Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Typical Day At Work

This has been a crappy morning so far. I couldn’t get out of bed, just wanted to sleep more. I kept thinking of ways to not go to work. What could I do instead? How could I afford to call in and miss those hours? What would DB say to me?

I got my seasonal flu vaccine shot this morning. I barely felt the shot at all, but my arm is killing me right now. I have a big old lump and it really hurts to move it (and I’m supposed to move it and keep using it as much as possible). I got the H1N1 vaccine a few weeks ago and barely had any side effects at all. Wonder why the shots have such a different reaction? I had a painful arm after the flu shot last year, too. If anyone knows an explanation, please share it with the class.

We had a department meeting just before lunch and didn’t learn much new information, as usual. Had lunch with DB as I do every day, and now I’m back at my desk, trying to decide when to leave work early. Do I leave right now, or wait a few hours?

OK, I got busy for a bit, and now I’m less inclined to leave early. I think I can make it to the end of the day if I focus on keeping busy. A career shouldn’t feel this way. I should jump out of bed in the mornings, excited to get my day started. I should be so involved with my daily activities that I lose track of time and my day is over before I realize it. I shouldn’t be bored or miserable every day. There are always going to be things I don’t enjoy doing, so I know I will have “bad” days now and again. Those bad days shouldn’t be the majority. This is why I can’t think of anything else right now except changing my life and becoming something better.

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