Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"It is a pretty day! So if you are not outside...cause it's pretty."

I am in a fabulous mood, and I haven’t even gotten to talk to anyone non-work related today! Why, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you why!!

1. It is a GORGEOUS day. It’s sunny and cool but not freezing and the leaves are starting to change and it’s seriously blustery. It makes me think of Winnie-the-Pooh saying “It must be Windsday again,” and I am doubly pleased with this reference because it’s happening on a Wednesday, which usually doesn’t happen.

2. I get to wear jeans to work, but it was warm enough for me to wear one of my favorite (professional) tops, so I wound up being really pleased with my outfit today.

3. I only had one case today because the schools had a half day, and while I love my adorable pm case, it’s nice to have the afternoon all to myself. I think this has also been the first day since I’ve started where I haven’t had to come home and contact someone or look up or fill out six different work-related things, which kind of confused me for awhile, to be honest. I even treated myself to lunch, since I’ll be getting a paycheck soonish.

4. I felt like my presence was actually effective with my am case today for once. I can’t really go into any more detail, but it is a reason that I am pleased.

5. Music + driving + pretty day = awesome mood. Almost all of the time.

6. ummm….I like making lists. You may have noticed this by now. Heh *sheepish grin*

7. Trying to get out of the city today during lunch hour was a bad idea, but luckily I wasn’t in a terrible rush, so I didn’t mind too much. One of the roads I was on took me twenty minutes to go about two and a half blocks because it was right at the point where it merges onto a major highway, plus the right lane had been closed for no discernible reason. Now, the reason that this is on the list is because I was waiting more-or-less patiently in the left hand lane and sighing at all of the people who kept zipping past in the right hand lane when this guy in a jeep pulls up next to me and rolls up his window. The following conversation went something like this:

Him: “Hi, I’m an idiot and didn’t notice the blinking arrow up there until just now. Would you mind if I merged in front of you?”

Me: “Yeah, sure, no problem! Thanks for asking!”

Him: “Well, I always feel really bad when I do stuff like this!”

Seriously, he was about the cutest thing I’ve seen all day. If I were straight, I might have seriously asked him for his phone number. I spent the rest of the time waiting just sitting there going “awww, that was so cute!”

So yes, good day so far. ^_^ I need to go pick my mom up from school soon, but after that I think I might start a new knitting project. It’s just one of those kind of days.

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