Monday, January 11, 2010


., originally uploaded by Ültra.

I’ve had a lot of time to think over the past month, mostly about careers, classes, and jobs. I still don’t have the faintest trace of a path in life, I’ve only introduced more options. Recently I have thought about going into medicine or architecture. Stable careers for sure, but is will I enjoy that? Would I even enjoy being a photographer or a film maker?

Unfortunately, I’ve never been a director, a surgeon, an architect, or a photographer so I have absolutely no idea.

Looking more short term, I’m nervous about this upcoming semester. It will most definitely be more difficult than my first, but hopefully the classes will be more interesting. I look forward to two geography classes and a communications class, but dread more calculus, and physics will be impossible I’m sure.

After this upcoming semester I will hopefully find a solid job that I can work in the summers and during holiday break. Apple store por favor?

Speaking of summer, my friend wants us to film the legendary Pancho Doll this summer in California. Of course I love the idea, but practicality has dampened my hopes for the project. The gear we would need would cost over $4k alone, plus travel expenses, food, etc and we are talking a small fortune to make a non-profit documentary film. The trip would also prevent me from working for several weeks.

Money, money, money.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Welcome to adulthood, David.

Obviously these choices do nothing but complicate my life. So I’ve been selling a lot of possessions to simplify things. Gone is my Xbox, one iPod, monitor, and even my camera. I wouldn’t have thought it six months ago, but there definitely is some truth in the belief that you can easily become a slave to your possessions.


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