De cand nu am mai scris am avut probleme cu calculatorul. Sincera sa fiu nici nu m-am straduit sa-l repar.
Stiti melodia aia “It’s been a while” …cam asa incep.
S-au schimbat destul de multe…observ cum grijile niciodata nu se opresc.Am reusit sa-mi indeplinesc visul de a ma muta si acum imi caut job. Maine am un interviu si tot maine incep facultatea.
Ciudat,dar nu pot spune ca sunt foarte fericita. Asta e ciudat,faptul ca am reusit dar tot sunt unele lucruri care ma trag inapoi. Nu inteleg de ce omul niciodata nu este pe deplin fericit. Probabil natura lui il impiedica.
In orice caz,am scris pentru ca imi era dor de voi si am scris la foc automat. Nu am timp acum sa gandesc…dar stiu ca va duc dorul…asta era refugiul meu. Dar ca sa inchei intr-un ton optimist, poate saptamana viitoare imi bag net in noua casa si o sa va povestesc totul.
P.S. : Cu dedicatie Vama Veche – Prieteni
“Deodata realizezi ca nu e chiar asa Dristor ai pe cineva” )
I need creativity as many days as possible a week. In fact, when we move (because we ARE moving…:) ) I told my husband that I will be taking the smallest room and making it into the crafts room. It will be a place where I can leave out my sewing machine (which at the moment is in it’s box, stored in my closet), as well as my scrapbooking stuff (again, stored away in boxes in the closet) as well as any other glue-sticker-marker type items. A glitter. Lots and lots of glitter. The kids will be able to come in a make crafts along with me. I will be able to leave out all the paper and stuff in order to be able to come and go and work on stuff during the 5 minutes I have each day to be crafty/creative.
I have been hankering to do some scrapbooking for weeks, but hauling out all of the stuff just for a few hours a day while putting up with Principe’s whining about “the mess” during the soccer half-time. I also need to finish some sewing that has been in my closet since April, but, again, hauling it all out just for a few minutes just isn’t worth it. This house is tiny, which sucks. If anyone else lives in a tiny two-bedroom house with one small bathroom and a living/dining room, then you know what I’m talking about. Now, the house is bigger than our last one, which we lived in until Queenie was 6 months old, but still, it is getting smaller by the day. There just isn’t enough room for stuff, and we don’t even have that much stuff, not compared to many people. Queenie doesn’t have that many toys (don’t feel too bad for her, she has more than she can play with) compared to her cousins who both live in bigger places. But we are modern people and definitely have more things that our parents did at our age and about a million more things than our grandparents. Like, the 200 DVDs that we have in our bookcase. And we’ve only seen about 20 of them. Or the hundreds of books, both infant and adult (not porn, we aren’t those parents) which I am all for having, but we just have then placed hap-hazardly every which way and it’s annoying. I would like them somehow organized. The bookshelf, you ask? Principe thinks that the DVDs showing are more important. Nevermind we haven’t seen even a quarter of them, he wants people to be wowed when they see how many we have. Errrrrr.
There just isn’t enough room for things. Our computer doesn’t even have it’s own spot. It just travels from the coffee table to the dining table and back. Queenie’s highchair is in the middle of the living/dining room since we just used it. It’s normal resting place is next to the window between the wall and the plant table. Weird place, I know, but it fits there and is out of the way. See, taking out scrapbooking stuff means leaving it out for a few days at a time while trying to persuade Queenie that there is nothing of interest up there and Principe that he will like the end result if he can just put up with the mess for a little bit. But days pass and I don’t get it out for one reason or another. If people are planning to come over to our house I don’t bother. Principe wouldn’t stand having it out with other people over. The last few days my BIL hase been over practicing English with me, so, of course, scrapbooking is out of the question. Anything out of the ordinary is out of the question when someone else is sleeping on the couch.
I can’t wait to move, even though I hate the whole process. I hate packing, I hate trying to decide what to keep out and what not to, what to throw away, what to sell, what to take. First we have to get an official offer from Principe’s job and then we have to see if he wants it. But it will happen. It has to happen. It has to for the good of my creativity and, ultimately, sanity.
Type de poste : poste au Siège
Domaine de compétence : communication
Statut : stagiaire
Solidarités est une association humanitaire qui intervient auprès des populations vulnérables, essentiellement victimes des conflits armés et des guerres. Spécialisée depuis plus de 20 ans dans la couverture des besoins vitaux, à savoir manger, boire et s’abriter, elle prend en charge des programmes d’urgence puis de reconstruction. Dans le respect des cultures, Solidarités met en œuvre ses programmes en unissant ses compétences à celles des employés et des cadres locaux. Les équipes de Solidarités, composées de 150 volontaires et de près d’un millier de cadres et d’employés locaux, sont aujourd’hui présentes en Afrique (Burundi, RCA, Darfour, Sud Soudan, Kenya, Somalie, Liberia, RDC, Côte d’Ivoire,…), et Asie (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Thaïlande, Birmanie).
En lien direct avec la Chargée de Communication, vous :
- assurez l’actualisation des informations sur le site Internet de l’association & des supports de communication sur le site intranet (via le logiciel Dreamweaver) ;
- participez à la rédaction et à la diffusion des newsletters et maintenez à jour les Bases De Données (fichiers Excel) ;
- envoyez les communiquer de presse aux médias et maintenez à jour la Base De Données via « Sarbacane » ;
- contribuez à l’élaboration des dossiers de presse ;
- contribuez à la campagne de communication de la Journée Mondiale de l’eau (22 mars).
Vous êtes chargé(e) :
- d’effectuer une revue de presse quotidienne sur les pays d’intervention de Solidarités et sur l’action humanitaire en général ;
-de réaliser des recherches documentaires en vue de la rédaction de supports écrits et de l’actualisation du site ;
- d’assurer le suivi des questions/demandes des internautes ;
- de maintenir à jour la photothèque de l’association.
Bon rédactionnel et bon relationnel, bonnes connaissances du monde l’humanitaire.
Bonnes connaissances en informatique, notamment en construction de sites internet :
(Dreamweaver), Photoshop, outils de création de supports de communication
Connaissances en Relations Presse.
Une forte implication dans le domaine humanitaire et/ou associatif
Maitrise de l’Anglais (lu, parlé, écrit)
Niveau d’études requis : Bac +3/4 . STATUT
-Stage obligatoire dans le cadre des études
-Basé au siège à Clichy (Métro Mairie de Clichy) à partir du 26 octobre 2009
-Indemnité de stage 398 Euros mensuel et 50% du Carte Orange
6 mois minimum. CONTACT
Adressez vos candidatures (CV+Lettre de Motivation) à Constance Decorde du service communication :
Indiquez dans l’objet de votre mail : Stage assistant communication/Relation Presse.
Pour mieux connaître Solidarités :
However, I HAVE been offered a job at Heavenly Ski Resort (owned by Vail Resorts), located in Northern California. I’ve decided that I will accept, and pursue a passion of mine (snowboarding) while working and making a little extra money. And it shall help my e-blog and youtube prosper! I’ll be documenting the experience, of course (including the drive up there, dependent upon whether or not I can safely record and drive ).
In other news, my web design company has almost completed its re-vamp and will be ready for you to enjoy in just a few short days. I’ll be sure to link to it when it is up and ready.
Position 1: Database Administrator (Development)
As a DBA, you are responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of testing and staging databases. You should be able to achieve efficiency in designing and archiving of data and the implementation of staging servers by designing good databases. In addition, you are expected to improve the performance of databases and ensure that the systems & processes are compliant with regulatory requirements and company policies.
Degree in Computer Science equivalent
DBA certification for one or more DBMS (Oracle, MS SQL Server).
At least 2 years experience in Database design and development
At least 2 year experience in Database administration of MS SQL Server
Must have proficiency in database administration focusing on application development, support and architectural areas.
Ability to interpret and write complex (SQL) queries
Position 2: Database Administrator (Production).
Degree in science or engineering
Certification for one or more DBMS will be preferred (Oracle, MS SQL Server).
At least 2 years of technical experience in Database design and development
At least 2 year of experience in Database administration of MS SQL Server and Oracle
Good analytical and troubleshooting skills to resolve production database issues
Able to understand business requirement and gain domain knowledge for effective planning
Able to provides technical expertise in the use of database technology
24×7 on-call responsibility is required
Must be available to work on different shifts if required
Type of Job: Permanent
If you are keen forward your updated resume in word format ASAP to with the following details
1. Notice Period
2. Current Salary
3. Expected salary =====================================================
Here the placement for Deputy Manager – Manufacturing Assembly
P band Deputy Manager – Manufacturing Assembly
Designation: Deputy Manager
KRA’s :
Throughput Contribution
On time Delivery
Innovation and Newness
Cost Control
Safety and Housekeeping
Job Description :
The positions are in the manufacturing Department of Process Equipment Division.
The incumbent will be responsible for the following roles and responsibilities:
Meeting the delivery commitments of the customers.
Multi Skilling of the workmen.
Ensuring the required level of Discipline and Productivity.
Meeting the quality requirement of the customers and reducing the cost.
Continuously improving the processes.
Maintaining the shop floor discipline and safe work environment in the department.
Generation of material requirement for fixture, new equipments etc.
Follow up for execution of activities so that items are available prior to requirement on job.
Requisite Qualification :
B.E / B.Tech / Diploma in Mechanical / Production / Fabrication Technology
Requisite Experience :
5- 7 years of work experience.
Preferred Experience :
Minimum 5 years experience in Fabrication of Heat Exchangers, Columns and Pressure Vessels.
Special Skills Required :
Knowledge of welding and gas cutting with respect to heavy fabrication work.
Knowledge of machining and assembly of fabricating components.
Knowledge of various fabrication codes like ASME, TEMA, DIN.
Knowledge of various International NDT Methods.
Knowledge of Job Planning and Sequencing.
Request you to furnish following details in the CV:
1) Year of passing and percentage in SSC.
2) Year of passing and percentage in HSC / Diploma
3) Year of passing and percentage in B.E.
4) Current Location.
5) Current and Expected CTC.
6) Contact Details (Mobile number, landline number and e-mail id)
Would you be interested ?
Please send us your latest updated profile with contact nos.current & expected salary details and joining time required to
You may also suggest this opening to your friends who may be interested.
Further Information:
KBS Consultants Flat H,Kulothungan Apts,
No, 5 Natesan Road
Chennai 600 083.India
Phone: +91-44 2489 5341 / 2371 9622
Visit Our Sites:
International jobs:
SAP ERP Jobs :
Core Engineering Jobs :
Email Marketing Manager
Date: 9-25-2009
Our client is looking for an Email Marketing Guru with 5-7 years experience. You’ll be responsible for strategic program development, content development, publishing schedules and material/approval trafficking, database maintenance and integrity, audience segmentation, response management and reporting results, agency management and delivery/execution of e-mail campaigns. Looking to work for a reputable company? Here’s your chance!
•Initiate projects and manage assignments/deliverables among internal constituents and e-mail infrastructure partners and outside vendors. Oversee creative execution with agency and trafficking output for appropriate internal approvals. Support content development and aggregation efforts.
•Act as liaison for e-mail marketing projects and participate in cross-company product and/or program marketing teams to support customer development for internal client groups, including, but not limited to, Marketing, Product, Digital and Operations.
•Manage the tracking, measurement and reporting of campaign results. Provide interpretation of results and make strategic and tactical recommendations to Director to improve e-mail process, product and success.
•Communicate and maintain e-mail production schedules and status reports. Develop and implement effective processes for e-mail marketing communications and institute periodic process improvement evaluations.
•Support the company’s sponsorship status and participation in their rewards program, an online membership program that rewards its members for reading/responding to e-mail communications.
•Manage acquisition programs to acquire e-mail addresses from their customers. Manage and monitor e-mail address database to ensure data integrity through ongoing e-mail address imports and exports and data synchronization of activity statuses between e-mail database vendor and e-mail deployment vendor. Coordinate response management handling with e-mail vendor and customer service.
•Research marketing trends and electronic products such as: e-couponing, video streaming, flash animation, instant messaging, wireless messaging, etc.
•Experience with the following: Photoshop, Illustrator, CSS, ASP.NET, Actionscript, XML, DHTML, HTML, SEO, SEM & DDL preferred
Technical Knowledge/ Skills:
•Advanced knowledge of e-mail marketing including opt-in/permission components, campaign management, content development, HTML/AOL/text formatting, response tracking, and customer address maintenance
•Advanced knowledge and/or experience with e-mail technology products such as personalization engines, triggered e-mails, e-couponing, video streaming and flash animation considered a plus.
•Advanced experience in list management including housefile database management, list research, list broker negotiations and list rental agreements
•Intermediate experience in publishing materials such as newsletters, magazines, statements, etc.
•Advanced knowledge of database management
•Intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Word PowerPoint and Excel, Visio applications
•Advanced writing, editing and proofreading skills
•Advanced experience in budget and schedule management
•Advanced knowledge of direct marketing processes
•Advanced knowledge of acquisition and retention marketing strategies
Education / Experience:
•Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, Business or other related area.
•5 -7 years experience in marketing industry, with experience in direct or database marketing
Strategic Programs Marketing Manager-09000002HO
Join the team that’s transforming the way the world communicates.
With operations in 130 countries, Alcatel-Lucent is the first truly global communications solutions provider, offering the most complete end-to-end portfolio of solutions and services in the industry. Our passionate and experienced team converts challenges into opportunities in the areas of third-generation mobile networking, metro optical and packet, circuit-to-packet, broadband access, advanced network and professional services, and next-generation operations support systems.
Key Job Responsibilities Include:
Creation of content positioning Alcatel Lucent as a thought leader in areas related to application enablement.
Strategic consulting experience (consultant, associate or senior consultant)
Deductive and inductive logical skills for presentation, content development.
Basic marketing and social marketing knowledge.
Entrepreneurial/can do attitude
Team player
Presentaion skills
Excellent writing skills
IT and/or applications industry experience.
Telecom experience
Start up experience.
Project management skills
Business modeling
Education: BS in Business, Marketing, or equivalent experience. MBA desired.
Alcatel-Lucent is an equal opportunity employer.
Job Market Communication
Primary LocationUnited States-Texas-Plano
Other LocationsCanada-Ontario-Ottawa, United States-New Jersey-Murray Hill, United States
Schedule Full-time
Finally a small eensy weensy chance to sit down and blog. I spent the night at Sara’s last night, and it was really great to sit down and have girly chats. We had the opportunity to sit down, get some things off our chests. Sometimes it’s so hard for us to have our own chats with eachother. Often times we find ourselves trying to have conversations muffled by the boys chatting about trucks/cars/mechanic stuff. All of that seems to take priority over her and I having our own time together, whether it’s to hang out and do things our boys won’t do with us, or just sit down and vent.
This week has been full of working like crazy, and my boss and I are at odds with eachother at the moment. I spent all of last Sunday working 13 hours and cleaning up her mess, and I apparently had to come in and “fix it all” the next day because she wouldnt do it herself. It got so bad with how she was treating me all of Monday that multiple customers phoned in and complained. I’ve had a couple job interviews at this laser clinic, and when I come back from BC they want me to come in for a couple paid shifts so they can decide whether or not they like me. Cowboy’s work is also hiring for front end stuff, and I’m expecting to hear back from his boss for an interview soon. The quicker I get out of my current job, the better. I’m really unhappy where I am, and working late means I often miss out on seeing Cowboy for any length of time.
I fly out to BC on Tuesday afternoon, and I’m so excited it’s not even funny. This last week has whizzed by so quickly due to my work that it’s helped the time pass. All of a sudden I have laundry to do and bags to pack and gifts to remember, and it gets a little hectic. My mom is down in Portland, she went on thursday to some huge quilt show/expo there, and she was so excited about it. She’ll be getting back to her place late this evening, and then I’ll be showing up on Tuesday. It’s funny, because her and I never realized how much we missed and loved eachother until I moved away. We were chatting on the phone the other day, and she said a couple things to me. First of which was “I keep finding all these awesome clothes you would love. We’ll have to take you shopping when you get here”. In all my life, my mother has NEVER said that to me. It was really weird, and took me aback. I’ve always heard other moms say things like that to their kids, but never mine. Granted, we were on welfare most of my childhood, so that accounts for it, but it still was weird to me. Secondly, we were chatting about how all I wanted for Christmas was practical things. Like cookbooks or a frying pan. Things for the house- domestic things. She tells me “Whoah, you’re finally an adult. You get it”. That tugged on my heart a little bit. Since getting clean and better, getting my life on track, it’s taken almost 3 years for her to finally forgive me a little bit and realize that I HAVE gotten my life back on track. She thought me moving away with Cowboy was impulsive. Now that we`ve been together for almost a year, she seems to be realizing that what I did was the right thing. Despite me moving away and leaving her, my relationship with her is better for it. I cant wait to see her.
In the meanwhile the summer is doing its business as usual. Every once in a while summer rains break up the predominantly hot days and so now and then a cool sea breeze full of oxygen makes you go light in your head. Clear thinking, peculiarly enough, is not happening for the most of us since spring. Successes taste different. The smell of friendship, love, danger and risk is in the air.
A lot of us come back from more beautiful and warm places. Places where things like passion, temperament and love have a complete different meaning and significance. Places where we might never come back again, and where we adapted our behaviour there to that knowledge. With our return stories come back with us. Stories of large and small dimensions. Strong and weak stories, but also stories that deserve several pages in a novel…
Me? I went to Serbia. And no, I did not behave like I would never see the place again. Many, many more times I will visit this place. I will find a way to stay there more than in any other place on our beautiful little globe. Which reminds me…
It was an early Saturday morning. Most Belgrade rooftops were complimented by the orange glow of sunrise. It must have been the sixth time that holiday I saw the sun rise and, I assure you, it was not because I woke up that early. That morning I was walking back from bringing a special girl home after an odd night’s out.
Temperatures did not drop below 28 degrees Celsius the past week, not even at night. This particular morning however, a perfect temperature was surrounding my skin. While I was making up my mind whether I was feeling, hearing or smelling happiness, my heart told me this was the place it calls home. A shiver ran down my spine.
Walking and then stopping at a corner to look up once more, I realized I still had to find my friend before we could both drop into coma on our beds. Our ways had split earlier. When a girl he met that same night took him inside at her place, to be precise.
A quote passed my mind: “No matter how you shake and dance, the last few drops land on your pants”. Simply brilliant. I didn’t remember where I heard it though. Immediately I decided to pee against the corner I was standing at. When you have to go, you have to go. Shaking and dancing I looked up my friend’s name in my phone. Joe. Joe Srbija. Joe’s Bitch. Yes… that’s how her number was saved in my phone. Why I couldn’t call him on his phone was a wild guess for me, but I was still a bit too drunk mind. Nevertheless I pressed the green button. She picked up the phone and I told her I’d be there in a few. Joe took over her phone and prematurely told me what had just arisen on his side of the connection. We hung up.
Trying to catch a sniff of pljeskavice while passing Loki I saw them at a distance standing outside. I waved. They waved back. As I came closer I asked them how it was. She looked at me a little suspicious and told me she was sure I already knew what happened.
‘I do. But did you have fun? Did it feel good?’ I asked while looking at both of them. It did. I asked her if she wanted a last kiss, at which she replied positively. Slowly I moved my lips towards hers. She turned her head away. The joke was clearly not appreciated. As she leaned over to kiss Joe goodbye I noticed her right breast showed a bit of nipple sticking out above her top.
‘I’ll call you tomorrow,’ he said. He didn’t, but he later assured me she had his e-mail address.
While we were searching for a taxi, Joe told me all about his little adventure. The blowjob got ranked in his top five. And the top five did not mean by five different girls. The blowjob ranked in the top five of times. He furthermore liked it because she was a highly educated girl. I believe her name was Tanja. She claimed to be promoted in Art history.
‘Girls who can do it like that in the Netherlands are usually pretty dirty, uneducated kind of girls. Or just disciplined but still a little dumb’, he claimed.
‘With this one you can at least talk before, after and in between.’ Yeah right, as if that was possible. But still, it does not weaken her claims.
It had all took place in the entrance hall of Tanja’s building, as she was afraid to wake up her roommate. Joe liked the setting. ‘The old communist entrance hall’, as he referred to it, was also ranked top notch in his book. As a big surprise the Tanja’s roommate came in during the action. While we were both laughing about the image of my Joe trying to (as fast a he could) get his tool back in the orange and white swimming pants he wore that night, we walked up towards the Kalemegdan citadel in search of a taxi there. Still none around. The roommate, as the story goes, had been laughing really hard, while Joe’s girl got pretty angry. Why didn’t she let her know she wasn’t home? What could have been if they had access to her bedroom? Spoken out questions that had passed her mind.
And me? I couldn’t care less… I had something different on my mind. All I could think about was the girl I just brought home and her enchanting pitblack hair…
NO EMPLOYEES TO DO THE WORK. The flip side. Immediate work for anyone 13 and over with Internet access available now, no screening, no fees, work globally from home, own pace, more work than anyone can possibly do – at least 10 times more people needed in my section.
Why can’t we find people? Why don’t people want to work? Is it that the pay starts at 37 cents a question? Gosh, lots of them are easy -what did you think of this or that and give an example or a link to support it even are the easiest, or where can I buy such and such or how can I cook such and such? How to bake a cake, do handiwork around the house, knit, sew, run a business etc.
Has no one heard of us? Do they not believe it is possible? Yes it is.
Do you think you won’t get in? Yes you can.
How it works here:
Where to register/start here
My blog with over 40 sample pages from there on how to find jobs here Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
This is a post on behalf of a client who… doesn’t have a blog.
Athena offer large format digital, print on demand services to retail customers, via the internet and to local businesses and commercial artists.
We are looking for a multi-skilled person who is lively and outgoing, with the ability to work in a pressurised environment offering a wide range of printing services from posters, banners and canvases to name but a few.
Part designer, part craftsperson and part salesperson. Key responsibilities vary as one minute you may be required to be customer facing in producing artwork stretched on canvas and the next dealing with suppliers of consumables to manage stock and the next visiting a local retailer to discuss a design for a banner for their shop.
The successful individual will be required to develop new business within such sectors as retail, designers, advertising agencies photographers and artists.
Ideally, you will have knowledge of operating large format (Canon) digital printing machines.
Key Accountabilities:
· Operate and maintain high volume large format Canon iPF8100 Digital printer devices and produce print of high quality.
· Act as an advisor to customers discussing their production requirements/turnaround times etc.
· Undertake support tasks as seen appropriate by the Manager when required
· Participate in revenue generating / marketing initiatives.
· Participate in team meetings / projects/sharing or best practices.
Candidate Requirements:
· Experience of working in a customer facing environment
· Good PC skills with knowledge of Photoshop packages
· Excellent communicator (written and verbal) at all levels, who is organised and calm under pressure
· Proactive, positive, enthusiastic, willing to go ‘the extra mile’
· Great problem solver
· Commercially aware
· Self motivated and enterprising
· Excellent eye for detail
· Organised and calm under pressure
· Friendly, approachable and flexible – a team player
· Ideally a B Tech / Diploma in Print Technology or equivalent plus minimum of 1 years print experience
· Client facing experience preferable
This opportunity is for someone to make their mark within a small but established company, initially in a 16 hour a week part-time role with a salary commensurate with experience.
You are required to be flexible as this is a print on demand organisation. Hours are negotiable, but will include Mondays and some Saturdays.
Please send your cv to Simon Coates, Athena, Feasegate, York
I have had me a day. Not good, not bad, not great, not horrible, just a day. Today is the day that I had to go down to a place called workforce one to look into getting a new career. There were about 20 of us in the room, either looking for additional training or a whole new career, like I was.
A viddy from a few weeks ago on Unemployment numbers. The important point here, I think, is made by Richard Amarone at the 4:00 - 5:05 mark. The last ten seconds are good as well.
I went down, and they didn’t really help me look for a job, they gave me the resources and let me look for myself. I was pretty happy about that, though. I didn’t want the unwanted pressure of someone looking over my shoulder trying to “help” me decide what to do with my life. That would not have turned out well. They happily left me alone. The only problem with that, and it is a minor one, is that I can’t really make up my mind what kind of training I want to go and get.
We were handed a list of jobs we could train for that were in demand and we were told that the city would pay for training in any of them, to an extant, up to I believe 3,800 if it is a “tier 3 job”. We were instructed to go to a few different websites to look for job openings to prove that there are viable openings in that particular field. I saw a few that interested me, and a number that i knew I would never take.
There are a few of the jobs that were listed that are no longer available. No job in the list is easy either, but the ones that were supposed to be there but weren’t paid well, somewhat better than the ones I was looking at afterwards. Know now that I have no experience at any of these jobs, but the training provided would go a long way to getting me in the door in any of these careers. You can call this the three reasons I am unhappy about today.
Elevator Installation/Repair, Tile and Marble Setters, and Brickmasons. Each of these jobs paid at least $18.00 to start, and the Elevator I/E job paid $24 per hour to start, and paid quite well after a few years on the workforce, but when I went to look for them in the job bank, after having seen them on the printed list the class was handed, the training for them was simply nowhere to be found on the website we were asked to go to the NYC job training guide.
Ah well, the pool is still deep, but they threw me a curveball. See there is this second list they never mentioned, which lists training, by tier and amount of money they are willing to give in a grant. This doesn’t have the three jobs I listed above, but there are jobs listed.
I could go into carpentry, which pays a little less than the pipe-fitters, but not much less. I could become Homer Simpson(D’OH!!!)…well, almost. A Hazardous materials removal worker gets the same as a carpenter…OK a few cents less on average. Work with lead and asbestos and get paid less than you would to work with wood…I dunno. Call it a fallback option. There is Legal assistant.
I know i said i would die shoveling shit before I went back to the office, but the pay isn’t half bad. Now, legal assistants get less than Paralegals, and since they are lumped together when talking about average salary, it muddles the numbers. Call that a fall WAY back option.
There is pharmacy technician, basically the pharmacists assistant, doesn’t pay as well as any of these, but it is available. There is electrician…, not too sure about that. There are already several of those in the family, no need for another, much as it would be nice to work in that field….Ya know, I shouldn’t look down my nose at any work, if it’s there and it looks good, why not?
There are several that I have yet to fully vet at this point, like General maintenance, fitness instructor (me, the runner, get PAID to sweat? Hmmmm…. that gets a serious think). I was unhappy that there were no real “green jobs” in the list. I’ll ask over at workforce one when I e-mail them tomorrow.
Right now it looks like it will boil down to Carpenter, Fitness Instructor (sweat=love=money?), Legal assistant, electrician, or Hazmat removal(D’OH). That may change, depending on how likely it looks that I will actually get the grant to do the training in any of these fields.
Second viddy, how to use a tap and die set, not entertaining, but today’s blog is about work, so why not toss a work viddy?
Wish me luck! Catch ya later!
Today’s Nuggets, Via Wikiquote: I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Albert Einstein
There’s a time when you have to separate yourself from what other people expect of you, and do what you love. Because if you find yourself 50 years old and you aren’t doing what you love, then what’s the point? Jim Carrey
We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using Natures inexhaustible sources of energy — sun, wind and tide. … I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that. Thomas Edison, 1931
Being the boss means you are the one in the leadership role.
You are:
Decision making.
Delegating tasks.
Setting the pace for work in the work place.
You’re running the show. Your staff will either make you appear great to your clients and have your business running like a well-oiled machine or you’re only as strong as your weakest link…and if you’re the weak link due to lack of due diligence for your position and job title…then, blame no one. Simply look in the mirror.
First things first.
What kind of boss are you? Are you calm and cool or are you disorganized and anxious?
Are you a courteous boss? Are you a boss that practices using good work place manners and business etiquette?
This is a BOSS NO-NO! Respect The Staff!
Respect The Staff
I expect more civility from the boss. Respect and civility, in all of it’s forms, should start from the top. A boss should respect each employee as an individual. Not look at her (his) employees as work horses.
EMPLOYEES WILL NEVER FORGET A BOSS THAT RESPECTS THEM and the bosses that respect their employees usually turn the employees into “Excellent Job Performance/Loyal Employees” or EJPLE’s.
All bosses need EJPLE’s.
Why a boss needs EJPLE’s:
They desire to work.
They desire to be on time.
They desire to complete their tasks.
They desire to be exemplary staff.
EJPLE’s feel a sense of duty and belonging to their jobs. Why?
Because the leader shows the EJPLE respect as unique parts of the team, each having their own set of skills to meeting the goals a of the workforce.
Don’t be a “Boss Buddy” or a “Boss With Benefits”
Being a “friend” to your employee is nearly impossible. One cannot be a “friend” and be a boss at the same time. The boundaries are blurred and simply don’t mix.
Being a “Boss Buddy” or a “Boss With Benefits” simply means you are no longer the boss. You seek to connect with your employee on a level that is not suitable for the workplace or personal life. It’s simply a no-no and can lead to work place gossip, fear of favoritism from other staff, jealousy among peers and so much more. If you want to be friends with your employees, fire them, then be their friend. Don’t do it while they work for you.
Well, don’t fire them, but you have to make a choice between the being the “Boss Buddy” and being the boss. Your employees don’t need to hear about your (really) personal life, partying and outside activities… especially sexual activities. That’s your business and you should not bring or share it at work.
Personal Assistant/ Secretary Protocol
When it comes to having a personal assistant, you must remember that they are human and to treat them with humanity.
They are not “servants” or “servers”.
They are there to “assist” you, not to bow down to you.
Keep in mind what “bitch” behavior is and do the opposite. Remember respect?
Here are some tips on how to treat your personal assistant with civility:
Last Name First: I am an old school stickler for this one. I suggest calling your assistant by their last name first, Mr. Jones or Ms. Smith. Your assistant will let you know if you can call them by their first name only, but until then, show them the same respect they will be showing you. If you choose to be called by your first name, don’t assume your assistant will. If your assistant does not, don’t take it personally. Respect their preference.
Introducing Your Personal Assistant: When introducing them to a 3rd party, use their surname, unless they don’t mind being called by their first name. Give them the opportunity to say to the 3rd party “You may call me Chris, Mr 3rd Party”. BTW, you are not obligated to introduce your assistant to anyone. Your choice, boss.
Never Dis: Never disrespect your assistant by snapping your fingers for them, calling them rude names, cursing at them or referring to them as anyone but your assistant.
Remember, your assistant is your right hand. Why cut off your right hand?
If you’re the boss, I hope you desire to be a gracious boss. Why?
Because, you just never know. One day your assistant may be your boss. How do you like them apples?
According to my calculations, (yes, I know how to do calculations thanks to my iPhone’s calculator function) September 2009 will be the month that I make more money than I ever did during any month working for The Man(s). For the first time since my untimely departure from a Richmond meat factory media conglomerate in April, I’ll be pulling in grown-up wages with grown-up decimal points and grown-up commas. Okay, just one comma. But still – there’s a comma in there and I likey.
I’ve packaged my skills into a nice little writing/blogging/communication machine and I couldn’t be happier with the work I’ve been doing or the connections I’ve made. Next stop: business license. At some point, I’ll need to make it legit. Who wants some of this? Come get it.
I had a chat last week with someone who is quickly turning into my business mentor (whether she accepts that role or not) about turning unemployment into a business. Selling yourself. Being the business. Doing what you love and putting yourself to work, despite not having a ‘traditional’ job. Following your heart and being happy. It’s real, folks. People do it all the time – sometime’s they’re forced into it because of unemployment (like me). Some people need a push. Some people will never be able to truly pursue happiness because they can’t grow a pair and put forth the effort. I’m happy things turned out the way they did for me. It’s still very much a work in progress, but I think I’m on the right track. The rough thing about freelance writing is that the work can always stop coming in. The good thing, however, is that there is always more work to be found.
I spent all of last week working diligently on articles, videos and blogs. I researched, edited, rendered, and created. I did it all from the comfort of my office, sporting gym shorts and scruffy facial hair. I hung out with some of my favorite Richmond bloggers, including 1/2 of this team and this crazy lady on Thursday. The Wife took me out for a delayed birthday dinner at a fancy-schmancy restaurant on Saturday. I worked malljob for a few hours here and there. I went grocery shopping at bought real honest-to-goodness food that doesn’t come prepackaged or in a box with a smiling glove on the front. I hung out with friends and watched football all day yesterday and reveled in a Buffalo Bills victory. I’m keeping extremely busy. If by ‘busy’, you include the time I spend wrapping tin-foil around the cat’s paws then throwing pieces of ham at him while he’s temporarily immobilized.
Tell you what – that cat doesn’t like to be wrapped in aluminum foil. The dog thought it was hilarious, though. Until I covered him in bedsheets and hit him with couch pillows. Now both him and the cat are holding secret meetings in the basement. I think they’re trying to booby-trap the staircase with trip wire and flying paint cans, Home Alone-style. You know how kids get really frustrated with something that they can’t do and start shaking and crying and punching the air? Hey guys, let me know when you grow some opposable thumbs and learn to tie an overhand knot.
I spend a nice portion of my day playing Rambo with those two. God help me when I have children. It’s gonna be like the Saw movies up in here.
Regional Metro Marketing Director
DeVry University
Last modified date: September 18, 2009Location: Dallas, TX
Apply Now See This Employer’s Jobs Save Job Email Job Print Job
About DeVry University:
As one of the largest degree-granting higher education systems in North America, DeVry University provides high-quality, career-oriented associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in technology, science, business and the arts. Nearly 70,000 students are enrolled at its 93 locations in 26 states and Canada, as well as through DeVry University’s online delivery. DeVry University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association, DeVry University, a division of DeVry Inc. (NYSE: DV), is based in Oakbrook Terrace, Ill. For more information about DeVry University, visit
The Regional Metro Marketing Director will be one of 6 marketing directors overseeing DeVry University’s Marketing efforts within a DeVry Operational Region. The RMMD is charged with supervising the Metro Marketing Directors, Metro Marketing Managers or Associate Managers supporting the individual metros within that region to assure that the team is providing strong support and focus on building the relationship with Marketing and the metros, providing sound strategic support and addressing key marketing objectives for the metros within their region. While the Regional Marketing Director will oversee responsibility for an entire DVU Operating Region, they will also likely have responsibility for a specific metro as well.
Supervises and directs efforts of Metro Marketing Directors and Assistant Metro Marketing Manager
Build strong relationship with, partner with and communicate with operational and DEM counter-parts (GVP and GVPA).
Serve as a key partner with Metro leadership in establishing quarterly/annual strategy and plans
Manage Metro Marketing Inquiry budgets – reviewing overall inquiry volume for their locations and communicating results and activities with counterparts
Implement local marketing initiatives working with brand, digital, inquiry and Keller Marketing teams and/or outside agencies to drive local marketing initiatives aimed at generating awareness, interest and attendance in their region (ex: Open Houses, Local Brand Acts, Community College marketing efforts, support for new locations and programs, etc.)
Reviews and approves any creative requests from their region prior to submission with internal creative resources or external agencies
Keeps on top of inquiry volume within their region and works with the National Marketing Director and/or Inquiry team to assure necessary volume of inquiries and/or develop a plan for corrective action
Budget management – managing the marketing budget for their region’s marketing
Reporting and tracking – tracking inquiries and conversion for their assigned area and from any local initiatives
Act as an intermediary between the metros and the rest of the marketing department
Provide input on overall brand and media strategy for DeVry and Keller brands
May oversee a specific project or area of responsibility for the Metro Marketing team as whole
Completes other projects and duties as assigned.
To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. Below are the minimum requirements of the education, experience, knowledge, and skills required to competently perform in this position. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
Bachelor’s degree required, MBA preferred.
8-10 years work experience required.
Previous experience in direct marketing and brand building is required.
Previous supervisory skills and strong leadership skills required.
Strong communication and analytical skills
We are proud to be an EEO employer M/F/D/V. We maintain a drug-free workplace and perform pre-employment substance abuse testing. Thank you for applying for this outstanding opportunity today.
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Spring 2008
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Average starting salaries for ISU graduating engineers.
No more excuses. No more games. No more distractions. No more nonsense.
Engineering Career Fair - Tuesday, September 22, 2009.
wussten Sie eigentlich, dass es nur 3 Möglichkeiten gibt, mit Internet-Marketing MEHR Geld zu verdienen.
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Grüße Tweuropa Network
Michael Volkmann
P.S. Wenn Sie einen vierten Weg entdecken, dann melden Sie sich. Aber Sie werden sehen, es sind WIRKLICH nur 3...!
Hier geht's zum Video:
Since graduating last year, I’ve held a total of 7 jobs! I can barely believe that but when I count it out, it’s true! Here is my list of jobs since graduating:
Web Content Manager
Office Support Staff
Research Project Coordinator
Stock Room Worker
Business English Trainer
Research Consultant
And no, it’s not because I got fired a lot! These were all contract jobs. I didn’t look for anything longer term because I knew I would be spending time in Asia with my Grandma whom I hadn’t seen for 11 years (!), and I actually intended to work there for a year. Then I went to visit Martin and found a job, which I later came back for after doing all that visa crap.
My English teaching job was fully supporting me while I was in Germany, which was kind of amazing! It really helped me not dip too much into savings (I had to because I got sick), and made spending all that time in Europe more affordable. I worked really hard though, and got much better at teaching and facilitating. Teaching English in Germany was a terrific experience for me. Now that I’m done, I miss it a little!
My plan now is to find a job!
I started searching and applying for jobs in Toronto while I was still in Germany, but then we lost the internet so I had to put my job search on hold. It was for the better – I wouldn’t have enjoyed my last few weeks as much.
My motto has always been to apply for whatever sounds interesting. I don’t expect to land a job instantly, so I was thinking of either getting a part time retail job, or learning how to sell things on eBay for the time being. I think I will choose the eBay route, because I have a bunch of things to get rid of! So hopefully I can get a job and sell a bunch of my stuff!
Update!: We’ve re-posted this with a greater focus on data-driven, performance-based marketing. If you didn’t apply before, now’s your chance! Also: Our preference is to hire full time, but we’re open to hiring a contractor to this role: if you’re interested but would prefer a contract, let us know!
A bit about us:
We’re a 4-person startup working like mad to disrupt a multi-billion dollar financial industry from the bottom up. The company is named Expensify, and we do “expense reports that don’t suck.” We do that by importing your expenses *and your receipts* straight from your credit card, submitting PDF expense reports by email, and by reimbursing entirely online — now with QuickBooks support. Basically, we’re the expense report system you always wish existed.
That might or might not sound exciting to you, and that’s okay. Most of the *really* exciting things can’t be shared openly. But needless to say, it’s a real problem that affects millions of people — people who spend a lot of money — and there are already billion dollar companies who focus on this problem alone.
We have users, investors, partners, awards, and a crapload of good technology (not the least of which is an iPhone application, with BlackBerry, Palm, and Android on the way). We pay pretty decent salaries, are very generous with equity, and provide solid benefits.
We’re really happy where the product is at overall, but we also realize our limits: we don’t have the DNA to blow out this product in a huge way. So we need more new DNA in the team. Which is why we’re talking to you.
A bit about you:
The most important thing is that you are awesome. You work incredibly hard on a huge diversity of tasks. You can do pretty much anything you set your mind to, often better than people who have spent their whole lives doing it. You have more ideas than you’ll be able to accomplish in a lifetime. Does this sound familiar? If it doesn’t that’s fine. But it means I’m probably not talking to you.
Next, you’re cool to be with. We work really hard, sometimes from really distant locations. (Every year we go overseas to work from a remote beach: we just got back from Istanbul, but previous years — in a previous startup — we’ve gone to Thailand, Mexico, and India.) You’ve got to be extremely passionate about your work, but also respectful that sometimes things don’t go your way, and that that’s okay: everyone will return the favor, so in the long run, if you’re right more than you’re wrong, you’ll end up getting your way regardless.
(Incidentally, we work 3 days a week together — M/W/F; the rest your on your own. We don’t currently have an office, we’ve been doing the coffeeshop thing for the past year, but we’re considering getting a space downtown SF now that the team is growing)
If all those are taken care of, then ideally you would also be a whiz at performance-based internet marketing. You’ll never, ever be pigeonholed, and you’ll be involved across the board in decisions big and small. But we are specifically looking for someone to pick up and run with the following responsibilities:
- Write a bunch of SEO-optimized copy for the site
- Rebrand the entire site and product with a professional style
- Establish a multi-tier pricing plan
- Do a short, intense SEM burst to gather data
- Calculate the cost to acquire customers for each tier
- Re-optimize everything (site, pricing, keywords, etc)
- Repeat this process endlessly
- When we’re confident with SEM, add lead gen
- When we’re confident with lead gen, try affiliate
- Keep adding new channels
This is a very experienced, performance-based, number-crunching and ROI-focused role to manage a comprehensive marketing campaign for Expensify. You have a history of successfully establishing low-cost methods of acquiring customers using the full range of internet tools: SEO, SEM, lead generation, affiliate marketing, etc. All the resources of Expensify at your disposal, as well as full authority to go out and hire outside specialists as needed, but ultimately this role is about actively executing rather than delegating.
Next steps:
We’ve got a process worked out. It involves you answering a bunch of the standard interview questions up front, in your first email to us. This saves everyone time (if you’re willing to spend hours with us interviewing on the phone or in person, why not spend half that time in email?), lets us talk with more candidates than we could feasibly do otherwise, and we find the best candidates actually enjoy the process. If you don’t enjoy it or don’t have time for it, it’s probably a sign that this job isn’t right for you and that’s great! We’ve saved you the time applying, and us the time turning you down! For everyone else, here are the questions without further ado:
1) What’s your story, in a nutshell? What have you been up to with your life, and ultimately, what do you want to do?
2) What about the above job post most appealed to you? Why do you want to work with Expensify?
3) What about the above job post causes you concern? There’s got to be at least one thing about it that rubbed you wrong. What was is it?
4) We’re currently thinking something along these lines; what are your thoughts?
a. Write a bunch of SEO-optimized copy for the site
b. Rebrand the entire site and product with a professional style
c. Establish a multi-tier pricing plan
d. Do a short, intense SEM burst to gather data
e. Calculate the cost to acquire customers for each tier
f. Re-optimize everything (site, pricing, keywords, etc)
g. Repeat d-f endlessly
h. When we’re confident with SEM, add lead gen
i. When we’re confident with lead gen, try affiliate
j. Keep adding new channels
5) Which of the tasks in (4) can you (or would you) do yourself, without any outside help whatsoever, and which would you delegate to contractors?
6) For those tasks that you’d delegate to contractors, do you have specific people or firms in mind, ideally with who you’ve worked in the past? (Don’t exaggerate here: if you come interview I’ll ask for specific names so I can follow up with them, as in effect your success depends on their success.)
7) What kind of budget would you need to succeed in your role (both for the ads themselves as well as for contractors), and how do you measure success?
Do you think this role is scoped correctly to make the best possible use of your skills? Which of these tasks do you think you shouldn’t do; which aren’t listed that you should?
9) If you were hiring for this role, what questions would you ask (that I’m not asking) to separate out the good from the great?
10) And most importantly: how did you file your last expense report, and did it suck?
Please send your answers to whenever convenient, along with a resume (if you have it, but don’t fret if you don’t). I guarantee I’ll reply to you if you actually fill out the questions. Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Founder, CEO of Expensify
You should follow us at
My heart exploded today. It lived and breathed and beat outside my chest.
The day’s appointments were planned and noted on the attorney’s Outlook calendars. Simple words. Stranger’s names. A time set- 10:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
And yet a certain, unexpected event at work this morning turned me back into the optimist I used to be.
A new adoptive family was coming in to meet and take home the newest addition to their growing family. The adoptive mom had just received a call from the care-giver stating that she was finally at the office. Her anticipation got the best of her and she couldn’t wait for the woman to bring in the baby. She rushed out to the parking lot, after asking my permission, brought in her new son, and then stated that the woman needed more help. I went outside not knowing what actual help was needed. Then it was all but clear…
My co-worker and I were only too happy to go out to the parking lot and take the two additional babies into our open arms. The care-giver was also watching over two of “our” other babies.
Put them in car seats to bring them inside? Please. We won’t hear of such a thing. We needed to hold them just as much as they needed to be held.
I have been working at this law firm for four months and this morning was the first time I actually got to hold one of “our” babies. I turned into mush. Instantly. It was something like that very first kiss, or the first time you fall in love…I had to catch my breath- even though I had already held mulitple babies before in my life. Maybe it’s just me, but each time feels like your very first time.
Madeline’s “birthday” was today, the 18th, as she had been born last month on this day- one of our “drop and go” cases. I held her in my arms and her warm head rested against my chest, and she cooed and she slept against me as her tiny right hand clutched onto the chain of my beloved necklace, her tiny tongue extending out in a yawn. I kissed her head more than once. Tears welled up in my eyes, but they never fell down my cheeks. You couldn’t erase the smile from my face. “You want one, don’t you?” “I do, but I have to wait…”
It was a baby party in our lobby. I think one of the attorneys said we had never had so many babies in our office at the same time. These three little lambs might never know they had ever met one another- but oh, how their lives are entertwined!
I held the one month old girl as my co-worker held a one month old baby boy, all the while the adoptive mother held her new one month old baby boy as her older son looked on and took pictures with his very own disposable camera. He was oh-so-proud to take pictures and oooh and awww about his new baby brother. “But Mom- I need you to show me how to hold him!” little Sebastian said when asked if he would like to hold him. And then more precious moments were captured with multiple cameras.
A new son, a new brother was held and loved, as I held and loved a stranger I had to give up- as I gave into my own daydreams of a future family of my very own. An entire law office in Jacksonville, Florida was filled with adoration. Strangers from different cities, brought together because of the miracle of life, of love.
After a mere twenty minutes or so, I had to relinquish control of “my” little girl- a little girl who was too close to being abandoned at the hospital before DCF stepped in and found the mother. Instead of going into “foster care”, we were able to have the mother sign consents so we would be the legal guardians of the child until we could find an adoptive family.
You just can’t be depressed when you’re holding a baby, and while you might have to give it back up, you’re left with the happiness- the peace- that you felt while holding that little gift from heaven. Those short moments stayed with me the rest of the day. I couldn’t help but imagine the selflessness and love a birth mother must feel and express when giving up her very own…
…and I couldn’t help but recall the trauma and shock I went through only a few weeks back- when I received the calls about planning the funeral for one of our newborns with the mild case of Spina Bifida and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The calls from NICU…pulling the plug, signing the death certificate, cremation, the funeral home.
“Krista Angel”. “How dare she name her daughter…”. “She’s not a mother”. “Does she know what happened to her baby? Does she know what she did?” “I hope to never have to do that again”. “I can’t take anymore of these calls- will you take it?” “I’ll never forget her last name- she should be in jail.” “Hello, Goodbye” by Michael W. Smith. “Forgive her, Lord, she doesn’t know- that You gave life to me…”
What’s the difference between abortion and a drugged-out “mother”?
We hardly knew you, but we loved you.
God knew her name, planned her, and holds her now.
I had to rejoice, despite my present single and childless circumstances, despite the stress and occasional case of sorrow associated with this job.
Yes, I long for a husband and a baby of my own more than words could say, but after this morning I was reminded again of how God looks after His own. I couldn’t help but remember that God is appeasing, more than satisfying, the deep longings of my heart through this job, even on a temporary basis. No, these babies are not my own, but I get to be a small part of the very beginning of their lives. No, I am not their mother, but I get to experience the joy, and be a part of the (sometimes complicated) process that places these little ones with loving families who have the same longings as I have.
I was reminded that sometimes, the best things in life simply take time- the perfect timing that only God has in His omnipotent mind. And even when we make our mistakes, take our own roads, His will is perfect and complete, though we may not understand and sometimes resist and rebel.
This unexpected job, that I did not intentionally seek out, that I did not know about (fully), it was meant to be mine, and for reasons I am just now discovering. I was trying to get another job, that I thought was perfect for me, but God knew. Even after I was hired and was trained for this job, I still tried to get away after the original position called upon me, and I didn’t succeed. God knew. And now, I do too.
I prayed a simple prayer when I attempted to leave my last miserable job earlier in the year, before I faxed my resume that I didn’t even know went through (and was accepted)- God, I don’t care about money- I just want to be happy. I want to make a difference. And look at what He has done. Taste and see- that my Lord is good.
This “job” is a part of the larger story of my life- of being rejected, and then accepted (thank you, Mom). Of knowing someone, somewhere loves you, and waits for you, more than you can ever imagine.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
(One day I will know Psalms 139 by heart.)
I’ve waited almost half of my life to have a job as satisfying as this one is. It ties all the loose ends of my existence together.
I told little Madeline outside, when she was first put into my arms, “I think I love you.”
She won’t remember that moment. I will.
I can’t even comprehend or explain the affection and love I felt for this little baby, one I will never hold again.
I can’t fathom what I will one day feel for my very own little miracle.
1 “Sing, O barren woman,
you who never bore a child;
burst into song, shout for joy,
you who were never in labor;
because more are the children of the desolate woman
than of her who has a husband,”
says the LORD.
2 “Enlarge the place of your tent,
stretch your tent curtains wide,
do not hold back;
lengthen your cords,
strengthen your stakes.
3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left;
your descendants will dispossess nations
and settle in their desolate cities.
4 “Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame.
Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.
You will forget the shame of your youth
and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.
5 For your Maker is your husband—
the LORD Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
he is called the God of all the earth.
6 The LORD will call you back
as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit—
a wife who married young,
only to be rejected,” says your God.
7 “For a brief moment I abandoned you,
but with deep compassion I will bring you back.
8 In a surge of anger
I hid my face from you for a moment,
but with everlasting kindness
I will have compassion on you,”
says the LORD your Redeemer.
9 “To me this is like the days of Noah,
when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth.
So now I have sworn not to be angry with you,
never to rebuke you again.
10 Though the mountains be shaken
and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
nor my covenant of peace be removed,”
says the LORD, who has compassion on you.
11 “O afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted,
I will build you with stones of turquoise, [a]
your foundations with sapphires. [b]
12 I will make your battlements of rubies,
your gates of sparkling jewels,
and all your walls of precious stones.
13 All your sons will be taught by the LORD,
and great will be your children’s peace.
14 In righteousness you will be established:
Tyranny will be far from you;
you will have nothing to fear.
Terror will be far removed;
it will not come near you.
15 If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing;
whoever attacks you will surrender to you.
16 “See, it is I who created the blacksmith
who fans the coals into flame
and forges a weapon fit for its work.
And it is I who have created the destroyer to work havoc;
17 no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
and this is their vindication from me,”
declares the LORD.
For professional career and job advice consult a career professional first. With no guarantee or endorsement
implied here to use as you wish or not at your own risk is the combined knowledge, tips, and ideas of past and
current members at Mahalo ( ) the human-powered search engine and more.
For professional career and job advice please consult a career professional first. With no guarantee or endorsement implied by listing it here, to use as you wish or not at your own risk, here is the combined knowledge, tips, and ideas of past and current members at Mahalo the human-powered search engine and more.
I have selected links that I thought might be helpful below. If you would rather scan larger lists by category scroll dow to CATEGORY links at bottom. Since more resources are added every day, I will eventually write a part 2 for this and other topics on an occasional basis whenever I have time. You can subscribe to the RSS feed in the top right corner if you are interested in reading further blog postings. They will not be often.
How to Choose a Career
Tomorrow is my last day as Miss Sarah, after-school YMCA teacher. I’m really going to miss it. Sure, the children have tested my patience. For example–you can’t make a 4th grader actually try when doing his homework, even if you call him a whiney baby. (From personal experience, I wouldn’t recommend that tactic.) And after watching a 1st grader do just about anything and everything to avoid listening to me read to her, including taking off her shoes and cleaning the sand out of them with meticulous scrutiny, I just had to laugh. Clearly, my efforts of “Abbie, pay attention, Abbie, sit still,” were falling on deaf ears if she’d rather clean out her shoes then listen to me read a book. And I do voices and everything.
But, still, children are really something.
Sam, the youngest and smallest of the group, just started kindergarten this year. He sometimes has a little trouble not crying in the mornings when his mom drops him off at school. But he shyly showed me a picture of his family that he now carries around in a little sandwich bag tucked into his bookbag. He said, “Miss Sarah, see? It helps me not miss my mommy and daddy so much while I’m at school.” Seriously? Melted my heart. All over the floor.
And, Abbie, despite her short attention span, is the first to rush to help anyone in need. She holds doors open for the group like a champ. And she’s always thinking outside the box. I was coloring with her the other day, and we decided to draw a Halloween picture. I reached for an orange crayon and asked her to draw a pumpkin. She got a mischievous little glint in her eyes and said, “Let’s color everything a DIFFERENT color then it’s supposed to be!” Pretty soon we had a beautiful Halloween picture: blue grass, brown flowers, red pumpkins, green clouds and four bright, yellow suns. Sure, the sun is yellow, but four of them! But sunshine is nice, so why not? What was I thinking, trying to force her little mind into the box of normality? Pretty soon I’m going to be starting classes at one of the most creative schools in the country! I think I need to take a hint from Abbie and start thinking outside the box more.
I got goodbye notes from them today, thanking me for being their teacher and saying they’ll miss me. So sweet. They’ve certainly helped me remember a few important things in life:
It’s okay to miss the people you love. New things are scary and it’s okay to cry, but don’t be sad for too long or you might miss out on something fun. Holding doors open for people makes them feel special. Be creative – clouds can be green if you want them to be. Sunshine is nice. You will never, ever, ever need to know the difference between a quadrangle and a rectangle in real life. Err…no name calling. And be sure to write thank you notes.
It’s nice to get friendly reminders of things like that every now and then.
If you are a fresher then definitely you have to apply for small companies / consultancies first. get a good experience in attending interview. if you feel you are comfortable and you could face any kind of interview panel then start applying for mega corporates.
You may be thinking … why not? …. the answer is if you started applying for mega corporates like TCS, CTS, … etc … once your resume is shortlisted for an interview and if you failed to clear the inter view … for the coming 6 months you won’t be able to attend for an inter view again. (this is not an accurate data I am giving it as an example, this duration differs from company to company)
And one more thing … if you are attending an interview again in a same company … they will definitely have your past history .. its a bit tough to clear because they knew you weak areas in your area of specialization.
that is why it is always advisable to attend mega corporate interviews after a through preparation.
PLEASE NOTE: The semi-finalist castings will begin promptly at 2PM on Saturday and Sunday September 19 and 20 and last until approximately 4 PM on both days.
Applications for October’s casting may be picked up by going to the Official Miss Refined International™ Information Center.
Were you aware an employment interview may be over in the 1st three to 5 minutes? The reason being because most interviewers will begin to make a ‘mental registration’ of whom you’re the minute you’re employed thru the door. Employment interview preparation is a key component in an individual’s career.
If you really believe that you’ve got the abilities for the positions you are trying yet you are hopping from one interview to another, then you seriously need a job interview makeover! Read on as we itemise the techniques for a successful interview. One.
The Art of Chatting Say MORE with LESS Are you good at extemporaneous speeches? You know, that game where you pick out a subject out of a bowl and chat about the topic and attempt to convey all of the important info you know in less than 2 mins. If you haven’t done this before, now’s the time to try. Interviewers don’t have all day.
You want to make an impression in that limited period of time you are sitting in front of the interviewer ( s ). And we’re not just talking about empty words. Clear and concise is the name of the game. Find out how to put your best foot forward without using too many elaborate words or by beginning from that gong you were given during first grade.
MAKE a listing of highlights in your private and pro lives and then try and convey those in 2 mins or less. Practice in front of the mirror or with a pal.
Two. Become familiar with the Company Walking in an interview without the smallest clue about the company you need to work for spells for disaster. Bosses like to grasp that you are indeed eager in joining their firm. As such, PREPARE. The simplest way to try this is to go to the organization’s site. If you got hold of the lead for the firm thru a pal or a headhunter, ask them for more info about the firm. Generally, you need to at least know the firm’s main line of business, location ( s ), size, and company culture. 3. Preparing for the Position In today’s troublesome world, it isn’t enough to understand about the company, you must also plan ahead and get ready for the position itself. List down the experiences and private characteristics that would make you most fitted for the position. This could certainly be one of the questions of the interviewer so it’s best not to fumble with your answer. Instead, convey a feeling of confidence that you can do the job. Four. Dress reasonably. When it comes to job interviews, first impressions DO last. Ensure you are wearing casual or formal office clothes. Restrict your jewellery and tone down the scent or after-shave ; you don’t wish to choke the interviewer with your strong smell do you? Ensure you brush your hair just before you go into the interview! Five. Bring in the Right angle. The best clothing in the world can’t cover a puny spirit. Bring in the right perspective into an interview. Come in with a grin and shake hands with the interviewer resolutely. Answer questions in a clear and firm voice. Be cautious to your surroundings and appear interested at every point.
Six. Don’t be Late Under no circumstances should you be late for an interview. It’s a sure way to convey that you aren’t the one for the job. Further, arriving early means you have the time to freshen up a bit and not seem like you ran thru traffic. Seven. ASK! Don’t be scared to ask questions. Asking about the company and the position handy conveys eager interest. Tell the interviewer that you don’t wish to waste his / her / their time so you want to ask some questions ( e.g, who will be your chief, what the firm’s expectancies of you are for the 1st six months, income expectancies, and so on. ) eight. Responding Right ALWAYS talk in a positive light. It’ll do you no good if you take this chance to mention how ‘backward’ your present boss man is or how your present employer is ‘unfair’ when it comes to promotions.
Were you aware an employment interview may be over in the 1st three to 5 minutes? The reason being because most interviewers will begin to make a ‘mental registration’ of whom you’re the minute you’re employed thru the door. Employment interview preparation is a key component in an individual’s career.
If you really believe that you’ve got the abilities for the positions you are trying yet you are hopping from one interview to another, then you seriously need a job interview makeover! Read on as we itemise the techniques for a successful interview. One.
The Art of Chatting Say MORE with LESS Are you good at extemporaneous speeches? You know, that game where you pick out a subject out of a bowl and chat about the topic and attempt to convey all of the important info you know in less than 2 mins. If you haven’t done this before, now’s the time to try. Interviewers don’t have all day.
You want to make an impression in that limited period of time you are sitting in front of the interviewer ( s ). And we’re not just talking about empty words. Clear and concise is the name of the game. Find out how to put your best foot forward without using too many elaborate words or by beginning from that gong you were given during first grade.
MAKE a listing of highlights in your private and pro lives and then try and convey those in 2 mins or less. Practice in front of the mirror or with a pal.
Two. Become familiar with the Company Walking in an interview without the smallest clue about the company you need to work for spells for disaster. Bosses like to grasp that you are indeed eager in joining their firm. As such, PREPARE. The simplest way to try this is to go to the organization’s site. If you got hold of the lead for the firm thru a pal or a headhunter, ask them for more info about the firm. Generally, you need to at least know the firm’s main line of business, location ( s ), size, and company culture. 3. Preparing for the Position In today’s troublesome world, it isn’t enough to understand about the company, you must also plan ahead and get ready for the position itself. List down the experiences and private characteristics that would make you most fitted for the position. This could certainly be one of the questions of the interviewer so it’s best not to fumble with your answer. Instead, convey a feeling of confidence that you can do the job. Four. Dress reasonably. When it comes to job interviews, first impressions DO last. Ensure you are wearing casual or formal office clothes. Restrict your jewellery and tone down the scent or after-shave ; you don’t wish to choke the interviewer with your strong smell do you? Ensure you brush your hair just before you go into the interview! Five. Bring in the Right angle. The best clothing in the world can’t cover a puny spirit. Bring in the right perspective into an interview. Come in with a grin and shake hands with the interviewer resolutely. Answer questions in a clear and firm voice. Be cautious to your surroundings and appear interested at every point.
Six. Don’t be Late Under no circumstances should you be late for an interview. It’s a sure way to convey that you aren’t the one for the job. Further, arriving early means you have the time to freshen up a bit and not seem like you ran thru traffic. Seven. ASK! Don’t be scared to ask questions. Asking about the company and the position handy conveys eager interest. Tell the interviewer that you don’t wish to waste his / her / their time so you want to ask some questions ( e.g, who will be your chief, what the firm’s expectancies of you are for the 1st six months, income expectancies, and so on. ) eight. Responding Right ALWAYS talk in a positive light. It’ll do you no good if you take this chance to mention how ‘backward’ your present boss man is or how your present employer is ‘unfair’ when it comes to promotions.
Before you start thinking that I am a horrible person or something like that, I will admit that I have some difficult talking with people. It’s not that I can’t talk or I sound funny. Nor do I have a problems talking forming ideas. Everything works fine. But to go up to people and talk with them is scary.
I know. Some of you are probably thinking that I am very weird. But that’s how I am. I hate it when I might have to sit at a table with other people just because the whole situation of how do I talk to them and what do I talk about and all of that. And am I allowed to enter into that conversation? And then, what if I’m bothering them? I do not want to either annoy or bother people in the least.
And I’m thinking about basically becoming a telemarketer. Crazy. I know. But hey, it pays $7.75 a hour plus snacks.
As it is, I’ve pretty much hardly talked to anyone. I mean, I’ve said a few random things here and there but not a lot. Not enough that it is even worth mentioning.
Well, today was the photo shoot. That was very lame in a way. All we did was be a background person and walk up and down and up and down the sidewalk while some other people sat on the grass and talked and some other people played ball. Then the sun was hot and I think my cheek is sunburned now and there was no wind and my backpack was heavy. Though I did get candy. That’s always good.
For some reason, the person partly in charge of this was late in showing up. As such, we sat in the library and talked for a while. My brother, Reuben, was also there (He goes to school with me kinda.) and we began talking with one of the girls from his math class. Well, correction. He began talking with the person and I just joined in because I was in a weird mood giving complements to everyone today. As such, I talked to her too.
Then, Reuben had to leave as he was on the grass and we were paired up. I don’t remember everything we talked about but we were together for a good fifty minutes and we talked pretty much all of that. I made some comment that she could go to my house and told her the directions. (I live a 1/4 mile from campus. Takes me about two minutes to get to school, if the light cooperates. If it doesn’t, it can take as long as seven.)
Well, when I went back to school to read, (I had a lot of reading this week between a two hour class today, clinical tomorrow and class that afternoon.) I met her along the street actually going towards my house.
So, who knows what will happen. But I honestly would like a friend. Pretty much one of my only friends went to college and, though we were a long distance relationship, we aren’t talking as much at all. And I don’t think that has just to do with the fact that we wrote stories all the time together and now we don’t. But I pretty much lost one of my only friends.
Though I’ve never had friends since I was twelve, I would like someone I could call and say something like, “Hey, you want to go to such-and-such together?” Because I’m a lot braver with a friend.
And I’d like someone to bounce off story ideas with. I really need someone like that, just because I have so many and I don’t know if some are good or not.
I’m not going to hope too much. I guess I’ve had too many disappointments. (Things like going to camp, promise to write, nothing.) But hey, maybe something will. And anyway, we always want to invite people over for thanksgiving.
Im Rahmen einer Untersuchung haben die Wirtschaftsprüfer von Ernst & Young 3.000 Studenten in Deutschland befragt, was sie bewegt und wohin sie wollen.
Die ganze Studie gibt es hier zum Download (PDF).
Für Schnellleser hier einige (von mir) ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Studie:
87% der Studierenden sind sehr zufrieden bzw. eher zufrieden mit Ihrer persönlichen Situation.
Hauptmotiv für die Aufnahme eines Studiums ist das persönliche Interesse bzw. Hobby. Gefolgt von guten Jobchancen und guten Verdienstmöglichkeiten.
Kollegialität, Jobsicherheit und der Führungsstil sind wichtige Faktoren, die Berufseinsteiger an einem Arbeitgeber schätzen und sich wünschen.
84% der Berufseinsteiger sind gewillt innerhalb Deutschlands für Ihren Berufseinstieg umzuziehen.
4,6 Jahre (im Durchschnitt) erwarten Berufseinsteiger bei ihrem ersten Arbeitgeber zu bleiben. Am längsten wollen Lehramtsstudenten (8,2 Jahre), Juristen (5,3 Jahre) und Geisteswissenschaftler (5,1 Jahre) bleiben. Die kürzeste Zeit geben sich Kulturwissenschaftler (4,0 Jahre), Mediziner (4,1 Jahre) und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler sowie Ingenieure (je 4,3 Jahre).
Die wichtigsten Themen in der Wahrnehmung der Studierenden sind Menschenrechte, die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Deutschland sowie internationale Krisen und Kriege.
64% der Studierenden benoten den Standort Deutschland im Bezug auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. (16% sehr gut, 20% eher schlecht bis schlecht)
Only 100 shopping days left till the holidays are upon us! Could you use some extra cash for the holidays? Would you be interested in a part-time job that pays approx. $25 to $35 an hour? How about a FREE starter kit, FREE training & support, weekly pay & monthly bonuses, and a very flexible schedule! Join my team at Partylite and in your first 3 months you could get a bonus reward of $375 in FREE candles plus 6 catalog items of your choice FREE! (reward based on monthly sales goal)
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Visit : see our catalog and get all the info on becoming a Partylite Consultant or e-mail me at janice524@comcast.
I had a fantastic interview today. The two potential supervisors seem to have a fondness for sarcasm and teasing. I would fit right in with either of them as my boss. The interview was more like an easy conversation among friends. Completely comfortable. I didn’t feel like I was reaching for answers or trying to spin anything to make it sound slightly better. After an hour and fifteen minutes, they ended the interview. I will know by Friday if they want me back for a 2nd interview. If I get hired, I would be working by October 5th. Despite all of this, I find myself staying as low key as possible about it, downplaying it, afraid to hope, and not wanting to let myself want this too much.
After the interview, I went and weighed in. I had started a new page last week that logged my daily calories and how much time I spent exercising, each day. Nothing big, nothing crazy, just an additional line of accountability for myself since I knew I was starting to fade away and hide. Whether anyone looks at it or not is not the point, the point is that each day I know I have to write it down. Here. On the blog. Knowing I had this log, I knew my calorie intake last week was good. Great actually! Only one day I went over calories. I didn’t work out as much as I thought I did though. But despite that, my calorie level is such that even if I didn’t exercise, I should be losing 1 lb a week. All this to say, I was excited for today’s weigh in. I was actually looking forward to seeing the scale and then the jubilant text I would send to Coach and Aaron. As I drove there from the interview, I just kept thinking I am gonna get to send a double good text (interview and a loss!) But that was not in the cards today. Somehow I gained 2.1 lbs this week.
I am very frustrated and discouraged and yet I know I did the work. The scale just is not my friend this week. It will come next week. At least that is what I am telling myself until I believe it and until then, I keep doing the work…and trying to avoid the super size bag of Tootsie rolls mom bought!
The Biggest Loser started tonight. In fact it is on now as I write this. Part of me wishes I was there. Part of me is glad I am not. Part of me is grateful for the painstakingly slow process I am in, because the chances of regain are much less this way. Part of me wishes I could put the process on warp speed. I want to be there and yet I don’t. I just saw one woman almost quit and I thought “Seriously?? You are gonna throw this opportunity away? My opportunity? You are gonna throw away?” Then as I watched all the drama unfold, each of the contestants have some sort of life tragedy that has contributed to where they are today. I thought, my story would fit right in here. Except it won’t, because my story no longer has me, I have it! (At least most of the time anyway) I am not saying I am better than all those contestants…I am just in a different place. I have already begun coming to terms with my “stuff” and dealing with it and working on the weight loss. I just wouldn’t have provided any drama. But I am still disappointed I am not there. Grrrr… hate that!
I got a road bike! I officially have all the tools I need to be able to do all three legs of a triathlon next spring/summer. I will post pictures of the bike and the ridiculous story of how I got it soon! Remind me if I forget, it is funny!