Monday, January 18, 2010

job application etiquette

Like many of you I’m on the hunt for a job, not an enjoyable experience at the best of times, but recently I have been getting really infuriated with employers and their HR departments. Maybe it’s something to do with the fact it’s so easy to find a job on the internet and fire off an email as opposed to writing a letter but the job application process has become so impersonal and rude!

And so I have complied my top grievances and recommendations for employers and HR departments on job application etiquette.

1. If you don’t want me to come for an interview, email me and tell me so. It won’t take long just a standard blah blah I’m sorry you are not suitable, just something that prevents me from continually holding on to the hope I will hear something back.

2. I have taken the time to meet you for an interview, so an email/ phone call/ letter to let me know I have been unsuccessful is polite. I’ve been to so many interviews and just heard nothing just a standard you have been unsuccessful will do, just don’t leave me hanging

3. I like to think there is no such thing as a bad interview as even if you don’t get the job you have the learning experience of the interview. So if I contact you for feedback after my interview the least you can do is give me some information and not just ignore my email.


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