Monday, February 15, 2010

Has it already been 10 years?

Cakes were held on Wednesday for people celebrating their birthday, so the big boss decided to hand out “Congratulations” and gifts to the people who have now been with the company for 10 years – my boss and… me!

I cannot believe that I have been working for this company for 10 years now – 10 years and 8 days to be exact! :S

I don’t know if I should mark this as an occasion or if I should cry!

Why cry? Does anyone really stay in a company for that many years anymore? Back in the good ol’ days people used to stay in the same company well up until they retire – my dad worked for the same company since I was in my primary school days, but even he had a few other jobs under his belt before settling on his final company.

For years I have been saying that I should move on to something new. But I have also followed up that comment with “to what?” I still have no idea what I want to do. Sure, I like photography and I like making jewellery (whenever I do get the time to move away from my computer editing photos, which seems to be never ending!), but the creative world is ridiculously competitive and I know that it’s not something I would be able to survive on. Oh, how I would just love to win the lotto!

So what have I been doing for the last 10 years in this company. Definitely not the same thing I started out in. Maybe if I were then I definitely wouldn’t have been here for this long. I’ve moved from general administration in the Support area to being a team leader for the Quality Assurance team – yeah, it did take me a few years to get here. I do enjoy what I’m doing, even though it can get quite stressful at times and I wish I were out there taking photos instead of being behind my computer desk! Also, there’s still so many things that I want to set up and learn, where I haven’t had the time to actually make a start on because of the amount of work that is constantly on my plate of things to do. The people I work with are great as well. So I really wouldn’t be surprised if I’m still here for a few more years.


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