Monday, February 8, 2010

Moonlighting as a Detective

So I recently put 2 and 5 together to sort of kind of figure out where the $17.53 went missing.

Well, on that very Sunday that I calculated my net worth, I totally forgot that I did LAUNDRY! That was exactly $7.50. It was also an 1.5 hours of my life that I will never get back. So sad. As for the $10.03, I’m thinking that I may have forgotten to include one of my church donations ($10.00) and I may have dropped 3 pennies somewhere. My wallet, even though it is cute, has a gaping hole on the top so one sudden movement and there go my coins flying all over the place.

Although this is a giant conjecture, I am glad that I can finally get some sleep at night, because it was really bothering me. I was having nightmares where a gang consisting of a $10 bill, a $5 bill and two $1 bill would chase me. And they were using quarters and pennies as ammo. Ok, ok, it wasn’t that dramatic, but isn’t that just a scary thought?

Well, I may have solved that case, but now I have other questions lingering on my mind:

1) So I bought tickets to go see Avatar in December. Except I didn’t pay the bill until February. Now, since I didn’t have a budget in January and February, I can’t say that I stored that cost in anticipation for the bill. Does this mean that this will have to deduct this from my February entertainment budget? Cuz that would be sad. Very, very sad. Or, should I create a new category called Stuff That I Bought Before but Forgot to Pay for Until Now?

2) Although I created the Misc. purchases category out of sheer laziness, should I break those costs down into their respective categories? My thinking was that if I bought food from CVS, for example, then that would be food that I wouldn’t be consuming outside, hence maintaining the balance in the universe. But now I’m slowly seeing my Misc. category grow and I’m wondering if maybe I should ixnay the laziness.

3) Why is that tracking your expenses increases instances of buyers’ remorse? Gosh I felt bad about getting a deal at CVS (buy one get one free cereal. That’s two boxes for $4.49!!). I used to get annoyed when PF bloggers would write about how they bought something and how the shame of the world descended upon them for their purchase. Then they would proceed with self-flagellation as repentance for their sins. Except now, I’m all like, omg, did I really buy something again? Newbie, you’ve GOT TO DO BETTER.

But then I walk out of the store and gorge on the pint of ice cream I just purchased and the pain just goes away. But the question still stands: why does budgeting make life feel bad?!!

I may be a detective, but I am not a one-man show. Would love to hear your thoughts/solutions on my pending questions/investigations.


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