’t work out.  I will post my 3rd installment soon!

To be continued…

Keep your heads up everyone!  There will be a job for you in the near future!

- The Jobless Graduate

I should be ashamed!

What’s up with the lack of updating the blog?

It’s been a CRAZY fall. Starting college, and working… It’s just been so much.
I feel like maybe the days are getting less chaotic now and it’s not long before christmas!! YAY!
It’s so weird because I have routines on my days but I feel like I’m in the start-phase still.
I love studying sociology and I love my job. It challenge me in so many different areas of my life,
and I love the possibility to get stretched and to learn new things. It’s what makes a person keep growing as a human being.
If you stop developing, you stop living.
We’re not made for only excisting!

Anyway.. the studies and my job makes it difficult to have enough time for, for example, blogging,
but I’m alive and I enjoy life!!
And all the new people in my life… I LOVE IT! It’s so great! Amazing!
I feel so blessed!
And on top of that.. christmas is just around the corner.. it’s not that long befor we enter in to the best month of the year..

December..The month with all of it’s lovely tradition, smells, tastes, music, family, friends and magic.

I can’t wait for December 1st when I finaly can drink the christmas soda, eat ginger snap and listen to christmas music. But NOTHING before that!! No cheating!
until then I will keep working on my schoolproject, and maybe start reading for the exam I have…


Well, guess i wont completely stop ranting about work until i really get the F out of here.
Since my tender, and with reference to my contract, my last day would be 18th November 2009.
Which is,in 2 days time.

BUT, my boss literally begged me to stay till Xmas until they get a replacement. And guess what? I pitied them. i ACTUALLY pitied them. This is the problem when u get too soft you know? Your future crumbled.
I’m stuck in between my own future and happiness and my dad’s workload. Yeah he is my colleague. (Whole office doesnt know though. We are like in a spy movie.) So apparently, i told him i am able to HELP them till Novemebr 30. Which is in 2 weeks. Im sure i can handle 2 weeks right? Besides, they are paying me.

Well okay. I shall start counting down.

Friday, November 13, 2009

So guess what? I used to be a journalist.

Greetings, blogosphere.

I have a secret.

Although there are surely a million former journalists out there happily writing blogs, I am one former journalist who would much rather be back at my former full-time job.

I’m starting this blog because a) I don’t have a job right now and need something to keep my mind engaged; and b) I truly hope that others in a similar position to mine – women in the midst of career/life transitions, foreign service and military spouses whose careers have taken unexpected turns, and anyone else who juggles their current and former lives – will find a home here to share and learn from our experiences.

So what’s your deal?

I’ll try to make  a long story short:  I got an MA in Journalism in Public Affairs from American University (I specialized in Radio and Television News, which sounds very quaint and old-fashioned these days…) and worked for seven years at The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.  I spent four years as a production assistant and then three years as a reporter covering foreign affairs.  I can honestly say I loved my job, I loved going to work, and would never have quit my job but in 2005 my husband had an opportunity to move to Vienna, Austria for his job – and so we went.

Living in Austria was one of the richest experiences of my life and worth all the trouble and effort in every regard except one – I never realized how difficult it would be to get back into a full-time job after my time off.  We lived in Austria from 2005-2008, and my son (my second child) was born shortly after we returned to the U.S. so I didn’t really start job hunting again until mid-2009.

So why don’t you just go back to work?

It’s not that easy.  Actually, it’s been very frustrating.  Although I did some freelance and contract work while in Austria, I haven’t worked full-time since June of 2005, and in current job climate, opportunities have not been abundant (or even available!)

I’ve been applying for jobs since late spring, and am fortunate to have had a number of interviews, but nothing has panned out.  I’ve considered looking into jobs in other fields, like communications and PR, but my heart and soul is still seeking the vigor of a newsroom.

So what are you doing in the meantime?

So now my days are filled with watching my 13-month-old son, waiting at the bus stop for my 5-year-old daughter, updating my resume, writing cover letters, attempting to network with former colleagues and make new contacts in the industry, grocery shopping, and now blogging….


Dann mal ab ins Wochenende...

…mit ner neuen Weisheit im Hinterkopf: Heute ist ein guter Tag – um niemand anderes zu sein. Sei du selbst! Verbringe dein Wochenende mit den Menschen, die dir das Gefühl geben, dass du so sein kannst, wie du wirklich bist. Imitiere niemanden. Spiele niemanden etwas vor. Vor allen Dingen dir selbst nicht. Dann wird dein Leben  entspannter und erfüllter. Und du wirst erkennen wer DICH ehrlich und uneigennützig liebt.

Ab Montag gibts hier wieder Technisches. Wir haben einiges gebastelt diese Woche. Das will ich euch nicht vorenthalten.

Passt aufeinander auf!

Feuchte Grüße

Euer killerfish

Power Principle

A manager empowers others by providing them with the skill and confidence they need to meet the standards of excellence. People must be able to meet the standards if they are to have the power to achieve success. A manager has more power to achieve his own objectives when the people who work for him are able to meet the job standards.

My Consultancy–Asif J. Mir - Management Consultant–transforms organizations where people have the freedom to be creative, a place that brings out the best in everybody–an open, fair place where people have a sense that what they do matters. For details please visit, Lectures, Line of Sight.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Job: Director - Scottish Sculpture Workshop (SSW)

Full time post
Deadline for Application: 4th December 2009
Salary: £28,00 to £32,000 depending on experience

The Board of the Scottish Sculpture Workshop wish to appoint a dynamic leader who can work from a rural base to manage a research and production facility for artists.

Role: to deliver the objectives of the organisation with overall responsibility for the day-to-day running and development of a key arts provider in Scotland.

SSW has a long relationship in developing and challenging the notions of sculpture and sculptural practices. The programme generates new work and formal and informal debate that relates to this history and to current concerns of contemporary art and sculpture.

SSW aims to be visionary in supporting the professional development of artists, nationally and internationally and to be effective in the production and distribution of experience, benefit and enjoyment of the work of the organisation to the wider region. It provides a dynamic hub of creative activity in central Aberdeenshire that is generous, diverse and accessible.

For further details on or Email: or Tel: +44 (0)1464 861 372.

Typical Day At Work

This has been a crappy morning so far. I couldn’t get out of bed, just wanted to sleep more. I kept thinking of ways to not go to work. What could I do instead? How could I afford to call in and miss those hours? What would DB say to me?

I got my seasonal flu vaccine shot this morning. I barely felt the shot at all, but my arm is killing me right now. I have a big old lump and it really hurts to move it (and I’m supposed to move it and keep using it as much as possible). I got the H1N1 vaccine a few weeks ago and barely had any side effects at all. Wonder why the shots have such a different reaction? I had a painful arm after the flu shot last year, too. If anyone knows an explanation, please share it with the class.

We had a department meeting just before lunch and didn’t learn much new information, as usual. Had lunch with DB as I do every day, and now I’m back at my desk, trying to decide when to leave work early. Do I leave right now, or wait a few hours?

OK, I got busy for a bit, and now I’m less inclined to leave early. I think I can make it to the end of the day if I focus on keeping busy. A career shouldn’t feel this way. I should jump out of bed in the mornings, excited to get my day started. I should be so involved with my daily activities that I lose track of time and my day is over before I realize it. I shouldn’t be bored or miserable every day. There are always going to be things I don’t enjoy doing, so I know I will have “bad” days now and again. Those bad days shouldn’t be the majority. This is why I can’t think of anything else right now except changing my life and becoming something better.

project opportunity: Transmsission Engineer - Belgium

Dear Romulus Ramses

If you are currently eligible to deliver your services as a freelancer in Belgium, please read the below:

Manning Global Group is looking for a Nortel Transmission Engineer for a 3 months project in Brussels/ Belgium, starting ASAP

Role includes further expansion of client’s network, building and documenting of new circuits on KPN’s SDH/Ethernet network, provide 2nd level support on incidents on SDH/Ethernet network, support of the Network Build team.

Skills needed are: good knowledge of transmission equipment & monitoring tools, experience with all Nortel/Ciena Metro Ethernet (MEN) Equipment from TN1c to CPL including the OM6K & OM5K family, knowledge of Nortel Carrier Ethernet MERS8600 desirable.

If you are skilled and available please submit your updated CV in Word doc format to Claus Wolfsteiner at or call +49 89 23889834, reference MGCW/MEN/11376

Look at our current projects updated daily on our website

Kind Regards,

Claus Wolfsteiner
Operations Director

Manning Global Group
New York – Munich – Liverpool – Luzern (CH)

Tel: +49 (0) 89 2388 9834
Fax:+49 (0) 89 2388 9833
e-mail: claus(at)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Not A Bright Shiny Moment

Let’s play a little game called “What If?”  I’ll ask the questions and give my answer to it, then if you want to play too leave your answers in the comments. 

 What if there are a bunch of young muscular studs working really hard in the ware yard behind your office, do they need to be harassed?

 In my eyes anyone younger than me is fair game.  Of course I am going to bug them; it keeps them focused and they work harder to prove this lady wrong.

 What if they decided to harass you back? Do you amp up the remarks or walk away?

 Now who out there that knows me would even begin to think I would walk away from that.  Of course not, I amp it up and try to keep up with the guys, for some reason I feel like I have something to prove to the male species.

 What if  they start showing off by finding these big boards and trying to move them one person to a board, after they strip off the shirts and give you a good showing of their sweaty, young muscled bodies?

 Hell ya I am going to look!  I never walk away from a free show, especially one like that.  Don’t forget I am still making comments; I want to see just how far they will go on this fine afternoon of showing off.

 What if they get the brilliant idea that they need to break these boards to fit into the truck better just to show how strong they really are?

 Well more comments come out of my mouth and I continue to stand there enjoying the show the boy toys are putting on.  Come on ladies don’t tell me that you are not picturing all of this and drooling on your keyboards.  I was there and I still drool a little bit lol. 

 What if, in the spirit of things they dare you to try and break one of these half rotten boards?

 As soon as one of the young’un looks at me and says, “You think you’re so tough you get over here and try it!”  I am on my way to them.  There is no way in hell I am going to let them talk to me like that and not do anything about it.  I, again I am trying to keep up for some reason, step up and they pick out a pretty board for me to take a whack at.

 What if they were breaking the boards by kicking them but I want to out do the biggest guy and choose to hit it instead?

 I will tell you what happens, after the second punch to the board (it did not break with the first punch) your hand feels like it went through a meat grinder, tears well up in your eyes, you notice instant bruising but you maintain your cool in front of the boy toys.  Slowly as your hand is swelling inside your pocket you pretend your cell phone is ringing and walk away to take the important work call.

 What if you end up at the doctor the next morning because your hand won’t move and your knuckles look like they belong to a boxer?

 I humbly walk into the doctor with my hand wrapped in ice and my head hanging low just to be sent to the hospital for x-rays.  I return to the doctor to be informed that I flattened two knuckles and broke the bone going down the back of my hand from my ring finger.  I am splinted and referred to another doctor.

 What if you have to go home and face your family and boyfriend?  Do you lie or tell the truth?

 I am here to tell you that I should have thought about that before taking a pain pill and lying down on the couch for a while.  My boyfriend came in and asked me about it.  Of course I was loopy and told the truth.  He told me to make sure and not tell anyone I hit it twice it just sounds bad.  That is after he spent forever laughing at me.  He cannot understand why this 5 ft 4 woman of 135 lbs would ever try to keep up with guys that do that work for a living. 


So there you have it that is how I managed to break my hand a few weeks ago.  I went to the specialist last week and he found calcification in the last two knuckles from healing and one more spot in the back of my hand that is calcifying from the healing process that makes a total of what looked like 4 cracks.  He also informed me that I have a lot of soft tissue damage, changed me into another splint that immobilized my thumb and said come back in a month. 

 I am tough so comment away lol!!  I will say this much, next time I will make sure to get one of the rotten boards like the guys did.


Taking the "noise" out of the way!

Talking about the destiny of sales positions, I want to make an analogy among new ways of buying. Today, we buy on the Internet and for those people that already work in the market it´s not something new to say that we always need to facilitate this process. All the time we are trying to make it easier for the consumer to press the “yes” button on your site. It means that we need to take the “noise” out of the way. If a consumer wants to buy, we don´t have to put lots of information because that makes everything so confusing. We need to make as simple as possible. For example, if you just make the “yes” button a little bigger it may increase yous sales. So, is the salesperson a “noise” on the way? Think about it!!!


The creative and professional team at Badec Bros Mosaic was approached to design and create mosaic table top panels, created from multi-coloured mosaic tiles.

No job is too big or too small for the Badec Bros Mosaic group. The circular mosaic panels were adhered to strong Duramesh and then adhered to the steel table tops.

Badec Bros Mosaic has created many beautiful mosaic art pieces both indoors and outdoors and continues to grow from strength to strength, with trend-setting designs and professional installations.

Should you be interested in having Talita Badenhorst design and quote you on a unique mosaic for a wall in your home, office or garden, you can contact her on her e-mail address at  

She will gladly arrange an appointment with you to stun you with her creative ideas.

Friday, November 6, 2009

What Does the Economic Recovery Mean For Employment?

The Wall Street Journal recently posted an article on current economic trends, saying that the economic recovery is not extending to employment. Day after day, America is sent conflicting messages, “recession is ending,” “employment expected to rise on 2010,” “economy improves along with job market,” so its no question that job seekers and employers are confused.

States are beginning to see their economies improve, but employers across the country have yet to partake in this improvement. According to the Department of Labor, manufacturing productivity and real estate markets are stabilizing, with manufacturing up 13.6 percent in the third quarter, while unemployment rates hit ten percent in a quarter of the states.

On the contrary, a separate report, ‘the beige book’, stated that commercial real estate was “weak or deteriorating” throughout the nation. Another report noted that most of the twelve districts showed economic “stabilization or modest improvements” within businesses.

The main reason consumers have yet to follow the path toward recovery is the mere fact that businesses aren’t hiring. Jobs remain sparse for the nations fifteen million plus unemployed. However, still seen are improvements in temporary and contingent hires with rates hitting a 0.64 percent increase in the past month in addition to a decrease in general layoff rates.

Unemployment reports showed states that rely most on manufacturing and non-farm sectors were hit hardest in overall rates. On the bright side, twenty-three states were able to witness a rise in employment rates. An economist for LPL Financial in Boston nailed it when he stated, “You are in that period where the recession is over but you don’t have job growth. And until we get job growth, nobody is going to believe the recession is over.”

According to the American Staffing Association, staffing employment is 20.3 percent higher than it was at the beginning of this year, indeed a good start to a much-needed recovery.

Rage against GM over 10,000 planned job cuts at Opel

 Angry German workers on Thursday protested General Motors’ shock refusal to sell its European unit Opel and its plans to cut 10,000 jobs, moves slammed as a slap in the face for Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Around 10,000 workers demonstrated at Ruesselsheim near Frankfurt, Opel’s biggest German factory, while 3,000 downed tools at Bochum, another 3,000 at Kaiserslautern and around 600 at Eisenach.

GM wants to slash costs by 30 percent at Opel, which would mean the elimination of about one-fifth a workforce of around 50,000, GM vice president John Smith told a telephone news conference.

“Opel — the big piss-take,” screamed the front-page headline of the mass-selling Bild newspaper. “The Americans duped everyone.”

GM even warned employees and unions that it could still allow Opel to flounder if the workforce upholds its threat to refuse wage concessions — a move blasted as “blackmail” Thursday by the German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung. GM, Opel’s 80-year union

Opel workers demonstrate with banners at the main plant of carmaker Opel in Ruesselsheim, western Germany, during a protest one day after General Motors’ shock refusal to sell its European unit Opel and plan to cut some 10,000 jobs

GM estimated it would need 3.0 billion euros (4.5 billion dollars) in state aid and was confident it could secure the sum from Germany and other European countries where Opel and the British Vauxhall unit have plants.

The announcements came a day after GM, which was struggling with a bankruptcy reorganisation backed by the US and Canadian governments, stunned the auto sector by abandoning an agreed plan to sell Opel to Canadian auto parts manufacturer Magna International and state-owned Russian bank Sberbank.

It said it would restructure the unit itself, just hours after an unwitting Merkel gave a historic speech before a joint session of the US Congress and held talks with US President Barack Obama.

Obama assured Merkel in a phone call on Wednesday evening that he was “not involved” in GM’s decision, Merkel’s spokesman said Thursday.

Germany’s economy minister on Wednesday slammed GM’s behaviour as “totally unacceptable.” Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Thursday called the US firm’s decision “disdainful.”

“The last-minute withdrawal from the completion of this deal does not harm our interests, but to put it mildly, it reflects our American partners’ peculiar way of dealing with their counterparts,” Putin said.

Merkel’s government had invested major financial and political capital in saving Opel from insolvency before a September general election that which she handily won.

Beyond pledging 4.5 billion euros in state aid for the ailing company, Berlin spent months shepherding a rescue deal.

About half the company’s employees work in Germany and although Magna had said it would cut around 10,500 jobs, Berlin had been confident that most of the German staff would be spared.

“It is incredible how GM has played with the feelings, the fears, the worries and the needs of Opel workers and their families,” Klaus Franz, the head of Opel’s works committee, told demonstrators in Ruesselsheim.

“I’m going to laugh myself sick if GM restructures us. It’s not going to work, it’s all going to go down the drain,” Uwe Raubert, who has worked at Opel for 33 years, told AFP. Opel workers fear for their futures

In contrast to Germany, in Spain, where many had feared local workers would bear the brunt of a sale to Opel, the press was largely optimistic about the effects of the GM turnabout.

And Britain’s biggest trade union Unite, which greeted GM’s decision with delight on Wednesday, said Thursday it was keen to work with GM to ensure job cuts at Opel were voluntary.

Peter Mandelson, British business minister, said there must be a “fair balance” of jobs lost and state aid given by European governments.

“And that is of course something that we have yet to discuss amongst ourselves and with the GM management.”

Source: SGGP Bookmark & Share

It's been awhile...

We’ve had a lot going on at work that if I at all discussed, my secret identity would be quickly identified…should some random person from my workplace stumble across this blog.

So far in the last month, The D has had some medical testing, which turned out A-OK. That was a real relief since if it hadn’t we would be discussing another surgery for him. We’ve also been hit with H1N1. The Husband, The G, and The D all got sick. The D had to have prednisone and Tamiflu. Everyone else managed to get through it with minimal pharmaceutical help. I was unscathed.

I also got my H1N1 vaccine at work, the live one. No problems here, no symptoms, no side effects, no extra head growing out of my back.

I’m pondering a few posts and will hopefully have some new social work-y material for my 6 readers soon!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Statistiche sul service design pubblicate da Service Design Hub

L’80% delle imprese pensa di offrire un servizio di qualità superiore e solo l’8% dei consumatori concorda (da Closing the delivery gap).

Questo uno dei dati pubblicati da Service Design Hub nel post “Service Design Statistics”, che seleziona una serie di dati particolarmente significativi per comprendere le potenzialità del service design, ma anche le difficoltà che trova nell’affermarsi come disciplina riconosciuta.

Riporto i dati pubblicati nell’articolo, che può essere letto per intero al link

- 80% of the GDP of USA is services.

- 39% of China’s GDP is in services.

- More than 80% of design-led companies have introduced a new product or service in the last three years, compared with just 40 per cent of UK companies overall (from

- Only 6% of service companies see any role for design within their organisations.

- 66% of companies which ignore design have to compete mainly on price. In companies where design is integral, just one-third do so (from At your service By Damian Kernahan)

I hate money

Because it rules the world, because everyone needs it, because it’s hard for someone this young to get. I mean seriously. Why can’t the government just gift us a car and a job when we turn sixteen? I really want a job now to pay for a lot of stuff I need to pay for, but there aren’t any jobs around Poland. Which means I need a vehicle, or a friend that loves me enough to drive me around. Before I get a vehicle, I need to take driver’s ed, and that’ll cost me about $200 — which I can’t pay for with no job. If a friend drives me to work, it’ll be a burden on them, unless we work in the same place. So…what the heck can I do?

Once again, no excuse for me not writing. Just didn’t feel like it, didn’t have time, too tired, blah blah blah. To catch you up (again) really quickly, you guys missed my birthday party, the Beta induction ceremony, Zoo Boo and a party on Halloween, and the field trip to Houston.

My party was really awesome. Only four people showed up — Kris, Katelynn, Tyler, and Kayla — but we still had an amazing time. At the bowling alley we bowled one game (I came in third… Go me.) during which Kris slipped and tripped on his butt, causing me to flail, causing my arm to hit Kayla’s Dr. Pepper, causing it to fly across the lane and spew everywhere. Yeah. I got ten bucks from Katelynn, a journal from Kayla, and some perfume/lotion/shower gel from Kris. (Courtney got me a present too, which she left at her mom’s house…so I still haven’t gotten it and have no clue what it is.) We also attempted to play pool. I failed. Miserably.

Afterwards we all went back to my house to play Guitar Hero 5 that I rented from Hastings. And shortly after that we tried to watch The Messengers 2, but no one could pay attention. We were all having conversations with each other. Kris and Tyler went home at eleven PM and Katelynn and Kayla so I was so excited about Katelynn spending the night because her mom hasn’t trusted her to be here for a very long time.

As for the Beta induction ceremony, well… There isn’t much to tell. I had to read a paragraph about sincerity. None of my family members came but I got some loud applause when they called my name, so it’s all good. And I got a cool pin for my jacket, w00t w00t.

I can’t say I had an amazing time on Halloween. I’d be lying. It was my first year not going trick or treating, which was pretty upsetting. Instead I went to Zoo Boo to get some community service hours. That involved me standing in the freezing cold in a short sleeved army dress well above my knees that was confused as Peter flippin’ Pan for three hours saluting random strangers. When that was finally over I had to get half naked in a car and change for Amanda’s Twilight themed party. The party was okay — I just thought it was going to be a lot of people there. But I got to see Kris for the only time that weekend so I was happy.

The field trip to the Holocaust Museum in Houston did not meet my expectations. I hate the idea of driving to a place and staying there for a shorter time than it takes you to even get there, and that’s what we did. I didn’t really learn anything I didn’t already know — but it was interesting to see actual pictures and memorabilia from the Holocaust. Personally, I think it would’ve been smarter to visit the museum and then do the three page paper we had to do. At least the museum would have been more interesting then. And oh my God, never again will I eat at the Golden Corral. The food there is disgusting (except for the ice cream).

Now, I hope that a certain SOMEONE is happy I wrote -coughCOURTNEYcough- but I’m really tired and I’m going to bed. Hasta la pasta.


truly yours,

Now playing: Jason Derulo – Whatcha Say
via FoxyTunes

Policies for on-line cultural collections (part-time job, Melbourne)

The people that I work with at RMIT Business have a part time position going at the moment. I’m hoping that you, or someone in your network, might be interested in taking it up. It would be good for someone who with research skills who cares about knowledge and knows a bit about the Web.

It is a part time position for 4 days per week from 1 February – 31 October 2010. It pays $31.98 per hour.

The project is looking at the policies behind digitizing objects and putting them on line. Up until now, a lot of museums have worked with material that was out of copyright, the creator was dead and gone, and there are no ongoing relationships to worry about. In that situation, the policies are pretty clear.

When you are a museum or gallery that wants to do the right thing, preserve and develop your relationships with the creator community and build something that will last, it gets tricker. Objects from the recent past are part of a living culture. They deserve respect. That means that you need to get the policy right first.

So we are looking for someone who can:
+ work with the Pacific communities in Melbourne.
+ build a clear picture of their approaches to traditional knowledge and intellectual property.
+ work with us to codify that picture.

We need someone with:
+ an understanding of ethnographic research.
+ the ability to listen really, really well.
+ at least a Bachelor with Honours degree, at least.
+ the ability to communicate and write well.
+ Australian citizenship or permanent resident status.

The range of disciplines that might be relevant is quite wide. Anthropology or Sociology would be ideal, but I can also see space for Pacific Studies, Media Studies, Museum Studies, Art History, Art Conservation, Curatorship, Creative Media, Multimedia Studies, Animation or Interactive Design, depending on your background and experience.

If you have done previous inter-disciplinary team research, that would be great. If you have publications in related fields, that would be great, too.

You would be working with a good group. Our recent projects have looked at a range of things: online banking and remittances, off-shore privacy agreements, why people buy stuff online (or don’t), new intermediaries, Web accessibility in Australia, and mortgage fraud. A bunch of stuff, united by two themes: where is the user and what is the law? Answering these questions often helps us understand what is actually going on in an online situation.

If you are interested, please send an letter expressing your interest and a CV to Professor Supriya Singh by 16th November 2009. Please e-mail:

Here is the official information:
Expression of Interest: Digital Cultural Collections: Copyright and Traditional Knowledge

The Smart Services Cooperative Research Centre at RMIT University is seeking Expressions of Interest for a Researcher to work four days (28.8hours) a week. This research project involves developing medium and long-term relationships with the Pacific communities in Melbourne to understand their approaches to traditional knowledge and intellectual property as cultural collections go digital. Ethnographic research methods will include participation observation. Interested persons should at least have a Bachelor with Honours in Anthropology, Sociology, Pacific Studies or Media Studies. We would highly value previous inter-disciplinary team research and publications in related fields. The researcher would be able to write well and undertake literature reviews and other research related activities.

The project will run from 1st February 2010 to 31st October 2010. This research role is a casual position at $31.98 per hour. The researcher will be located at the School of Accounting and Law.

Expressions of interest and CVs should be sent to Professor Supriya Singh by 16th November 2009. Please e-mail:

Monday, November 2, 2009

despre frustrari sau lipsa dulcetii de mure

Ati mancat dulceata de mure cand erati mici? Dar de prune? Dar de coacaze? Da? Ceea ce vreau sa subliniez aici este ca in ipostaza in care as continua sa enumar, ar exista un tip cel putin de dulceata pe care sa va fi dorit sa-l gustati si pe care din diferite motive nu ati reusit sa-l gustati In fond cu cat aveti mai multe lucruri care v-au fost interzise atunci cand erati mici cu atat sunteti mai frustrati! Nevoia de spatiu, atentie, dulce, acru, jucaria din vitrina, biscuitele prietenului, fetita in roz a vecinei, etc. toate acestea si multe altele peste, constituie motive clare de frustrare!

Acum bineinteles ca sunteti o persoana educata, cu bun simt si poate si cu un job si statut social apreciabil insa frustrarile exista si pot fi activate de orice – un cuvant, un tipat, o imagine… orice!

Atunci cand suntem mici suntem asemeni unor animale cu nevoi si dorinte stringente. Orice refuz in acest stadiu, produce o frustrare, iar in momentul in care educatia isi face loc, aceasta vine si indeparteaza animalul, atasandu-se pachetului de frustrari deja creat.

Schema logica a acestor interactiuni subtile este usor de urmarit. Andreea este o fetita care toata viata si-a dorit sa manance dulceata de mure – dulceata de mure a vazut-o la Andrei vecinul de bloc, insa aceasta pofta i-a fost refuzata atat de parinti cat si de Andrei care nu a impartit niciodata dulceata de mure cu vecina sa mai mica.

Copila Andreea a dezvoltat un dezgus fata de oamenii (baietii) care pot sa manance ceea ce ea nu a putut – de aici si dezgustul adolescentei Andreea pentru tot ceea ce inseamna relatii cu niste fiinte atat de zgarcite (baietii) – apoi frustrarea sexuala atasata fiindca cele doua imbolduri se bat cap in cap – cel de atractie si cel de respingere…

Complexitatea problemelor si ramificatiile acestora nu pot fi urmarite din pacate, insa sper ca exemplul meu sa fie destul de simplu si clar pentru a putea sublinia o forma de comportamentalism al frustrarilor. Eu cred ca maideparte o frustrare poate sa te conduca si deci sa obtina recatii de la tine si… starea psihica nociva sa te domine…

Toate astea pornind de la dulceata de mure…

They Teach Us To Be Slaves

They Teach Us To Be Slaves

You are born now,

Inside a World full of solitude,

They give you a number…

And then a name.

We are Slaves,

Our brain Keeping asleeps,

But I scream:

I’m not the stupid that you are,

I stand up, I rise my fist,

I take the control of my thoughts,

They hit me but I resist.

The school is a prison

Where we begun the falling,

Can you feel the sulfur (society) in your brain?

It’s called society (sulphur)

We are Slaves,

Our brain Keeling asleeps,

But I scream:

I’m not the stupid that you are,

I stand up, I rise my fist,

I take the control of my thoughts,

They hit me but I resist.

You don’t work

Like a perfect machine

For your comfort,

You’re giving your life

To a people that treat you like a trash.

We are Slaves,

Our brain Keeling asleeps,

But I scream:

I’m not the stupid that you are,

I stand up, I rise my fist,

I take the control of my thoughts,

They hit me but I resist.

Bastards (bastards)

Fuckers (bastards)

Bastards (bastards)

Fuckers (bastards)

We are Slaves,

Our brain Keeling asleeps,

But I scream:

I’m not the stupid that you are,

I stand up, I rise my fist,

I take the control of my thoughts,

They hit me but I resist.

By Kürten JamesonürtenJameson/

Monday morning

Die Top 1000 auf  SWR 1 sind leider rum. Der Sieger war mal wieder ne totale Überraschung. Aber auf den ersten 20 Plätzen stehen nun mal die besten Songs aller Zeiten. Da lass ich auch nicht mit mir diskutieren

Und weil die Serie sich so bewährt hat,  gibt´s zum Wochenstart mal wieder nen schlauen Spruch. Hoffentlich lesen den die richtigen Leut…ich hab da ein paar spezielle Personen im Hinterkopf

Heute ist ein guter Tag – um nicht perfekt zu sein!

Nimm es nicht so genau.

Unterwirf dich nicht deinem kritischen Blick. Verordne dir heute ein Prise Chaos und Unordnung. Lass fünfe grade sein, denk “nobody is perfect” und sei weniger streng mit dir und anderen.

Lässig läuft´s leichter.

Feuchte Grüße

Euer killerfish