Wednesday, March 10, 2010

To Follow You: part III

Saturday 2nd break (Lunch/12:30ish)

The Journey through the thorns

1.   Have anyone been stuck by thorns?

2.   In what serious condition?

Luke 5:27-32, story cont…

Levi threw a party at his house. Lots of tax collectors and others came…Jesus brought his crew as well. Just thinking out loud, Levi being wealthy probably knew how to throw a nice shindig. His boys were just like him, outcasts who only hung with each other.  Partying was very good around his parts and was very easy to do.  Maybe Levi had another motive in this get together. Maybe he and Jesus chatted about “how they can reach his friends…or the out cast.” That sounds familiar doesn’t it (Student Ministry concept)?

So the party took place and was a hit, except for the party crashers (Pharisees and teacher of the law) who seem to be at every place like reverse groupies.  Can you imagine the stares? Imagine being “horrible” and now you come in the light…and people were now staring at you and giving you very dirty looks worst than before. It wasn’t just the “good people” (Jews and teachers), but now the people you use to hang with.  They call you a sell out and try to persuade you to join the ranks again.  It was a tough call for Levi. A tough situation with thorns now on every side of him…closing in quick.

I like how he handled the situation at the get together. Oops, he didn’t really handle it.  Jesus did the handling.  He told the opposition (even the disciples that were following) that he didn’t come to call the righteous but the sinners to repentance. In other words…THAT’S MY PEOPLE, THE ONES WHO CAN’T GET IT TOGETHER! Jesus wants those who are willing to trade their lives for something far greater (not easier).  Matthew knew his desires had to be let go and NEW desires had to be in its place.

1. In what ways are there thorns in your life that keeps you from reaching in the direction that Jesus is calling you? (Is it a certain group of friends, family, job, hobbies, etc?)

2. We need to stay focus…remember when HE called us, when HE chose us, and when HE defends us.  Jesus wanted us.  May we be spurred by that.


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