Friday, October 30, 2009

Yes Is Always Better When There is Else You Can Do

A very true line. Yes, built on three little letters that make one horrible word. There has to be nothing more upsetting then having to say yes when placed into a difficult place. When there something to do but you know you don’t want to do it, or even if you didn’t know there was something to do. But when your boss comes at you and tells you something …

I always know what I’m going to say …

I’m going to say the same thing a man with two penises says when his tailor asks him if he dresses right or left. Yes.

Now I’m I a Yes Man, I would call myself a yes man. But we know that look are boss gives us. We all know the endgame. As if there was no other way around it. No is never the word you give your boss. But …

Fuck I really hate my boss. And my bosses, boss. I don’t many people can compare the feeling I have towards my bosses. I don’t wish them no harm, just a glimpse of reality. In which case that could case them some plain. And I’m ok with that.

Nothing like sitting them down and just giving them a piece of your mind. Hell not even a piece but all of it. And then after all the yelling and negotiation, then there’s the best gift yet … a boot out the door. With a Thank You sign under it. You may walk to your car, it could be towed or not.

Wouldn’t that be something? Walk to your car after you get fired, and find it towed. I’d lash the fuckers tires, all four of them just to make sure that fucker won’t try to drive away in three tires.

And you know what, if it wasn’t for that economy boom this whole take advantage of our employee would never happen. I mean sometimes I feel like a sixteen year old girl.

Yes sir no problem.

Yes sir my mistake.

Yes sir without a doubt it’s my fault that, that guest is upset because you asked for too much money on his credit card.

My fault of someone else mistake. But of course. There’s nothing like taking heat from your boss when they do so mistakes. After all it’s

Do as I say, Not as I do.

Unbelievable. Come on, and one of the best parts. Like this is when you know things have gone to total shit. You go down to your Human Resources and try to make something happen to help you, and it gets completely ignored.

The only reason someone would go to there Human Resources is to get help. Since when does Human Resources work for the Hotel and not the employees? I mean that’s time out of your day to get things done, and it gets blown over.   

When I’m lying there in my death bed, the only everyone seems to ask for is for more time. And then I would think back to that  horrible day I spent in Human Resources. And then I may even ask for death because nothing happened.

I see it …

Oh’ God please I’ve never really believed in you but if you’re out there just give me more time.

Then I have a quick flash of that time at Human Resources, on that fretful day. And then I ask for it …

Oh’ God please just take me, I can’t deal with this pain.

Then the next thing you know I live longer with that memory. Hell on Earth. 

Bewerbungs Fragebogen

Oder einfach was zum lachen.

So ab und zu gibt es fragen in Fragebogen oder auch bei Telefon interviews, wo bei mann sich Fragen kann was dies mit eine Stelle Ausschreibung zu tun haben:

Warnung dies ist zynisch gemeint und nict fuer jede geeignet:

- Was ist der Name und Geburtsdatum Ihre Partnerrinn ?

- Wieviele Kinder haben Sie und wann sind Sie geboren ?

- Liegt eine Behinderung vor?    ja: (100) % Erstmalige Anerkennung ab:  (3.Juli.1964, ich bin Hollaender)

- Haben Sie chronische bzw. ansteckende Krankheiten oder sonstige Körperschäden?  ja welche: (Ich bin Hollaender!)

- Besteht eine Schwangerschaft?   ja  (Ja, aber nicht bei mir.)

- Wann können Sie bei uns eintreten?  (Welche Tuer?)

- Bitte geben Sie hier noch an, wer benachrichtigt werden soll, falls Sie nach einem Dienstantritt im Betrieb akut erkranken  oder einen Unfall erleiden:   (Uhm, was erwartet mich bei diese Firma??)

- Ob ich gleich vorbei kommen kann (von Irland nach ….)


Diese Post ist in Arbeit!

Recession sucks

We’re in a recession.  The economy is crap.  Its depressing.

It’s a new day… time to wake up and get ready.  Nothing like a good ‘ol stretch right before getting up from bed.  Go downstairs, grab a bowl and have some cereal while flipping through channels on the TV.  Jump in the shower, put on clothes and hurry along to do my weekday routine… get my mind challanged, interact socially with my peers, do daily tasks of reasoning and learn a few things. Take a break.  Interact again. LUNCHTIME. Half the day is done and its almost time to go home and wind down… only to do it all over again — while catching an episode or two of SpongeBob Squarepants or play a few games on the Wii…

I may never completely know what goes through my 8 year old son, but looking at  him everyday as we go through this recession sometimes makes me wish I was 8 again… with no cares in the world.  No worries about bills to pay, or wondering if I’ll still have a job tomorrow.  Wishing for a more simple time…

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Job 1

1 In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil. 2 He had seven sons and three daughters, 3 and he owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen and five hundred donkeys, and had a large number of servants. He was the greatest man among all the people of the East.

4 His sons used to take turns holding feasts in their homes, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5 When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would send and have them purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” This was Job’s regular custom.

6 One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them. 7 The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it.” 8 Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” 9 “Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. 10 “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. 11 But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.” 12 The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.” Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.

13 One day when Job’s sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother’s house, 14 a messenger came to Job and said, “The oxen were plowing and the donkeys were grazing nearby, 15 and the Sabeans attacked and carried them off. They put the servants to the sword, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!” 16 While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, “The fire of God fell from the sky and burned up the sheep and the servants, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!” 17 While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, “The Chaldeans formed three raiding parties and swept down on your camels and carried them off. They put the servants to the sword, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!” 18 While he was still speaking, yet another messenger came and said, “Your sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother’s house, 19 when suddenly a mighty wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on them and they are dead, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”

20 At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship 21 and said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” 22 In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.

The WHY Question





Values are core beliefs which guide and motivate attitudes and behaviour.

When you value something you want it (or want it to happen).

Values are relatively permanent desires.

Values are answers to the “why” question.

You keep on asking “why” questions until you reach a point where you no longer want something for the sake of something else. At this point you have arrived at a value.

Let’s take an example – I was once teaching a Post Graduate Professional Programme at a premier university, a centre of excellence, and I asked a student, “Why are you doing this academic course?”

“To gain qualifications,” he answered.

“Why do you want to gain qualifications?”

“To succeed in my career.”

“Why do you want to succeed in your career?”

“To reach the top.”

“Why do you want to reach the top?”

“To get power.”

“Why do want do you want power?”

“To control people,” he answered.

“Why do you want to control people?”

“I want to control people.”


“I like to control people.”


“Just for the sake of it – I like controlling people,” he said and further why’s elicited similar responses related to control. [Control for the sake of control – that’s when you discover your value!]

I realized that control was one of his values and maybe he was a future megalomaniac in the making!

The same line of questioning of persons undergoing higher education may reveal values like knowledge, money, status, standard of living, ambition, achievement, growth, reputation, excellence, fame.

Values are our subjective reactions to the world around us.

They guide and mould our options and behaviour. Values are developed early in life and are very resistant to change.

Values develop out of our direct experiences with people who are important to us, particularly our parents.

Values evolve within us not out of what people tell us, but as a result how people behave toward us and others.

Remember, there cannot be any “partial” values.

For example: you cannot be 50% honest (half-honest) – either you are honest or you are not honest!

Are you doing you MBA?

Keep asking yourself why you are doing it, and you will ultimately arrive at your value.

“Why are you doing your MBA?”

“To learn the art of management.”

“Why do you want to learn management?”

“To get a good job in a top firm as a manager.”


“To make more money.”


“To have a high standard of living.”

The person I was talking to re-iterated here, again and again, since standard of living was his value but you can go on and on till you find your true core values.

In one case I was surprised to find conformance as a prime value in a student of MBA – she was doing MBA because everyone else, especially most of her friends, were doing MBA!

With the rise and predominance of the utility value of education, the most important criterion for ranking B-Schools is the pay-packet their students get and not other factors like the quality of faculty and infrastructure, academic achievements and ambience etc.

That’s why there is a rush towards IT and Computer Science as compared to other more interesting and challenging branches of Engineering and Technology – money seems to be the cardinal value amongst students these days!

Some do prefer the civil services even after completing their Engineering from premier institutions as, for these individuals, things like status, service, power, and maybe, patriotism may be important values.

  • Is a high salary important to you?
  • Is it important for your work to involve interacting with people?
  • Is it important for your work to make a contribution to society?
  • Is having a prestigious job important for you?

It is most important for you to find out your own values (by the “why” method) to avoid value mismatch.

Value mismatch is at the root cause of dilemmas in your life.

Even when you plan to marry or have a relationship you must look out for value mismatch.

A conflict between your personal and organizational values may result in ethical dilemmas at the workplace, while value mismatch between two persons may sow discord and cause stress and turbulence in a relationship.

Your values are possibly the most important thing to consider when you’re choosing an occupation or workplace.

If you do not take your values into account when planning your career, there’s a good chance you’ll dislike your work and therefore not enjoy it.

For example, someone who needs to have autonomy in his work would not be happy in a job where every action is decided by someone else.

It is important to distinguish between values, interests, personality, and skills:

  • Values: the things that are important to you, like achievement, status, and autonomy.
  • Interests: what you enjoy doing, like reading, taking long walks, eating good food, hanging out with friends.
  • Personality: a person’s individual traits, motivational drives, needs, and attitudes.
  • Skills: the activities you are good at, such as writing, computer programming, and teaching.

Of these, interests, skills and personality can be developed, but values are intrinsic core beliefs inherent within you. You have to look inwards, analyse, introspect, reflect and endeavour to discover your own true values.

Whether it is your work or relationships, value congruence is of paramount importance – your values must be in harmony for the relationship to tick.

Value Dissonance due to mismatch between individual values and organizational values can cause great strain and trauma at the workplace.

Even within yourself, in order to avoid inner conflict there must be no confusion about your true values.

Remember the saying of Mahatma Gandhi: “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”.

Dear Reader, please sit down in a quiet place all by yourself, introspect, ask yourself the “why” question and find out your own values.

First know yourself. Then know others.

Try to ascertain your and their values (personal values and organizational values too!).

Avoid value-mismatch and value-dissonance to the extent feasible.

The extent of mutual harmony in your values should determine your choice of work, activities, relationships, friends and partner.

Is freedom an important value for you?
Is the career or job you are considering (or the person you want to marry or have a close relationship or friendship with) going to give you enough freedom?

Do you value leisure?

Oh, yes! Leisure is not only an important value but also a determinant of character – If you want to know about a man find out how he spends his leisure.

It’s true in your case too – If you had a day off what will you do?

Would you read a book, write a story, go hiking outdoors, play your favourite sport, adventure sports, chat with friends, picnic, see a movie, eat your favourite cuisine in a restaurant, or cook it yourself, socialize in your club, spend the day at home with your family, study, play with your pet dog, or see TV at home, or just spend the day in glorious solitude enjoying quality time with yourself?

Or would you rather not “waste” your leisure time and spend the day doing something “useful” connected with your work, career or advancement towards “achieving” your “goals”?

How you spend your leisure reveals vital clues about your values too!

Do you value humour, fun, pleasure, food, enjoyment, sex, family life, quality of life, status, money, success, fame, power, prestige, security, nature, loyalty, love, affection, independence, privacy, togetherness, tranquillity, adventure, leadership, followership, competition, contentment, creativity – look within, reflect, find out for yourself, and the values of others too who you want to relate with – match and harmonize your values, and be happy and fulfilled in your work and your relationships.

Remember, at any important milestone in your life, when you have to make a vital decision, whether you are on the verge of selecting a career, a job, a house, or a marriage partner – trust your sense of values!

In conclusion here is a quote from the German Philosopher Friedrich Hegel: “A man who has work that suits him and a wife whom he loves has squared his accounts with life”



Copyright © Vikram Karve 2009

Vikram Karve has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

Appetite for a Stroll

Personalizing my new home

I have a new home…well, an office…O.K, it’s a cubicle.  But it’s not just any cubicle, it’s MY cubicle at my wonderful new job. 

 I think this job is perfect for me.  I’m in Marketing, which is all about coming up with ideas to sell the brands that are assigned to me.  I have to also take products and come up with new ways to sell the same things I’m already selling.  It’s about freshness and newness and requires creativity.

 Here’s the problem.  I’m very visual, and cubicles are very…well…square.  Gray.  Impersonal.  Boring.

 So I am on a one-woman campaign to change that!  It involves shopping, which is once again one of my favorite things to do…yea!

 The first thing I did was tack up a bunch of things to make it useful like phone listings and instructions.  Then a calendar.  Of course the absolutely necessary photos of my children were a priority!

 I have also gone to a favorite new store called Trends and Traditions in town and picked up some adorable things:  a pretty painted canvas with a motivational saying…a huge chick-art mousepad about chocolate…fun magnets for the fronts of my metal (gray) shelves. 

 I’m home!

 Today’s purchase made me laugh out loud at the store.  I almost didn’t buy it because I didn’t want to show my true colors so new to the job (J), but I think anything that can make you laugh like that needs to be around to inspire me!  It is an adorable collaged piece that says “deadlines amuse me.”  Ha!  I’m going to take a photo of it to post with this article, because I think it will make you smile, too!

 Don’t settle for mediocre surroundings.  Even if it’s just attractive ads from magazines, liven up your space!  Bring something that makes you smile!

 And add a small bowl of chocolate to your desk.  We can all use a little more of that.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Joke(s) of the day

  • Best Out of Office Email Replies (auto-responders)
  • I am currently out at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the position.
  • I’m not really out of the office. I’m just ignoring you.
  • You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office. If I was in chances are you would’nt have received anything at all.
  • Sorry to have missed you but I am at the doctors having my brain removed so that I may be promoted to management.
  • Thank you for your email. Your credit card has been charged $5.99 or the first ten words and $1.99 for each additional word in your message.
  • The e-mail server is unable to verify your server connection and is unable to deliver this message. Please restart your computer and try sending again. (The beauty of this is that when you return, you can see how many individuals did this over and over)
  • Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queuing system. You are currently in 452nd place, and can expect to receive a reply in approximately 19 weeks.
  • Hi, I’ m thinking about what you’ve just sent me. Please wait by you PC for my response.
  • Hi! I’ m busy negotiating the salary for my new job. Don’t bother to leave me any messages.
  • Ive run away to join a different circus.
  • I will be out of the office for the next 2 weeks for medical reasons. When I return, please refer to me as Loretta instead of Steve

It’s a Fox Play for the Doctor

Alka’s friend’s daughter has to be operated. She was admitted and the date was also fixed. The doctor said, after all tests were taken that no operation can be done in Bangalore and asked them to take her to Chennai. She consulted me and I asked to her invoke the spirit of Fox. She chanted the name Fox for 30 minutes. Soon after the doctor went back to the girl’s parents and informed them that operation could be done in Bangalore itself.

What happened after chanting Fox? Why the doctor first refused to do operation. May be the doctor who was to do operation did not turn up and the other doctor is not aware of the technique required to do it. Thanks to Fox, the concerned doctor has turned up.

Where we want to use our intelligence or use our brain for a given situation, then the animal spirit guide Fox can be called upon. For example, when we attend the American Visa interview, we should be able to answer any question posted to us. Thus it can be used for any job interviews too.

We are part of animals, flowers, minerals (gem stones) etc. Like calling upon flower resources, we could use animal resources too.

Say there is a fight. Call Fox and request it to sit in the mind of the person. The fight will end. A Fox can’t fight. It thinks logically and diplomatically.

A Whole New World

While trying to finish all of my homework for the week on Sunday night, an interesting thought came to mind. What if we lived in a world where there was no such thing as a job, responsibilities, or money. Think about it, everyone would have equal power across the globe and live in harmonious bliss. There would be no more deadlines, no more homework, and no more work in general because everything would be free.

Yeah, that seems unlikely because the truth of the matter is that if such a place existed, then everyone would be running around reeking havoc and the world would be in complete chaos, but what if it were possible to live in such a land? To do what you want to do and not have any consequences. To visit places you always wanted to go to, but never had the time or the money.

What would one do in this alternate universe you ask? Absolutely nothing, because in this land you can do anything you wanted to do; however, there is a small problem: if nobody works then it would be pretty hard to get good customer service.

But then I started thinking about how bored life can get when you have nothing to do. I guess the truth is that with a job you have something to fill your time with, keeping you from doing the things you really want to do, but making you want to do them even more.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Kick off - Hire My Child

Hey everyone!

I’m up and running!

I sent the link to my daughter (”my child”) and she thought I was pretty “hip and happening” for a mature woman.

If you have any tips, hints, jobs, leads or some good ol’ encouragement please send it my way.

My daughter was laid off in February 2009, and is getting anxious.

Can’t wait to hear from you all.



Nyt job


Efter ca. 4 måneders jobsøgning har jeg endelig fundet mig et studiejob Jeg var ellers så småt ved at have givet op, for der har ikke været meget at søge de sidste måneder, og når der endelig har været noget, har jeg ikke haft heldet med mig. Så det er virkelig dejligt, at det hårde arbejde endelig bar frugt.

Så nu kan jeg bare se frem til første arbejdsdag og første løn Og nej, hvor jeg glæder mig – det bliver bare så dejligt at komme i gang igen!

Distinguishing between Tasks and Responsibilities

Make sure people understand the difference between the responsibilities of their jobs and the tasks that must be performed in order to fulfill those responsibilities.

If a person receives a laundry list of tasks instead of a list of major responsibilities, he will have difficulty understanding how the job contributes to the accomplishment of the department and company goals. He may also restrict his activities to the list of tasks instead of the overall job to be accomplished.

A comprehensive list of responsibilities, as opposed to a detailed list of tasks, provides the person with a larger view of the job. It also gives people more freedom in deciding how to  go about fulfilling the responsibilities of the job and meeting the established goals and objectives.

This is not to say that the manager shouldn’t delegate tasks to the people who work for him. In some cases the manager should be quite specific as to what tasks should be performed in fulfilling the responsibilities. As a general rule, the more authority a person has and the greater the responsibility, the more freedom he should have in determining the tasks he will perform.

My Consultancy–Asif J. Mir - Management Consultant–transforms organizations where people have the freedom to be creative, a place that brings out the best in everybody–an open, fair place where people have a sense that what they do matters. For details please visit, Lectures, Line of Sight

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

NeVeR saY " nO tImE fOR tHinGs " TiME nEvEr eNDZZzzz!!

Have you heard yourself saying “I wish I had the time for this…” Well, the truth is, however busy you may be, you do have the time. With the hectic mad pace of life, it is easy to waste time that you could have set aside for yourself. I suggest that you take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves or else TIME FLIES….

Put aside 15 minutes every day and do something worthwhile. Do something for yourself. You’ll be amazed what you can achieve in those few minutes set aside every single day.

You can set a 15 minute count down timer for an activity such as do yoga, arrange your cupboard, go for a walk, clear up the papers you don’t need, arrange your clothes, read a book, clean the kitchen, dance, play with your kids, have a hot relaxing shower…. The list is endless. Be creative and think up fun ways to add constructive activity each day to your life for just 15 minutes. This 15 minute fun routine has made a dramatic positive difference in the life of thousands of people. It improves vocabulary to self confidence to finishing off what seemed like cumbersome tasks with ease, improving fitness levels and relationships.

I’m sure you want to know why 15 minutes, why not any lesser or more? There is no clear answer to this. It just seems like 15 minutes is neither too long to get something done nor short enough to be tolerable. Let’s say for example, the hardest part of achieving fitness is taking the first step and making the much needed lifestyle changes. By cutting down an overwhelming goal into 15 minute time slots, it seems so much easier to begin achieving the seemingly difficult tasks. The 15 minute rule need not only be applied to tasks that you need to complete. You can even spend the 15 minutes time to hang out with your kids. Its quality time, you can even read a motivational story to your kids in that time. They will be so delighted and you will know you did the best possible thing with your time.

The best thing is, you can find those 15 minutes at any time of the day, late evening or night. Whatever time fits in your schedule is perfectly fine. You can even use the coffee break at work and go for a quick job, or do some simple stretching exercises especially if you work in a desk bound job. This will relax and loosen your limbs. It can be something as simple as watering the plants early in the morning and thanking God for each new day.

The moment those 15 minutes are up, just stop and see how much you have achieved. And, if you are a lazy slacker like me who leaves everything for tomorrow, you will be amazed how much you accomplish with the 15 minute and rEaliZe the True PoWeR oF TiME.

Job Search Shuffle: Search, Apply, Network, Post

After three weeks of being “In Transition” in my marketing and communications career I think that I am finally getting ahead in the Job Search Shuffle.  It was easy to ignore all the tips successful professionals give you when I was punching the clock every day. Lesson Learned: No searching, not applying, not networking, and not posting left me without any top of mind branding awareness in the marketplace. With that in mind I will now approach every day as a manager of my brand. The end game is to get back to work but in the meantime the early returns speak for themselves:

Job Searches: up 1500% since October 1st

Job Applications: up 300% this week

Network: Increased by 273% since October 1st

Postings: Up 152% since October 10th

Interviews: quadrupled over this time last year

Job search Shuffle: A sweet mix with a rewarding payoff in the pipeline.

Tweet This Post

Monday, October 19, 2009

Erster Job

Jaha, heute kann ich von meinem ersten Job berichten. Also nicht von dem Job als solchem, aber dass ich sozusagen meinen ersten Auftrag erhalten habe. Ich darf bei unserer 125-Jahrfeier den inoffizielleren Teil fotografieren am übernächsten Mittwoch. Bin schon gespannt. Hab mir eben schon mal schnell mein Speedlight bestellt. Hoffe das kommt noch rechtzeitig (am besten vorm Woe) und passt auch, bin ja immer skeptisch mit dieser Internetbestellerei, aber wenn man Artikel günstiger haben möchte, muss man heutzutag häufig darauf zurückgreifen. Drückt mir mal die Daumen! Und das auch an dem Abend alles glatt läuft und ich HERVORRAGENDE Bilder mache. Ich habe den Job quasi bekommen, weil unsere Partner befunden haben, dass die Bilder vom Sommerfest sehr gut geworden sind und weil ich natürlich auch die Internen von den Externen besser unterscheiden kann (jedenfalls meistens) als ein fremder Fotograf. Also I fei mi!

In Parts. Two

Part 2: Work

This summer was one of the best times of my life to date. With no steady employment, I was forced to depend daily on Christ and rest in His great love for me. My faith grew immensely as I knew that I was a loved child of God who wanted to care for me. Along with that, I had to acknowledge that His idea of caring for me and my idea might be a little different. While fully knowing there are millions that are unemployed and struggling for every bite to eat, I was forced to see Christ from a perspective that I so easily had forgotten. What a tragedy to forget God as being the God who provides for my deepest needs. This summer I had no choice but to remember.

I dog sat, and house sat and baby sat. I did a lot of sitting. I taught anger management classes. My favorite job all summer was interpreting. I applied for jobs. Lots of them. Nearly 100. My goal was to apply for at least one job a day, and I did! I tried not to be picky, but can acknowledge that sometimes I was. I had interviews. Not nearly as many interviews as jobs for, but interviews nonetheless. Some of them went great, others not so much. I found out that no matter how well or terrible the interview went, I was not going to get a job until the Lord wanted me to.

Some thought I was foolish for leaving my job in the midst of a recession and going overseas. Perhaps I was. It definitely didn’t make my life easy. The fact that I have a job now doesn’t change anything that happened or any decisions made. I could very well still be unemployed like many others. I don’t deserve what I’ve been given, but I’m grateful for it. I pray that I use these gifts well. I think it’s crucial to add that even were I still unemployed, I don’t think the decision to go to South Africa was a foolish one. The Lord did a lot of great things through that decision, both in my life and the lives of others. I hope that the last nine months have been a testimony to God’s faithfulness and love. Sometimes the most joyful and productive journey isn’t the easiest road to travel.

I am completely convinced that I am exactly where the Lord wants me right now. This isn’t my “dream” job, not at all. I’m working in data entry at a university, something that I tried so hard to avoid. However sometime in the last two years I’ve found out that I like administrative/data work. Shocker. And I’m great at it! I am content, and grateful. An added bonus? I have great coworkers!

Tomorrow’s Post: Homeless.

All praise and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

7 Useful Tips that Will Make You Love Your Job

In modern society, job are a need. It is a fact: paychecks help us meet and enhance or living standards; even when most of us would love to live without business hours scheduled, for the vast majority, being unemployed is not an option.

1. Perform at least one regular task that you truely enjoy

Look at the tasks you perform in a regular basis; of course some are boring, but there is at least one thing that you like to do: adorning templates, proofreading, sending emails, visisting clients; anything you like.

Once you have determined this tasks, think of when will be the next time you’ll do them and look forward to it. This will help you going through those tasks you enjoy the less and will give you a reason to stay in your job.

2. Show your talents

We all are good at something; and some of these things we’re good at apply to our jobs. Are you good at arranging things alphabetically? Or introducing people to your business? Maybe you are a good designer? Or good at accounting?

If these are not your daily tasks at all, offer assitance to those in charge of them. If they tell you there is no time, offer some extra hours; these sure will be unpaid overtime, but the exposure will totally make up for it.

With this you will let your employers know that there is a talented and dedicated person who they can relay on, leading you to possible reassignments and even promotions.

3. Don’t be affraid of your bosses

As much as some bosses can have a reputation of being unreachable, truth is they are humans just like you. Of course, you must treat them with respect, but this doesn’t mean you should keep unecessary distance. Introduce yourself, let them know who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. Talk to them, some of them might even have common interests and become your friends.

This will not only make you feel part of your company, but also will help you break a barrier. Opening you many, many doors.

4. Watch the clock

Most jobs come with schedules, some of them are really uncomfortable. However, any of the previous efforts wouldn’t mean a thing without a responsible attitude. Of course coming late one or two times a month is unavoidable; just make sure these don’t occur on the days your biggest clients visit the office.

Plan ahead, arrange your time so that you allow a 30 minute timeframe before your schedule begins for you to show up, also allow a 30 minute timeframe for you to leave after. This will not only help you releasing a lot of stress, but you never really know when that last minute meeting is going to extend, and your presence past after your shift-end will say a lot about your commitment.

5. Make friends

Find someone you can go take lunch with or listens when you need to vent, someone who jokes with you or you can go with to have a Friday night beer at the bar.

We are a lot about friends, and the more we have at the workplace, the better we will feel at it and the more fun it becomes.

6. Taste Your Paycheck

Get that iPhone you’ve wanted for so long or go on that road trip, shop clothes like there’s no tomorrow, tune up your car. Find something you love that you can spend your money in. Plan ahead, think of what you will spend your next check in.

This will make you feel like your business hours do pay back and will probablly even give you a reason to go to work every day. Remember that the better the reward you get, the happier you’ll feel about doing what you have to do in order to get it.

7. Embrace Life

You know, we only live once. We have no point of comparison on wether our life is good or not. All we can do is make the best out of this one and make sure it can’t get any better.

Keep track of all the milestones you come across with and whenever hard times come, remember those brighter days and remind yourself how odds are they will shortly be back.

Diego Valle

. About the Author:

Diego spends his business hours as a Technical Writer and Graphic Designer who multitasks in the knowledge management world. In his spare time he enjoys making and listening to music, gadget shopping, social networking, watching documentaries and finding all sorts of solutions through basic patterns.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Holding my breath.

I feel like I am going to explode. Work is crazy. A few friends are asking me to move to Montreal this spring; many more are hinting that I should not. My school start date is still not confirmed.  I have to keep doing my job and waiting until that magic day they tell me I can go.  I feel like I am holding my breath.

And tomorrow, he leaves.

Tonight I am going to seeing leaving-guy, one last time before he moves away.  We have seen each other every day this week, casually, as though nothing weird is going on.  I come over, we joke around, and I fix the holes in his walls. 

He is supposed to visit next weekend, it is his best friend’s birthday.  He may visit the following weekend, for a party I am having, but I am not sure.  I am not sure of anything. 

What does this person want from me?  And what do I want from him, really?  Do I only want him because I cannot have him?  Would he be just as interesting if he were not leaving?  My birthday is Sunday, perhaps that is imparing my judgement?  My job/school situation is stressing me out, this could be influencing me as well?.

There is one thing I know for sure:  After this weekend of ‘good-bye’ and birthday-related activities is over, I have nothing to do with myself.  I am taking classes, playing sports, things like that, but I will not have someone to occupy my time anymore.  I will be walking through my life alone, again.

And you thought this blog would be funny.  Ha-ha…  Sigh.

My Computer

My computer has a language
That is foreign to me
It speaks of RAM and Gigabytes
And what could ROM be!

I don’t understand the Windows
My computer says are there
Nor the Gem Clip at the side of my page
With eyes that blink and stare!

I don’t understand the cures
That maintenance wizards do
It’s called defragmenter, scan disk,
And virus cleaning too!

Yet, computer and I work hand and eye
With a mouse to translate
The tasks that I want it to do
While it points out my mistakes!


“You make me sick,” Lorah rolled her eyes as a the delivery guy passed me a bundle of roses.

I wasn’t supposed to work this morning, but I had so much to do at Mickies (the designers) that I decided to come in for a few hours to finish things up.

I set the roses on my desk, shuffling papers away from the vase I had put them in and continued to unpack the boxes stacked up beside my desk. “You’ve gotten flowers at work before,” I grinned at Lorah and tore the tape back from the box.

“Yeah, from that freaky copy guy from down the street. That doesn’t count,” Lorah laughed.

“Flowers are flowers,” I knew it wasn’t true, but what else was I supposed to say?

“Your flowers are from a soul mate, from some flukey guy you met and have huge chemistry with. How did that even happen, by the way? You weren’t even looking for a guy.”

I decided to tell her the truth. “Actually…” I leaned on my desk. My heels were killing me. “The flowers aren’t from him.”

Her face said it all. Mouth open, huge eyes.

“It’s another guy.”

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Blonde upgrades.

Korean hatchbacks are what happens when women with zero interest in cars go shopping for new wheels. Hence The Blonde’s ride when I met her. To be fair to the thing, what it lacked in style (and quality and finish and refinement and longevity and class) it made up for in utilitarian practicality and reliability. A mode of transport, the “white goods” of the automotive world. A basic fridge keeps food cold and provides no other purpose. The Blondes Korean hatchback got her from point A to Point B and provided no other purpose.

Which is all fine and well until you come to sell the blighters. The Blonde had looked at the possibility of changing it a year or two ago and the part exchange offers almost turned her into The Grey. Not good.

So it was with a degree of trepidation that I helped her place an advert in the good old Autotrader. A couple of much newer models had appeared at not a huge amount more than we’d decided to ask, were we being hopelessly optimistic? Figuring we could always drop the price but we couldn’t raise it we clicked the button to place the advert and sat back to see what materialised.

Within a day she’d got a call, is the car still for sale? Fortunately I’d warned her about dodgy agents so their claim that they had a buyer waiting and all she had to do was pay them £80 which they’d refund upon sale (claiming they’d make the money from selling their buyer finance) fell on deaf ears. It’s the oldest scam in the car trade world and they must dupe thousands of innocent sellers with their empty promises and demands for cash to introduce mystery buyers who’d apparently found them but not The Autotrader and who equally mysteriously fade away as soon as the “finders fee” is handed over. Why don’t Trading Standards act against these rogues? I suggested she keep their number and, when the next dodgy agent phoned with similarly bogus claims, tell the second caller that they need to speak to “her husband” and pass on the phone number of the first one.

Then a few days later another call, seemingly genuine this time although slightly odd in that the buyer told her that a temporary injury stopped him coming to see the car, would she take it to him? He gave his name and his company where he’d like to meet us, and even agreed to cover fuel if he didn’t buy it. Seemed slightly rum but The Blonde said he sounded genuine, his name and company checked out and tied together, it was hard to see how it could be a scam. (It has happened the other way around whereby buyers are duped into viewing a bogus car that is apparently an urgent sale bargain. Cash is required and when the buyer arrives they’re mugged for it, quite violently in a recent case that’s just seen a man jailed for it). So figuring we had nothing to lose we went for it together, her in The Korean Thing, me following in my company car.

Half hour or so later we arrived about midday at the chaps premises and asked for him. Sure enough he turned up on crutches and turned out to be a lovely genuinely nice guy. He’d been given a lift in a similar car and found it very comfortable even despite his injuries (of which were well on the mend he assured us) hence had decided to look for one for himself. We showed him around the car, The Blondes carefully filed full service history, offered him a ride up the road (declined) and then adjourned to talk money.

His offer was some way short of the asking price, but mindful of our somewhat optimistic figure and complete lack of any other interest I quietly reminded The Blonde of the old “bird in the hand” proverb and we shook on it.

Twenty minutes later, paperwork completed and a manila envelope stuffed with cash, we were heading home. Job done at a very fair price for him, but which was nearly two and a half times what she’d been offered by the dealers a year earlier!

All that remained was to swap her insurance, collect The Polite Hatchback, and she became the proud owner of a proper car, one with style, class, image, great residuals, superb handling, a peppy motor and a cracking chassis.

Just like The Blonde herself in fact!

Bible Minute Daily Devotional Sixty seconds in God's Word daily

Title: Man of Integrity – 1
Date: 2009-10-13

Tami Weissert: What does it take to be a person of integrity? Take a look at Job, with today’s Bible Minute.

Woodrow Kroll: Job here, first of all, it says he is blameless. It says he is upright. The word upright here is the word for straight. You put a ruler against something. If it’s straight, it’s upright. He is absolutely on the level, if you will.

Number three, he feared God. What does it mean to fear God? Fearing God is the quality of revering God in such a way that it’s going to show up in your life.

Finally, it says of him that he is a man who shunned evil. Proverbs 16:6 says, “In mercy and truth”–between fearing God and shunning evil–”in mercy and truth atonement is provided for iniquity, and by the fear of the Lord one departs from evil.”

Tami Weissert: So, do you want this kind of integrity? You can get it–with help from God’s Word, at> Receive the Bible Minute as a daily devotional email.
The Bible Minute daily devotional is provide courtesy of Back to the Bible.

Fun Jobs #1


Today I tried my hand at mediocre fashion photography. One of my next articles in my school newspaper is a mini-fashion spread, so I have to go around taking pictures of people in trendy or fashionable fall outfits. Since I’m not one to just approach strangers and say “Hi! I need your photo for a fashion spread.” I’m not that outgoing.

So I called up a few friends and told them I need to take their pictures. Surprisingly, most of them agreed.  Today I photographed two of my friends. It was an enjoyable experience; it’s nice to be directing and choosing what’s going on in the shot. I didn’t do much besides ask them to change poses. Sometimes I like to think I’m good at photography because I’m a photographer’s daughter.

But today got me thinking. Wouldn’t it be fun to be a fashion photography? Two things I like in one job. Easy! I do realize it’s a demanding job, but it’d also be super-glamorous. Your job is to capture and combine beauty and art. The angles, the lighting, the colors, the setting–it’s all in your control, and the finished produce is all your work. Working with beautiful people, traveling to exotic places, having your work published… it’s such an enticing prospect.

How can one not want to be a fashion photographer?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Director of Digital Analytics: Southern California

This is an opportunity for the experienced analyst who has hands-on, tactical knowledge and experience, balanced with management of analytics professionals. You will lead and grow an established, high performing team to serve some of the well known brands in the world.

Minimum Requirements:

• 3 years of Agency Web Analytics experience
• 2 years in a supervisory/leadership capacity
• Strong Experience with web analytics tools and techniques including analysis of data using industry leading tools
• Strong Experience with enterprise reporting and web analytics tools such as Omniture, Webtrends Coremetrics, Google Analytics
• Deep knowledge of Organic Search and Website Optimization best practices
• Knowledge of Web technologies including JavaScript, HTML, Flash ActionScript, XML, Online Video and Marketing
• Excellent communication and presentation skills
• Bachelor’s degree

Rick Iswalt
t: 484.845.1045

*US Residents, with Citizenship, or Green Card holders only need apply.

Keywords: web, internet, online, data, information, tracking, quantifying, qualifying, install, installing, omniture, hbx, hit box, visual sciences, discover, google, casale, webtrends, microsoft, atlas, coremetrics, unica, raven, compete, clicktale, crazy egg, hit tail, woopra, clicky, stat24, etracker, blvd status, mint, analog, cligs, hootsuite, package, ab, a/b, testing, test, target, multivariate, web analytics Wednesdays, client, customer, manage, management, manager, supervisor, analyze, analysis, analytics, strategy, strategic, statistics, statistical, full time, permanent, consult, consultnat, consultative, professional, profession, lead, leader, leadership, excel, spreadsheet, access, numeric

Monday is surprisingly OK/Am I bisexual?

I was expecting to come into work today and having loads of work to do, but I have barely anything to do. The heavy-duty cleaners were in over the weekend cleaning all the stainless steel walls, vents, cooker, grill, ovens, fryers, dishwasher, floors, everything. My whole week’s work is done bar a few minor things.

I’m actually happy. Oh, this feels so wonderful. And, oh! And I only have 3 days working this week!! I’m off Thursday and Friday because I’m going to see P!nk on Thursday night in the O2!! Woot! Yes, don’t worry, I’ll post videos and blog about it on Friday. Hehe!

I’m still looking for love. I’ve not completely given up. I think that when the right person finds me, it will feel so wonderful. I’m sorry that I can’t be what you expect. I’m less desiring of sex because I feel sex should be between two people who, at least, care for each other. The whole meaningless sex thing just really doesn’t appeal to me. I find it an embarrassment to actually call myself a gay man because of what stereotypical gay men do regarding sex.

I was actually thinking last night that sex is really pretty gross when you really think about it. I won’t give you a visual image, but people say that sex “feels so good”, and I will agree. But the actual act is pretty gross in my eyes, especially straight sex. But saying that, why not? (OMG, am I seriously thinking about straight sex as a turn-on???!!!) Hm…. Would I have sex with a woman? Hm… The only thing is, I wouldn’t know where to put it!!! Hahahaha! (Sorry, couldn’t resist). I know I’m gay, but I’m also (bi-)curious about women. If love is there, I wouldn’t say no. Love holds no gender.

St. Alban's Boys and Girls Club Seeks Youth Radio Show Mentor

With over 1400 members, St. Alban’s Boys’ and Girls’ Club meets the challenges and needs of children and youth in the Seaton Village, Annex, Frankle-Lambert and Palmerston neighbourhoods. St. Alban’s offers a number of exciting programs and services including: a preschool, child/parent programs, summer camp, outreach services, public swimming times, aquatic lessons, after school care, sports programs, computer skills, arts programs, youth drop in programs, a homeless shelter, prevention and education, tutoring, mentoring, community and skill based programs. At St. Alban’s, we strive to maintain and strengthen our core services to children and youth while growing to meet the varied and changing needs of our community.
St. Alban’s Boys and Girls Club is looking for an individual who has experience working in radio journalism to mentor youth as part of a weekly radio show. They will be responsible for teaching youth about how to research and report stories on the topic of drugs, social issues and pop culture. The successful candidate will be required to work 4hrs /week – 2 hrs of independent work and 2 hrs on Monday between 6-8pm, for the show.

- Interest in empowering youth
- Knowledge of social justice issues
- Experience working with youth
- Outging and engaging
- Experience in Broadcast Journalism
- Punctual and Reliable
Additional Information
Please email resume and cover letters to:

Serena Nudel
Creative Arts Coordinator

For more information, please visit

Salary: $14-$16/hr
Application Deadline: Wednesday October 21, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009


Bin ich. Müde. Aber glücklich. Bin jetzt offiziell Mitarbeiter im pastoralen Dienst. Oder Hilfspastor, wie mein Chef mich nennt. Egal. Die letzten Tage waren mal wieder voll bis oben hin. Trotzdem nett. Die nächsten werden auch schön. Dann heißt es renovieren und umziehen. Wobei ich eigentlich gerade eher viel lieber viel schlafen möchte. Ich brauche regelmäßiger Ruhephasen. Vielleicht einfach mal beim essen einschlafen. So wie Tom:


About "Career And Life Management" (C.A.L.M.)

About C.A.L.M.

“Career and Life Management”


Robert Patterson, Sr., the author of the book 5 Steps to C.A.L.M. (Career And Life Management), is well equipped to write, speak, and teach on the subject of “Job Hunting – The Do’s and The Don’ts.”


Mr. Patterson served his country in the Armed Services for many years. He is also a graduate of San Diego State University, San Diego, California, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree.


Over the past fifteen plus years, he has held such positions as:


  • Administrator over the Personal Affairs Program for Family Service Center


  • Employment Specialist


  • Counselor / Testing Specialist


  • Consultant in various governmental and private sector agencies


Also, over the years, Mr. Patterson has mastered many other skills, including adeptness in all phases of computer operations.


Robert Patterson, Sr. has compiled his vast knowledge and extensive experience into a book of instructions that is full of “How To” entitled 5 Steps to C.A.L.M. This is a book that is well worth buying, studying, and putting into practice to help you better succeed and reach your “unreachable goal.”

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dancing While Doing Dishes

Dancing While Doing Dishes

How does one attain and come to experience the highest levels of living? How would one be able to be in and of this world within the daily experiences of errands, responsibilities, obligations, eating, drinking, sleeping and so many things that might keep a person from living and being in a state of pure joy, calm, clarity of mind and enlightenment?

Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (1534-1572), known as the Arizal (an acronym which stands for HaEloki Rav Yitzchak Yitzchak “>Zichrono Livracha – The Godly Master Yitzchak, may his memory be for a blessing) was someone who more than almost anyone in Jewish history attained a level of enlightenment, holiness, purity and entirely embodied all of the divine qualities of goodness and truth.

To illustrate the level in which he was on, one day while studying Torah early in the morning his main student and disciple Rav Chaim Vital walked in. The Arizal was very much immersed in his study and he merely glanced at Rav Chaim for a moment as he entered the room. After glancing for a mere moment at Rav Chaim, the Arizal then went back to his learning and said, “Rav Chaim – why did you insult your wife last evening?” Rav Chaim was taken aback by the immediacy of the Arizal’s vision and asked how he knew that, how he saw that. The Arizal said, “It was written in the lines of your forehead”.

There is an entire book about the greatness of the Arizal called, “Shivchei Ha’Ari” (the praises of the Ari) in which there are brilliant, mind opening and boggling descriptions of who he was, what he saw and how he brought the reality of God to people’s minds and hearts.

The Arizal was once asked how he had attained such heights, such mastery, such perfection, such holiness. He answered, “It was through the dancing on Simchas Torah”.

Although the Arizal had mastered every aspect of Torah, prayed in isolation, meditated, studied and so worked on himself to attain and experience the level that he did – it somehow all came down to his dancing on Simchat Torah.

This would really deserve an entire book dedicated to delve into the depths involved and required to truly explore this – but nevertheless we can begin with something.

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov teaches in the 10th lesson of Likutey Mohoran that the experience of dancing is the synthesis and marriage of body and soul, of physical and spiritual (paraphrased). For when a person dances, they dance from the joy that they experience that brings their body to unleash its inner soul. The body is so infused by the soul’s happiness, excitement, vision and pure life force that it dances; where the body and soul become one. And therefore, to the extent of one’s connectedness and being in-tune with his soul will the body dance.

We dance on Simchat Torah after having gone through over a period of a year the entire Torah. Over the course of a year, the Jewish soul has tasted and experienced one teaching after another, week after week, day after day. With the vision of what the teachings of the Torah are, how they totally transformed his life, how they opened, expanded and infused infinite life to his heart, mind and soul – with that vision a person breaks out in dance. And if a person is seriously connected – the dancing will be an experience of infinity, of tapping into the oneness of creation and the marriage of body and soul.

With this potential of experience, the Arizal said that this is how he attained his lofty heights of living.

There are countless stories of many holy Jewish people who on Simchat Torah were seen dancing in a state of bliss and fiery energy alone in their homes. For if a person is hearing the music, he cannot stop dancing.

Whether we find ourselves in Shuls and communities that are having Simchat Torah or we find ourselves away from a larger community – may this Simchat Torah (Saturday night and Sunday morning outside of Israel, Shabbos in Israel) bring us to live our lives to the highest heights and truly develop a relationship with God.

Ultimately this vision, clarity and joy is to enlighten the way in which we walk in the world in our day to day living; enlighten our errands, careers, eating, sleeping and cleaning. So that we’ll be dancing while doing dishes…

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"It is a pretty day! So if you are not outside...cause it's pretty."

I am in a fabulous mood, and I haven’t even gotten to talk to anyone non-work related today! Why, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you why!!

1. It is a GORGEOUS day. It’s sunny and cool but not freezing and the leaves are starting to change and it’s seriously blustery. It makes me think of Winnie-the-Pooh saying “It must be Windsday again,” and I am doubly pleased with this reference because it’s happening on a Wednesday, which usually doesn’t happen.

2. I get to wear jeans to work, but it was warm enough for me to wear one of my favorite (professional) tops, so I wound up being really pleased with my outfit today.

3. I only had one case today because the schools had a half day, and while I love my adorable pm case, it’s nice to have the afternoon all to myself. I think this has also been the first day since I’ve started where I haven’t had to come home and contact someone or look up or fill out six different work-related things, which kind of confused me for awhile, to be honest. I even treated myself to lunch, since I’ll be getting a paycheck soonish.

4. I felt like my presence was actually effective with my am case today for once. I can’t really go into any more detail, but it is a reason that I am pleased.

5. Music + driving + pretty day = awesome mood. Almost all of the time.

6. ummm….I like making lists. You may have noticed this by now. Heh *sheepish grin*

7. Trying to get out of the city today during lunch hour was a bad idea, but luckily I wasn’t in a terrible rush, so I didn’t mind too much. One of the roads I was on took me twenty minutes to go about two and a half blocks because it was right at the point where it merges onto a major highway, plus the right lane had been closed for no discernible reason. Now, the reason that this is on the list is because I was waiting more-or-less patiently in the left hand lane and sighing at all of the people who kept zipping past in the right hand lane when this guy in a jeep pulls up next to me and rolls up his window. The following conversation went something like this:

Him: “Hi, I’m an idiot and didn’t notice the blinking arrow up there until just now. Would you mind if I merged in front of you?”

Me: “Yeah, sure, no problem! Thanks for asking!”

Him: “Well, I always feel really bad when I do stuff like this!”

Seriously, he was about the cutest thing I’ve seen all day. If I were straight, I might have seriously asked him for his phone number. I spent the rest of the time waiting just sitting there going “awww, that was so cute!”

So yes, good day so far. ^_^ I need to go pick my mom up from school soon, but after that I think I might start a new knitting project. It’s just one of those kind of days.

{MyLastHourAsA25yrold:( :)}

Hey world, I just came home from work (had to make up hours.. corporate life on hourly ) and actually left early than I wanted to. That’s because I did not want to spend my last minutes as a Twenty-five year old at work or in my car. Instead I wanted to write a post on this night to remember (for me really) since I will never get 25 back. Yes world, I’m entering a new bracket (age wise then income wise right Mr. President?!). Today when I was thinking about the truth about aging, how I’m getting..dare I say it… OLDER, I got scared and sad at the same time. I felt like I haven’t absorbed my twenties yet because I had to finish college on time (21) and get a job (a month after graduation Praise God) and start my career (which took 3 years to realize). For 5 years I have been looking for my purpose… God’s purpose for me and I thank Jesus for helping me to start realizing it now. I’m not gong to completely say what it is but I’ll subliminally or even overtly place it in my posts to come, and my activities.

I started off 25 pretty good, had one of the best birthday surprises with a massage therapist appearing in my living room then being whisked away to Harlem, NY for some live Jazz and great eats. But the year got pretty difficult… challenging… a learning experience altogether. Talk about emotional roller-coaster. If I didn’t have Jesus, my sanity would have been lost, my esteem to the ground and future bleek. He makes the difference.

In thinking about what one word can some up my 25th year, I’d say it would have to be “closure”. I found out that one can not positively, move forward in life, relational or what have you, without closure. We have to learn to tell ourselves the truth about ourselves, as God sees us, about how we used to be, how we can no longer stay and how we shall be within His GOOD and PERFECT will.

I know you probably think I sound pretty vague but I’d like to stay at giving general experiential advice to the general public. Let me bring you to the 5 F’s that encompass me and probably everyone in the world:

Faith, Family, Friendships, Finance (I’m on a roll with these F’s lol) Future

Some of us have them listed in different order if at all. I find these F’s to be quite mportant and vital to ones being.

The first “F” allows the rest to fall in place. In telling yourself the the truth about God.. that He indeed exists and has a plan for your life which you can find within the pages He wrote (which are authority) via the Holy Spirit with men penning it, then you will come to find why He placed you THAT family you’re apart of, in THAT circle of friends you’ve come to establish, with THAT amount of legitimate cash flow you’ve come to acquire and why He’s having you head towards THAT respectable future He’s molded you to endure and persevere through. But all these things cannot be realized if you don’t have closure. Closure with you’re past, be it concerning a person or you or an event. What closure does is hinder you from moving forward. The lies you believed, learned, or said keep repeating in your mind and you can’t do anything but remain stagnant, spiritually mentally, academically, job wise etc. The truth is God doesn’t want you stuck, hindered or whatever other synonym exists. He’s about forward movement for His purpose. Believe or not, You were CREATED and not by accident. You were THOUGHTFULLY DESIGNED in His mind and carved out and breathed into with His LIFE giving breath. You are to STAND OUT, LOOK DIFFERENT, THINK DIFFERENTLY than the social norm. YOU ARE NOT AND ANDROID, instead you are a beautiful being made a little lower than the ANGELS but yet still have POWER by the HOLY SPIRIT. You have the capacity to CHANGE this world for the better, and what is better than JESUS THE CHRIST? YOU can be a CHRIST change AGENT at any every age, from toddler to walker. My purpose at changing this WORLD for CHRIST started, it will be different moving forward, I’m giving Him the full reins.

I am starting to believe life gets better as you get older…wiser, and I can’t wait to learn more of God’s wisdom, for His glory’s sake. I’m glad to be at this age and working for God… while I still have my VIGOR! Who said 26 is old?!!? 26 is the new….26:)

Thank you God for allowing me to be born, giving me life to give Life to others.

Bless the Lord.

Happy 26th Birthday to me:)

Receiving Good & Evil

Then said his wife unto him, “Dost thou still hold fast thine integrity? Renounce God, and die.”

But he said unto her, “Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?”

In all this did not Job sin with his lips (Job 2:9-10).

No one enjoys pain, difficulties, and suffering. We all would much rather enjoy the good life, pleasures, and success. We often believe that we deserve to obtain the good things, and we do not deserve the bad things.

When pain, difficulties, and suffering come, we have an impulse to blame some higher authority. Many people blame God for their problems and difficulties. They do not understand how God could do evil to them, or, at least, allow the evil to be done to them. Where is God when there is pain and misery and suffering?

But notice, if you will, how one-sided we humans tend to be. While many will blame God for their failures or pain or suffering, who blames God for the fact that they are successful and healthy and prosperous? Many will claim that God does not exist on the basis of the existence of suffering, but no one in his right mind will argue that God does not exist because people find success, prosperity, and health. Job’s wife never imagined to tell Job to let go of his integrity, curse God, and die while their children and possessions remained! No – when people obtain prosperity, success, and health, they may very well praise and thank God for it.

It is easy for people to have such immature views and ideas about God. We know for certain that God does not tempt anyone with evil (James 1:13), and provides a way of escape from any sinful situation (1 Corinthians 10:13). But there is no guarantee that the life of the believer– or the life of anyone– will be free from pain, suffering, and misery. As we live our lives, we will receive both good and evil. If we are willing to honor and praise God when we receive that which is good, why should that change if we receive evil?

No one is saying that evil is desirable or pleasant, but it has its place in our fallen, broken world. Evil reminds us regarding the fundamental dis-ease that we should have while living on earth – this is not what God intends for the creation (cf. Romans 8:19-23). We must feel the “heat” of the law of sin and death at work in the world (Romans 5:12-18). If we did not experience discomfort, we would get rather comfortable on this planet and forget about Jesus and His sacrifice, just as the Israelites forgot about the LORD their God when they received the land of Canaan and enjoyed it!

Furthermore, human character is not developed through success and prosperity. Maturity and growth do not come from success and pleasure but from failure and suffering. Success and prosperity easily lead to belief in self-sufficiency and arrogance; trial leads to patience and growth in faith (James 1:2-4, 1 Peter 1:6-9). Job could only truly learn to appreciate all of God’s blessings when he suffered great misery in life, and it is the same with us. We only appreciate health when we suffer illness and pain. Success is sweeter after experiencing failure. Those best suited to handle prosperity are those who know how to live contented lives in poverty (cf. Philippians 4:11-12, 1 Timothy 6:8).

It can be guaranteed that we will receive both good and evil in life. Let us remember that through times of health or illness, prosperity or poverty, happiness or misery, God is there, He loves us, and desires for us to seek after Him (Hebrews 11:6). Let us hold fast to God whether we receive good or evil!

lesson by Ethan R. Longhenry

Monday, October 5, 2009

Come rest your head, you worry too much.

“And all my friends are aching for something in the way. And I am too, but inevitably, everything’s going to be okay,whatever that means. …But what the fuck does that mean?” ~Things I Panic About, Lauren O’Connell

Yes, that is a song lyric. Lauren O’Connell is my new love; go listen to her on youtube and then buy her album on itunes.

I am stressed. I know this about myself. I also know that there are several different reasons why I am stressed. My grandfather was in the hospital this week, and while it was for something relatively minor and he seems to be doing just fine now, learning this bit of information Friday afternoon shut all of my emotional systems down for awhile. I also know that I am very stressed about money; in fact, I am more stressed about money now that I am making it than I was when I was not making it. In a way, things almost become simpler in that world: you don’t have money, so you don’t spend money.

And I know that I am also stressed about my continued lack of physically close friendships. As close friendships overall go I’m set for the rest of my life; I’ve got awesome friends who are very dear to me and who love me very much. However, I am stressed that I have yet to find someone to hang out on a semi-regular basis now that college is over and we all live so far away. I need constant, regular human interaction to keep me sane (see previous entries), and weekends quickly become boring with no one my age to share them with.

But most of all, I am stressed about my job. Yes, the one I’ve been working at for two whole days. I am stressed because I am new and I can’t tell how good/bad I am at it yet and I need to find ways to reach out and connect and I haven’t experienced any of these things yet so I’m worried that I’ll find a way to screw them all up. I am stressed because it is new and I am new and it seems so important for me to get it right and I’m worried that I won’t get it right.

And I’ll take it one step farther then that: I not only know all of these stressors, but I also know that the amount of stress that I’ve been feeling and displaying is disproportional to the activities I’ve been undertaking. I know that I am most stressed about my job partially because of the reasons listed above, but also because it is the easiest thing to stress about, and so my stress about other areas gets streamlined into job stress instead. I even know that if I could find a way to wash off some of this stress, I’d remember that many of these things are valid things to be worried and stressed about, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to be awful and everything is going to fall apart on me and I’m never going to make new friends and I’m going to screw my clients over for life. I know this.

What I don’t know is how to do just that: how to wash off this stress. Because rationalizing doesn’t seem to do it for me. Journaling, here and privately, has helped a little, but isn’t quite enough.

I don’t know. Maybe working tomorrow will help remind me of what I’m supposed to be doing,and why I want to be doing it. Maybe I can find some other newbies in this field who don’t seem to already know everything there is to know, and therefore wouldn’t intimidate the crap out of me, and we can connect. That would even kill two birds with one stone, come to think of it.

And maybe, just maybe, Vienna Teng’s Lullaby for a Stormy Night and sleep might be enough at this point. It’s really all I’ve got right now, but it’s been known to work wonders before, so maybe tonight will be one of those nights.


so i decided it’s time to give up my overly comfortable, yet not-so-satisfying living situation and move to/around nyc. i’ve been talking about it forever and i feel like if i don’t just try to do it, i never will. and for those of you skeptics, yes i know it’s expensive. yes, i know i don’t have a job. you only live once.

anyway, if anyone is looking for a roommate or has a great place to rent out, let me know! here’s to being totally unhappy and doing something about it!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Why are you such a fucking cunt?

I’ve been thinking about people in work. 5 out of the 8 other people I work with I don’t like, I mean, I don’t really get on with. Why you may ask? Because no matter what I do, no matter how right I am in doing whatever I was suppose to do, is wrong according to these 5 people. And if I do actually say or do something wrong, they think that I’m in a bad humour or pissed off at something or someone, when really I’m not either happy or sad, I’m just content.

For example; one day, it was 10:30am and I was about to go and collect the breakfast containers from the hot counter when Lynne* asked me to help her at the wash-up. I sighed and said “ok, whatever”. Lynne’s voice dramatically changed from being nice to mean in that very instance. She barked: “What?! Have you got something else to be doing?!” “No, it’s fine”, I responded. When she went to collect the full trolley from the floor I could hear her shouting at my manager saying “I’m not working in there on my own, blah blah blah!” About 5 minutes later someone else came in to help her so I went back to my pot-wash. As Lynne was drying the cutlery, she said “if you have a problem with doing the wash-up, you go and talk to [manager], it’s not my fault you’re in a bad mood.” I replied in a very calm, relaxed tone: “But I’m not in a bad mood a…” Lynne: “You are in a bad mood, Keith!” Then she stormed off.

So, wait, she knows my feelings? She knows how and why I said what I did? My point here is, don’t judge a book by its cover. Don’t assume something without actually knowing. Do you do that? Do you get angry at someone because they annoyed you? Why? What’s the use? It doesn’t get you anywhere. I think my co-workers are watching too many soaps and drama shows. This is the real, fucking world people! Wake up and smell the irony! Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Good Morning, October.

I woke up this morning confident that October would be a change, a new month a new perspective, a new goal.  And boy, did I get that! This October 1st, many things happened (quickly, might I add): I got a job offer, and then another!! And then found out that  I may have a full time job, no subbing required, benefits, the whole deal! AND then, my certification was approved!!! I am officially certified to teach in Maryland! WOAH!!! It’s been a whirlwind day, probably one of many to follow. Thank you for your prayers, your support, encouragement, and hope! It has been a long five months, but it is finally here, really happening and I am ready, nervous, excited, you name it!

I wrote the title of this post and saved it this morning thinking that  I wanted to take some pictures of  the beginning of this season changing . I couldn’t have ever imagined that it would not be the entrance of Autumn that I would appreciate today, but the entrance of a new season of my life!  God is good, and He is perfect in His timing.

P.S. I did get a picture of Katie and Molly…. so that will just have to do! (I’ll put it up, soon)

you look a little like sarah palin

I had a job interview today.  Before I left the house, a friend came over for a quick visit and we spoke briefly while I gathered my things.  I stopped and asked her, “how do I look?” .  She smiled and said, “You look a little like Sarah Palin”.  Yikes!  I ran to the bathroom vanity mirror and dropped my hair and muted the liner.  Didn’t want to leave the house sporting that look.  What was I thinking wearing my hair up like that?~~~~~~~ The interview went better than I expected.  I may not have had the perfect answer for everything but at least I had an answer to give for every question the interviewer asked.  I should know something by Saturday or Monday.  I’m enthusiastic but not overly confident.  Overall, it was a great interview experience and I learned more about how to interview effectively.  The interviewing manager was on top of her game, had great questions, and was thorough. I don’t know, truthfully, what she thought of me but she appeared to be pleased with how the interview went as well.   We’ll see what happens next week.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

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Wieder auf Arbeitssuche!

Jetzt hat meine alte Firma nun doch nicht verlängert und die letzten Vorstellungsgespräche bei anderen potentiellen Arbeitgebern haben auch nichts gebracht. Also hat heute mein erster Tag als Arbeitsloser begonnen!

Natürlich hoffe ich jetzt noch auf Erfolg bei meiner heutigen Bewerbungstour, aber ich fürchte, dass ich nun doch für eine ungewisse Zeit beim “größten Arbeitgeber Deutschlands” bleiben werde.

Es sei denn es geschieht ein kleines Wunder!