Finally a small eensy weensy chance to sit down and blog. I spent the night at Sara’s last night, and it was really great to sit down and have girly chats. We had the opportunity to sit down, get some things off our chests. Sometimes it’s so hard for us to have our own chats with eachother. Often times we find ourselves trying to have conversations muffled by the boys chatting about trucks/cars/mechanic stuff. All of that seems to take priority over her and I having our own time together, whether it’s to hang out and do things our boys won’t do with us, or just sit down and vent.
This week has been full of working like crazy, and my boss and I are at odds with eachother at the moment. I spent all of last Sunday working 13 hours and cleaning up her mess, and I apparently had to come in and “fix it all” the next day because she wouldnt do it herself. It got so bad with how she was treating me all of Monday that multiple customers phoned in and complained. I’ve had a couple job interviews at this laser clinic, and when I come back from BC they want me to come in for a couple paid shifts so they can decide whether or not they like me. Cowboy’s work is also hiring for front end stuff, and I’m expecting to hear back from his boss for an interview soon. The quicker I get out of my current job, the better. I’m really unhappy where I am, and working late means I often miss out on seeing Cowboy for any length of time.
I fly out to BC on Tuesday afternoon, and I’m so excited it’s not even funny. This last week has whizzed by so quickly due to my work that it’s helped the time pass. All of a sudden I have laundry to do and bags to pack and gifts to remember, and it gets a little hectic. My mom is down in Portland, she went on thursday to some huge quilt show/expo there, and she was so excited about it. She’ll be getting back to her place late this evening, and then I’ll be showing up on Tuesday. It’s funny, because her and I never realized how much we missed and loved eachother until I moved away. We were chatting on the phone the other day, and she said a couple things to me. First of which was “I keep finding all these awesome clothes you would love. We’ll have to take you shopping when you get here”. In all my life, my mother has NEVER said that to me. It was really weird, and took me aback. I’ve always heard other moms say things like that to their kids, but never mine. Granted, we were on welfare most of my childhood, so that accounts for it, but it still was weird to me. Secondly, we were chatting about how all I wanted for Christmas was practical things. Like cookbooks or a frying pan. Things for the house- domestic things. She tells me “Whoah, you’re finally an adult. You get it”. That tugged on my heart a little bit. Since getting clean and better, getting my life on track, it’s taken almost 3 years for her to finally forgive me a little bit and realize that I HAVE gotten my life back on track. She thought me moving away with Cowboy was impulsive. Now that we`ve been together for almost a year, she seems to be realizing that what I did was the right thing. Despite me moving away and leaving her, my relationship with her is better for it. I cant wait to see her.
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